Art Competitions

Graad 5-7 Kinderkuns-kompetisie

Inheems - Tienerkuns Kompetisie

This year the theme for our annual Children's 

Art Competition is 4 seasons in Eden's Garden.

Kids in Grade 5 tot 7 are invited to take part in this amazing competition.  Home-school kids are also welcome!

All the artwork will be exhibited at the Hessequa Harmonie Festival in Heidelberg from 17 to 22 September. 

For more info contact your local library.

Come and see the INHEEMS- Hessequa Highschool Art-competition's entries on Wednesday 25 October 2023 !

The 4 categories are :

Drawing , Graphic Design ,Painting , Photography 

🍁 13:30 - 19:00

🍁 Prizegiving starts at 18:00

🍁 Riversdale Civic-centre

🍁 Food and cooldrink will be sold.

Come and enjoy!!!!

Baie dankie aan Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve   en die fantastiese biblioteke van die Hessequa Municipality 

in samewerking met Gourits Cluster Bioshere reserve bied die Hessequa kunsroete spesiaal 'n kompetisie vir die tieners vir ons streek aan. Sluitings datum het aangeskuif na 13 Oktober om soveel leerders as moontlik kans te gee om deel te neem. Uitstalling vind plaas einde Oktober by die Riversdal stadsaal.

Ons hou die Kuns-Pot aan die kook!! 2023

Hier is 2023 se wenners.  van links na regs is Leane van Rensburg van Heidelberg en regs is Robyn Minnie van Albertinia.


Christiaan J. de Swardt is die hoof beoordelaar en sameroeper vir 2023 se kinderkuns kompetisie.

Organiseerders agter die skerms met die wenners. van links is kunstenaar Marilise Lombard, dan Leane en Robyn, Louise Kluyts en CJ de Swardt.

Links is die top 5 werke en regs is die top 20.

Kinderkuns 2022


This is a competition specifically for primary school students

Date: Month of May

Place: At different schools in the Hessequa area

Art will be exhibited at the Hessequa Harmonie Festival in September (20 -24 September)

Sypaadjie Kuns

High school learner art competition for the Hessequa region.

 Hessequa Art Route tries to promote the fine arts through the Hessequa region. One of our goals is to expose more learners in the region to art.

 Last year, in collaboration with the Hessequa Library services, we launched an art competition throughout the region.

 This year we would like to take it further and involve high schools in it as well.

 We realize that there are very few art activities throughout the region for high school learners and would like to try to involve the children with this project and show them that art is an activity that is very satisfying to practice and gives one a unique way. to live out yourself and experience the world around you.

 What is the plan?

 The schools in the region that want to participate arrange an afternoon or Saturday morning with the children who want to participate as an after-school activity. It can also be arranged that this happens during school time with the teacher of the creative arts for grades 8 and 9s.

 What is expected of school?

 Schools must provide a cement sheet space that is divided into blocks and the children draw with a chalkboard in these blocks. The chalk is sponsored by Heidelberg Spar.

 With the first rain, the art will wash off and the cement sheet will be clean again.

 The idea is to make the drawing process a social media moment for the school.

 Photos of the children's art will be uploaded on the school's Facebook page and the winners among the participating schools will be chosen on social media.

There will be 3 winners for the region.

 Prizes are individual art materials sponsored by Dala.

 We would also like to make the learners more aware of photography and in collaboration with 3 @ 1 from Riversdale have a prize for the best spirit cellphone photo taken. These photos are posted on the school's Facebook page and winners are chosen from among the schools. The photos must be taken with a cell phone.

The school that was most involved and the children that worked together the most are the winning schools.

This means that the winning school can design a selfie wall of their choice within a selfie framework in collaboration with Hessequa artists and that a Hessequa artist will place this space for the school on one of the school walls.

 The Art Route will take photos of the whole process and send a YOU Tube video "link" to the schools where learners can go and see what everyone who participated did.

 If you are looking for any more information you are welcome to contact Louise Kluyts at 082 3784126/028 7221080.

 Schools can decide for themselves what times will work for them and this is passed on to our artists. Each school will have artists who will work with the children within the school.

School's in acting during the first phase of the Art Competition


2022 Outreach well on it's way!


Albertnia learners 

Albertinia Library

HessequaLibraries are amazing