Date: April 5, 2025

2025 Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

at Union College in Schenectady, NY

Registration is now open! The deadline for abstract submission/speaker registration is Sunday, March 16

 About the Conference

The Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (HRUMC) is a one-day mathematics conference held annually each Spring semester at rotating institutions, and attended by students & faculty from various universities, colleges, & community colleges in New York & New England (so far!). The first meeting was held in 1994 at Siena College in Loudonville, NY. The conference features short talks by students & faculty and a longer invited address by a noted mathematician. Lunch & other light refreshments are served.

The goal of HRUMC is to provide undergraduates with the experience of attending and/or presenting at a professional mathematics meeting designed primarily with the student in mind. We hope to establish at the conference an atmosphere that sends the message welcome to the mathematics community!

In light of this goal, we solicit student & faculty talks, scheduling them in concurrent sessions (organized by topic, as at AMS meetings). In particular, many sessions feature talks by both students and faculty. There are talks which appeal to specialists as well as talks which are accessible to first- & second-year students. Some talks describe original research done by faculty, students, or by students in collaboration with faculty, while others are more expository in nature.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Logo

Support for the 2025 Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference was provided by the National Science Foundation (Award #2429253). 

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the planning committee and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation