About Hwang Research Group
We study emergent phenomena in two-dimensional crystals. Through the formation of interfaces between atomically thin crystals, such as graphene, transition-metal dichacogenides, and topological insulators, and other exotic materials exhibiting different dimensionality, we search for strongly correlated electron phases in a two-dimensional limit using Angle-Resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy (ARPES).
Highlights (2024)
The Hall effect can be realized in the absence of external magnetic field and even spontaneous magnetization. This phenomenon called as non-linear Hall effect is realized in NbIrTe4 that persists up to room temperature, whose origin is anisotropic Berry curvature dipole induced by broken inversion symmetry of the crystal. This project was carried out by Dr. Ji-Eun Lee.
IF=14.7, JCR ranking top 5.97%
Highlights (2023)
SnSe is known to be a thermo-electric material with the highest efficiency. One of the origins of the high performance is the multi-valence bands revealed by the ARPES measurements. This project was carried out by Dr. Ji-Eun Lee, Dr. Jinwoong Hwang, and Dr. Hyejin Ryu.
IF=13.4, JCR ranking top 6.7%