About me:

Currently, I am a member of the WANDA group at the European Southern Observatory. I am looking for spectroscopic binaries in the cavities of transition disks using high-resolution spectroscopy.



[2016]  - [2022]

[Ural Federal Univeristy]:  Specialist's degree in Astronomy. 

[2016]  - [2022]

 [Ural Federal Univeristy]: Preparatory College 

Russian Language Course: Language of Science in Russian (Informatics, Physics, Maths), and Business Russian.

Work experience

[May 2023] 
WANDA member: PhD researcher 
Astronomy Tutor

 Research analyst Intern at NAMA Strategic Intelligence  Solutions
Data analysis, Translation, and Preparing reports.
[Oct.2022]  - [Dec.2022]

Math and Physics tutor

[Jul.2022]  - [Sep.2022]

Internship at the Ural Federal University

Telescope Data analysis and Photometry


Internship at 2.5-m telescope of Sternberg Astronomical Institute

Observation of YSOs to determine jets among the massive ones using ASTRONICAM spectrograph

I have conducted several projects to understand the star formation process. I used various catalogues like GAIA DR2/DR3,  AllWISE,  and ZTF to classify and study the variability among them.

Young stars are interesting objects to investigate. By observing them, we could explain the star & planet formation process that forms planetary systems like the one we reside in ' The Solar system'.