Identification of YSOs in IC1348


The young population in IC 1348

Class I: protostars

Class II: Classical T-Tauri stars

Class III: Weak T-Tauri stars and a portion of field stars

Transition disks

 In this work, I removed some contaminations that mimic the behaviour of  YSOS like SFGs, PAH emission, etc (on the left side).

On the right side, we see the different classes labeled in different colors using WISE bands. 

The spatial distribution of YSOs in IC1348


 Variability of T-Tauri stars in IC1 805

One of the distinctive properties of T-Tauro stars is variability. It occurs due to different mechanisms such as the change in accretion rate, rotational modulation, and the obscuration by the circumstellar environment.

We could use surveys like Zwicky Transient Facility to study YSOs light curves.

Please, take a look at some of ZTF lightcurves belonging to CTTS