Workshop on Monitoring and Analysis for HPC Systems Plus Applications (HPCMASPA) will be held in conjunction with IEEE CLUSTER 2022 IN PERSON Sep 6-9th 2022.
HPCMASPA Workshop will be held on Sep 6th 2022.
High Performance Computing (HPC) has entered an exciting new era with unprecedented architectural diversity increases; complex workflows that may include simulation for model training followed by ML driven parameter exploration; integration of HPC analytics and storage into run time data feeds from instruments; and applications and programming models expanding far beyond the traditional MPI models. At the same time, advances in ML/AI and computing power have the potential to enable long dreamed-of advances in run time analytics and automated responses for improved, dynamic resource management.
This year, HPCMASPA expands its call to explicitly encourage exploration and discussion of forward-looking work to drive future directions in HPC Monitoring and Analysis!
HPCMASPA seeks full and short papers:
Position papers (Short/WIP), grounded in evidence, to drive future directions in HPC Monitoring, Analysis and Feedback.
New architectural designs and analytic methods.
New opportunities for monitoring and analysis from new computing considerations.
Possibilities for run time feedback and other responses.
Technical Papers (Full or Short/WIP) in areas including, but not limited to:
Data collection, transport, and storage methodologies.
Analysis of large-scale data and system information.
Response to and utilization of analysis results and insights.
Experience reports and system operations that use HPC Monitoring, Analysis and/or Feedback.
Paper Due (EXTENDED): Rolling submissions until July 06 (AOE)
Rolling Review Process: Approximate 2 week review process from submission date
Jul 22 - Paper Acceptance Notifications
Jul 25 - Camera ready papers