Due to security policies, this connector no longer supports enterprise accounts and Microsoft work accounts such as @.onmicrosoft.com.Instead, use the Office 365 Outlook connector, which has the same functionality as the Outlook.com connector. Although existing enterpriseconnections will continue to work for some time, new connections aren't allowed. Microsoft understands that switching connectors isn't trivial.However, this limitation is necessary to give customers better security controls. Connection attempts to accounts on a dedicated on-premises mail server,sandbox accounts, or test accounts might also result in an error.

The Outlook.com connector sends outbound requests to the Outlook REST API, which has a 60-second timeout interval for each single external request. If this external request limit is reached, the following error is returned:

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This operation sends an approval email and waits for a response from the recipient. Please refer to the following link regarding the support of actionable messages in different mail clients: -messages/#outlook-version-requirements-for-actionable-messages.

This operation sends an email with multiple options and waits for the recipient to respond back with one of the options. Please refer to the following link regarding the support of actionable messages in different mail clients: -messages/#outlook-version-requirements-for-actionable-messages.

To learn how to use this connector in Power Apps, go to Connect to Office 365 Outlook from Power Apps.Some of operations operate with Graph API. You can find Graph API IP addresses in Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges.

Item attachments: Email messages and calendar items that are attached to an email. Item attachments have many properties. These attachments are not supported by the connector at the moment. To workaround this issue, you can do the following:

For operations that don't support shared mailboxes yet, you can use a workaround with the Invoke an HTTP request action under the HTTP with Azure AD connector. When creating a connection for the HTTP with Azure AD connector, input text for both Azure AD Resource URI and Base Resource URL connection parameters. After it's created, you can go to Outlook mail REST API to set the URL, and optionally the request body to call its shared mailbox APIs. Some of the Outlook functions will only be available on the beta version of Graph API. The HTTP with Azure AD connector is a premium connector and won't be available if you are using the free version of Microsoft Power Automate.

Construct a Microsoft Graph REST API request to invoke. These segments are supported: 1st segement: /me, /users/ 2nd segment: messages, mailFolders, events, calendar, calendars, outlook, inferenceClassification. Learn more: -us/graph/use-the-api.

When you connect a tool or service to your inbox, you can keep current with content and updates from that service and other services that you frequently use. For example, let's say you want to follow news reports about your company's new product that's hitting the market. You could add the Bing News connector, configure it to send you links to topics of interest, and specify the frequency of delivery. When news headlines are sent to you, you will be able to read and share them with colleagues, just like you would with email.

The information from your connected services is delivered on rich connector cards. Some cards (Trello, Asana, GitHub, BitBucket, Twitter, and Wunderlist) include action buttons, such as Like, Comment, or Due Date, which allow you to take quick actions from Outlook rather than switching to other apps or logging in to other services. Here's an example of a card with action buttons:

Follow the instructions on the screen to set up the connector. (Not all connectors are integrated in the same way. Some can be configured entirely from within the Outlook user interface, while others require some set up on the service provider's site. Each connector includes set-up instructions to walk you through the process.)

Most connectors require a user account in order to hook them up. Once hooked up, they're known as connected accounts and are listed on the My Accounts page. The My Accounts page enables you to manage all of your connected accounts from one location.

You can receive connector messages on Outlook for iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone but won't be able to use the action buttons on the connector cards from those devices. You can only set up connectors from Outlook on the web.

When you start ZCO with a Click-to-Run version of Outlook, you might see a message box asking for permission to change the registry settings.This will happen if recent Microsoft Office updates have removed the ZCO created registry keys, which is required for Outlook search to work properly.Allow ZCO to reset the registry settings. If denied, outlook search might not work properly.

When I use the Asana Outlook connector (i.e. the buttons that appear above Asana emails) it always links to the browser version. I mostly use the desktop version. So how can I make it link to that instead?

The Amazon Kendra MS Exchange connector is available in all AWS regions where Amazon Kendra is available. To learn more about the connector, visit the documentation page or the Amazon Kendra connector library. To explore Amazon Kendra, visit the Amazon Kendra website.

Before reaching out for Support I did go through the steps to customize the ribbon (similar to the above). The Smartsheet connector was not listed as an available add-on to a new email ribbon. Just want to make sure it should be. If so, do I need to reinstall the connector?

Thank you, Genevieve. It appears that the add-in is only available when reading an email. If I open a received or sent email, the connector is visible. I can customize the ribbon to remove or add the connector. But when creating an email, the connector is not listed as being an available add-on to the ribbon.

Important: The Calendar connector and user both require a Microsoft Outlook client. The Calendar connector requires a Microsoft Outlook account. The account is separate to the Alfresco hosted environment and should be created and managed by an administrator.

To authenticate with Microsoft Outlook 365 you create a new connection. The connector makes use of OAuth2 for authentication and authorization purposes. You will be prompted with a popup screen to consent a list of permissions for Qlik Application Automation to use. The Oauth scopes that are requested are:

The scope of this connector has been limited to only sending emails. Currently, we do not enable sending email attachments and are looking to provide this functionality in the future. The suggested approach is to upload files to a different platform, e.g. Onedrive or Dropbox and create a sharing link that can be included in the email body.

To access your Outlook 365 data, you need to authenticate the connector with your Outlook 365 account credentials. After you create a connection, select Outlook 365 as your data source, select the prompt/consent level, and select Authenticate. You are redirected to an Outlook 365 login page. Log in with your credentials to retrieve an authentication code, and enter it into the connector.

Microsoft Office is one of the most widely used software products. Many business processes rely on the end user using the Office applications to reference data from an Excel spreadsheet, create documents in Word, or send emails using Outlook. To enable you to automate processes that involve Office, Pega Robot Studio provides connectors for the following Office products:

Select the connector you wish to use and drag it to the automation surface. Pega Robot Studio adds the connector to the GlobalContainer. The connector is also in the Globals section of the Palette tab for easy inclusion in an automation. ff782bc1db

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