Girl Scouting 101

The Girl Scout Promise & The Girl Scout Law

The Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law serve as guidelines for all Girl Scouts to live by, in hopes that they build good character during their scouting journey.

Girl Scout History

In March 1912, Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts, brought together the first group of girl scouts in Savannah, Georgia. She wanted them to explore new possibilities and the wonders of the world around them—and she wanted them to do it together.  They played basketball. They hiked, swam, and camped. They learned to tell time by the stars. And most importantly, they shared a sense of adventure and a belief that they could do anything. Since then, the founding of Girl Scouts has grown to include nearly 2 million girls to create the spirit lifelong friendship and sharing adventure and the desire to do big things to make the world a better place.

Girl Scout Levels

Brownies: Grades 2-3

Juniors: Grades 4-6

Cadettes: Grades 6-8

Senior: Grades 9-10

Ambassador: Grades 11-12