High-Resolution Electron-Energy Loss Spectroscopy (HR-EELS)

HR-EELS is a powerful tool to probe any kind of excitations that emerge in a solid crystal such as plasmon, phonon, inter- & intra-band transition, and local vibrations. HR-EELS technique makes use of inelastic scattering of incident electrons with an energy of 5 ~ 200 eV with an optimal energy resolution of less than 0.5 meV, which exchange energy with the excitations.

Recent HR-EELS studies focusses on low-dimensional (1D) collective excitations, such as two-dimensional (2D) collective excitations of Dirac fermions, charge excitations in quasi-one-dimensional atomic chain, and topological properties of phonons.

A schematic of EELS with a mono-chromater and analyzer

The plasmon excitations provide experimental evidences of (left) the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behavior in a quasi-1D system, In/Si(111)-4x1, and (right) the survival of Dirac fermionic plasmon throughout the single-particle excitation regime in a prototypical 2D system, graphene.

Electronic correlations, such as a Mott-Hubbard type insulating phase and charge density waves, are observed as an energy gap in the HR-EELS spectra.

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