Accepted Papers

Designed identity & embodiment

"A Gender-Controlled Replication Study on Deconstructed Trustee Theory" (Alexandra Bejarano, Tom Williams) [PDF]

"Towards understanding the robot-mediated identity of telepresence" (Andriana Boudouraki) [PDF]

"Robot Costume Design: Identity as a Narrative" (Nathaniel Dennler, Amy O’Connell, Stefanos Nikolaidis, Maja Matarić) [PDF]

"Clothing for Robot Identity" (Natalie Friedman, Alexandra Bremers, Bolor Amgalan, Ray LC, AJ Parry, Kari Love, Wendy Ju) [PDF]

"Designing Re-embodiment and Telepresence metaphors for Augmented Reality facilitated Robotic Guidance" (Yifei Zhu, Tom Williams) [PDF]

Personal & social identity

"Who is a robot? A fundamental model of artificial identity" (Lux Miranda) [PDF]

"Social Injustice, Group Membership and Epistemic Trust in Robots" (Samantha Stedtler) [PDF]

"What Should Supportive Agents Aim to Be?" (Irene Lopatovska) [PDF]

"Creative Writers: Guardians of the Robot Galaxy" (Jorrit Thijn, Mike E.U. Ligthart) [PDF]

In the Shared World

"Robot Explanation Identity" (Amar Halilovic, Senka Krivic) [PDF]

"Can They Really Know You? Adaptability Considerations in the Era of Large Language Models" (Isabel Thomas) [PDF}

"More than just a Tool: People’s Perception and Acceptance of Prosocial Delivery Robots as Fellow Road Users" (Vivienne Bihe Chi, Elise Ulwelling, Kevin Salubre, Shashank Mehrotra, Teruhisa Misu, Kumar Akash) [PDF]

"The Utility of Non-Anthropomorphic Robot Identities" (Maria P. Stull, Bradley Hayes) [PDF]