I have 2 desktops and 1 laptop. I bought the laptop with windows 10, use firefox and chrome and my 2 yahoo mail accounts no problem on the laptop, until a recent windows 10 update.Now I have no contacts and I can't manually insert contacts, it won't save them.I have 2 desktops both windows 7. I upgraded one in January. I don't normally use that computer so I was unaware of any yahoo mail issues. Desktop 2 is using version 18363.1016 while both the laptop and desktop 1 are on 19041.450.I finally gave in and upgraded my daily use computer to windows 10 yesterday 9/3/20. I now have no Yahoo contacts and it won't let memanually input them, it won't save them. So, Yahoo mail is affected on all 3 computers. I checked desktop 2 and there were no contacts there either.I called Microsoft support today, they did all kinds of things...I don't want to use the mail app, I want to use Yahoo mail. Oddly when I switched over to desktop 2 suddenly the contacts were there and everything worked fine . Nothing had been done to that computer...it is configuredexactly like the computer I use daily. The laptop and the desktop still do not have Yahoo contacts are are able to save contacts.No clue how I got them on desktop 2, no clue how to get them on laptop and desktop 1.HELP.Thanks

I just changed my Yahoo mail password and I am now experiencing this problem. The password works just fine on the web and iPhone mail. Generating a "third party app" provides me the error, "Sorry, this feature is not available at this time." Does anyone else have a solution?

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Having the same issue. I haven't gotten onto my email on my mac in quite sometime. It's usually used for some of the kids' homeschool things they have to do. So I needed to log onto my mac's email for something that would be easier to download from here. I couldn't remember my password (good at that), so I set up a new one, and now it won't show me anything and says failed to authenticate. I will say it's kinda nice to see others having this problem, so hopefully it's on their end and it'll get fixed.

Yes That us the option I use, but I need the Mail app to yahoo mail to send my clients invoices from Quickbooks for Mac. The email is a Yahoo account so I cannot change the email address. would be a pain to change my business email after 28 years

Eventually I had no choice but to attempt a system upgrade for that old imac. In fact, it worked like a charm. No more problems with yahoo mail. I went up to 10.12, Monterey, i.e. one before the most current. I highly recommend if you are in this situation to spend a week listing EVERY password and service you did or might use, and making sure you have some kind of backup password record, and THEN do the upgrade.

I have a new HP notebook and can't get my yahoo email to sync. It gives me an error saying that my yahoo email needs updating. I have removed the email from the notebook and tried reinstalling several times. I tried entering my yahoo email as gmail and it will still give me the same error. I have changed the setting several times and changed them back. WHen I pull my email up it says there are no new emails.

Some accounts such as Yahoo, need an App Specific password, INSTEAD of your usual sign in password when setting up your account.

To create one on Yahoo for example; log in to your account through your browser as you normally would to check your mail.

Then click this link: 


Click on Generate a Password, Name it something like Windows 10 Mail and highlight and copy (Cntrl+C) this password that is a series of 16 lower case letters.

Then, go to your mail app and paste this in as your new password for Yahoo. I found it easier just to delete the already established Yahoo account through the settings gear icon in the lower left of your mail app and start over.

Again, use this app password only for your Windows 10 mail app's Yahoo account. Your mail password remains the same.

Add your Yahoo! account as an IMAP account. To do this, follow the steps in Add an account using advanced setup above using imap.mail.yahoo.co.jp for your incoming mail server and smtp.mail.yahoo.co.jp for your outgoing mail server.

I have a Motorola Droid M with an email problem that is really annoying. I delete my Yahoo emails from my PC but they still show up on my phone until I get in there and delete all of them again. What is wrong with the way this is set up please?

Just an idea - do you have the Settings on your PC set to "Delete From Server" when they're delivered to your PC ??? Or are you suggesting that your using YAHOO online? (e.g., not Outlook or some other email software).

Not sure how my PC is set but Yahoo mail worked fine with my LG Vortex which I replaced with this Droid a month ago. Gmail does not have this issue. When I delete a Gmail on my PC, it comes off the phone as well. Now, I look on my phone and it's showing 201 emails in the Yahoo inbox!!! They all came back dating back to Dec 24th. My PC only shows 5 emails in it's inbox which is correct. Pretty cool phone except for this.

Well, your phone has it's own local storage (now?) ... So when your phone "syncs" up or downloads your email at any given moment, it's on the Phone's storage ... So even if you read it & delete it on your PC has no effect on the phone. Not sure how it worked with the Vortex ... maybe it was an "always online" email app & the msgs weren't stored on the phone ??

I don't understand what's going on at all. I delete the emails on both the PC AND the phone several times a day. These 201 emails that just showed up in my inbox had already been deleted over the last two weeks and magically reappeared this evening. It is going to be a real chore going back through and deleting these again w/o deleting the ones that I've been saving...

Tried that this afternoon. No change. New Yahoo emails show up in both places but need to be deleted separately unlike my other email accounts. Also strange is that there are 5 older emails on my PC that I am saving for future reference that do not show up on my phone(?)

Yahoo's new CEO is certainly making things happen at the company that's often looked upon as pass, even though it just recently leapfrogged Google in total unique users, according to comScore. A major overhaul of the company's leading photo site, Flickr, came this past spring, and now the venerable and market-leading Yahoo Mail gets the Marissa Mayer touch. Many news stories have described this redesign as Yahoo trying to "catch up" with Google Gmail, but Yahoo actually remains the webmail market leader, with just under 90 million users in the U.S. compared with Gmail's 75 million. And Gmail's interface has long had usability issues, with its latest redesign only adding to its troubles, making the phrase "catching up" even less apropos.

As with the Flickr update, along with the design tune-up comes a new pricing schedule: Ad-free Yahoo Mail will now cost you $49.99 a year, a stiff increase over the $19.99 of previous Yahoo Plus accounts (though existing Plus users can continue at the $19.99 rate). Another similarity with the Flickr changes is that free users get more: POP access, up to 200 mail filters, and mail forwarding.

The new Yahoo Mail design is clean, intuitive, and pleasing. The left rail has been simplified, with just 11 buttons, compared with the dozens of folders and "apps" that used to appear. It's also cleaner than Gmail's, which is a bit of a mess of folders and chat contacts that unexpectedly appear when you hover the mouse at certain spots. When you tap the folder icon in Yahoo, your subfolders slide out in a logical, expected way.

One aspect of the design is that ads are still more obtrusive than in competing webmail services: An often animated graphical ad appears in a bar down the right side, and there's also a text ad above the inbox button control bar. Clicking the arrow to hide the ad bar pops up a box offering a $5-a-month ad-free option. The excellent Outlook.com, by contrast doesn't show any ads while you have a message from a contact open, but Yahoo and Gmail do.

Thankfully, Yahoo has not followed Gmail in one inbox design choice: Like Outlook.com, it still offers mail previews that can take up the bottom or right side of the inbox. Of course, you can switch to no-preview mode, if you prefer the Gmail way.

Another thing I prefer in Yahoo Mail is that Contacts and Calendar appear in the same browser tab, where Gmail makes you open new tabs. Outlook.com email offers a solution midway between these two, with a main drop-down menu that switches the current window between the three functions.

Instant Messages

 You still get Yahoo Instant Messenger capability built into Yahoo Mail, but frankly, I don't know of many people who use it anymore. Its design in Yahoo Mail is well done, however, remaining on top of whatever else is going on in the mail window, and I think it's pretty cool that you can send SMS text messages to your friends' phones through it. You get the usual selection of emoticons, but no text formatting options. You also don't get Gmail's video and voice chat ability, which Outlook.com now offers through a Skype integration preview.

Yahoo Mail has been the lone big player not to offer POP access to view email in other clients for free, but this update fixes that shortcoming. It doesn't, however, offer the better IMAP access, which Gmail has long offered and Outlook.com recently made available. This, fortunately, doesn't stop you from adding your Yahoo Mail account to an iOS or Android mobile device's native mail client, which is really the most common need these days.

Just a quick word on speed: I didn't run timed comparison tests this time around, but I can say that I never waited an unreasonable amount of time for Yahoo Mail to display messages or perform other actions on my low-end laptop, though switching between calendar, inbox, and contacts could have been snappier.

Mail the New Yahoo Way

 Yahoo Mail's new, cleaner yet more customizable interface looks great and does the venerable Internet company proud. With this release, it catches up to other webmail services with the introduction of conversation view, but now lacks competitors' voice and video chat capabilities and ability to separate marketing, social network updates, and other nonessential emails. I do really like what Yahoo's doing with its email service, but it still unfortunately trails our Editors' Choice webmail service, Outlook.com, in several important ways. ff782bc1db

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