edit images
Edit images
Resize an image:
Select the image and then drag the sides or corners of the image. Hold the Shift key while dragging to keep the image ratio.
Move an image:
Drag the image to a different part of the section or to a new section. You can place the image wherever you see a highlighted area.
Note: Currently, you can’t place an image in a text box.
Crop an image:
- Select the image and then select Crop crop.
- Slide the dot to zoom in or out.
- Drag the image to change the visible portion.
- Click Done done.
- (Optional) To uncrop an image, click Uncrop crop_free.
NB Images can also be cropped by dragging the blue dots at the edge of the image. Press Shift on the keyboard to retain the aspect ratio.
Replace an image:
- Select the image.
- Click More more_vert > Replace image > Select image.
- Choose a new image file and click Select.
Add alt text to an image:
Alt text appears when someone hovers over an image on your site.
- Select the image and click More more_vert > Add alt text.
- Enter a description and click Apply.
Add a logo
Logos appear in the top navigation bar, next to the site name.
- Hover over the top of the page header and click Add logo image.
- Click Upload file_upload or Select images image.
- Select the logo and click Open or Select.
- (Optional) To change the color of the page header, underBackground, click the Down arrow arrow_drop_down and select a color.
- (Optional) To select a theme color based on your logo, in the Edit logo window, select a theme color.
Note: Logo files can be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format. For best results, the logo height should be at least 112 px.
Make an image a link
Select the image and use the link tool.