edit images

Edit images

Resize an image:

Select the image and then drag the sides or corners of the image. Hold the Shift key while dragging to keep the image ratio.

Move an image:

Drag the image to a different part of the section or to a new section. You can place the image wherever you see a highlighted area.

Note: Currently, you can’t place an image in a text box.

Crop an image:

  1. Select the image and then select Crop crop.
  2. Slide the dot to zoom in or out.
  3. Drag the image to change the visible portion.
  4. Click Done done.
  5. (Optional) To uncrop an image, click Uncrop crop_free.

NB Images can also be cropped by dragging the blue dots at the edge of the image. Press Shift on the keyboard to retain the aspect ratio.

Replace an image:

  1. Select the image.
  2. Click More more_vert > Replace image > Select image.
  3. Choose a new image file and click Select.

Add alt text to an image:

Alt text appears when someone hovers over an image on your site.

  1. Select the image and click More more_vert > Add alt text.
  2. Enter a description and click Apply.

Add a logo

Logos appear in the top navigation bar, next to the site name.

  1. Hover over the top of the page header and click Add logo image.
  2. Click Upload file_upload or Select images image.
  3. Select the logo and click Open or Select.
  4. (Optional) To change the color of the page header, underBackground, click the Down arrow arrow_drop_down and select a color.
  5. (Optional) To select a theme color based on your logo, in the Edit logo window, select a theme color.

Note: Logo files can be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format. For best results, the logo height should be at least 112 px.

Make an image a link

Select the image and use the link tool.