
Your Contribution is Needed

HP Theatre Arts is solely funded by ticket sales, concession sales, Spiritwear sales, and your direct donations through Square - run by HTFF Highland Theatre Family and Friends) parent booster volunteers.  Below are the estimated costs for a recent production.

Rights and scripts: $738

Set design and build: $2500

Set materials: $250

Costumes: $100

Props: $100

Lighting and Sound: $800

Cast and crew dinner: $140

TOTAL: $4628

Please visit Square to contribute online donations that go directly to fund HP Theatre Arts. 

Your support is appreciated!

Donate to Concessions Sales

Concessions is a big fundraiser for Highland Theatre Family and Friends (HTFF).  Volunteers will sell your donated items during performances to help pay for cast meals, t-shirts, show posters, sets, props, and costumes.

Show your support by making a donation through Square.