Paper Categories:
#1) Position papers, grounded in evidence, to drive future directions in HPC Monitoring and Analysis (Short/WIP)
Ideas include, but are not limited to:
New architectural designs, such as greater integration with system software and applications
New analytic methods, including how existing ML/AI algorithms might be adapted to apply to HPC monitoring data characteristics
New opportunities for monitoring and analysis due to new considerations in computing such as: workflows, instrument integrations, heterogeneous systems, and integration of Cloud and HPC
New possibilities for run time feedback, dynamic resource management, and other responses, including considerations of confidence in decision support
Position papers will require content addressing specific drivers from experience and realistic considerations. Review criteria will include soundness of principles, new insights presented, and potential for transformative directions.
#2) Technical Papers (Full or Short/WIP)
Data collection, transport, and storage methodologies
Analysis of large-scale data and system information
Response to and utilization of analysis results and insights (including run time and post run)
Experience reports and system operations that use HPC Monitoring, Analysis and/or Feedback.
Review criteria for technical papers will include technical soundness, significance and potential of work/results, and originality of work.
Paper Lengths:
Full -- 8 page + 2 additional reference only pages (TBD)
Short/WIP -- 4 page + 2 additional reference only pages (TBD)
Dates (AOE):
Paper Due (EXTENDED) : Rolling submissions until July 06 (AOE)
Rolling Review Process: Approximate 2 week review process from submission date
Jul 22 - Paper Acceptance Notifications
Jul 25 - Camera ready papers
Web-based submissions through EasyChair. Opens May 13th.
PDFs only.
Submissions must be compliant with the format used by IEEE Cluster. LaTex and Word templates can be found here.
NO additional pages can be purchased.
Submissions must be in English.
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the work associated with submission in accordance with the policies of IEEE Cluster.