Keynote Speaker

Peter Winkler

William Morrill Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Dartmouth College

Math Puzzles that You'll Think You Must Not Have Heard Correctly

Some mathematical puzzles have the property that when they are presented, questions are inevitably raised. Perhaps the puzzle seems to make no sense, or it asks for something to be proved that sounds trivially true or trivially false. Puzzles in this category turn out to be among the most amusing and/or educational in the puzzle repertoire. I'll present several of my favorites, some with solutions, some for you to think about on your own.


Peter Winkler is the William Morrill Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Dartmouth College.  He is the author of about 160 research papers and holds a dozen patents in marine navigation, cryptography, holography, gaming, optical networking, and distributed computing.  His research is primarily in combinatorics, probability, and the theory of computing, with forays into statistical physics.  He is a winner of the Mathematical Association of America's Lester R. Ford and David P. Robbins prizes.
For the academic year 2019-2020, Dr. Winkler served as Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics at the National Museum of Mathematics.
Dr. Winkler has written three books on mathematical puzzles, a book on cryptology in the game of bridge, and a portfolio of compositions for ragtime piano. His latest book is "Mathematical Puzzles," CRC Press, 2021.