
There is yet no table function in new sites.

However, there are work-arounds. One is to create one in Google Drawings and insert it from there.

Create the table in Google Drawings and share it, either publicly or to anyone with the link and copy the sharing link.

Use the embed URL function or upload the Drawing to your Drive and use the From Drive option.

N.B. this is an embedded item, so the table itself will not realign as the site responds to different device screen sizes, and will not get indexed in search. But when viewing on a mobile device (or a size that makes the table too small to read) Google Sites provides a link, in the top right corner of the drawing, to the full version.

Another is to embed an HTML Table.

  1. Write your own HTML and CSS for the table and copy
  2. On your new Google Site use the Embed option on the INSERT panel (<>)
  3. Choose the EMBED option and enter or paste your code
  4. Use NEXT to preview your code and if happy use INSERT to add your code
  5. Resize and move as appropriate.

Here is an example html to a table - 2 rows x 2 columns

<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>

n.b. . <th> is the table header row

The example html below includes the border lines of the table.




table, th, td {

border: 1px solid black;





<table style="width:100%">














