Product: The Sims 4

Platform:Xbox Series X

Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)

What is your current game version number?

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Backyard Stuff, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Desert Luxe Kit, Dine Out, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack, For Rent, Get Famous, Get to Work, Growing Together, High School Years. Horse Ranch, Island Living, Kids Room Stuff, Laundry Day Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Realm of Magic, Seasons, Spa Day, Strangerville, Vampires, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Werewolves

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? not sure what triggered it

What happens when the bug occurs? My rental units doubled. There's a duplicate of all 4 of them in the Owned Businesses tab

What do you expect to see? There shouldn't be a duplicate

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? On console - never used.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure

I have 4 rental units and for some reason they all got duplicated if you check the pictures i attached. I don't know what triggered them. I tried restarting the game, restarting my xbox series x but it's still there.

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I'm on PC. I will add that each copy of each unit shows the correct tenant but the rent on one unit is the rent I set and the rent on the duplicate units is -$1. The panel also indicates that I'm getting charged the $50 tax on both the actual units and the fake duplicated units.

Product: The Sims 4

Platform:PlayStation 5

Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

What is your current game version number? 22.0

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Too many to list

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? It shows in the HUD under owned business. When you open to set agreement and fill vacancies.

What happens when the bug occurs? It creates two of each unit as available at different rental rates sometime with different rules.

What do you expect to see? Only the exact number of units on the lot.

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? On console - never used.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I am playing as the Property Owner. I currently have 4 units on my lot. I live in one, so I have three available for rent. When I open the HUD for business owned my property says I have seven units and shows a duplicate of each available unit for rent.

@PogaeusI have this too. To fix it I went into build mode and "Assign all rooms to this unit" (after I evicted everyone but the owner). Then assign all the units again. It fixed it temporarily but when I reloaded the game the glitch was back. My rent is also messed up because it keeps reverting back to -$1

Had this issue too. Displays incorrectly on sims panel but the lot panel shows the correct number (7). Cannot select tenants after selecting rules/rent (won't progress to the next screen.)

I have purchased one rental residential with two units. I have successfully played and things have behaved as expected. I am able to recreate this issue in my save by purchasing a second rental residential (units already divided.) This shows the duplicate amount of units in the sims panel though displaying the lot info correctly.

I went into manage worlds and set the second lot back to a residential then purchased it, traveled to it and then the residential rental menu wasn't displaying correctly. See photo. First unit name was not auto-filled in as expected and was not able to designate which rooms belong to which unit. It's like the game still thinks it's residential, but half rental residential? No mods installed.

The only way I was able to fix mine was saving my household to the gallery, and moving them to a new save. I think it breaks when you try editing the spaces/rooms/units and which rooms belong to what.

I have had this problem as well. I have tested this may different ways and i think it has to do with switching back and forth from build/buy/live mode, but only when you play as the property owner and live in a unit. I've only had one save where I've been successful in not causing this as a property owner:

Should mention rotational play within unit when occupied by owner that was also played, made the units duplicate when returning to owner. Been almost a whole sim season and i have not caused this again. fought through to get my sim the aspiration then sold and rebought. So far have not tried this in the new world, this save and rental were in willow creek.

None of the workarounds worked for me. I couldn't even bulldoze the lot because some unknown Sim "stole"

 it from my Sim (game just changed owners on its own). The new owner is not in the world. Deleting her (as an unplayed Sim) via Household Management didn't change ownership.

As the year comes to an end, gamers are looking far and wide for units of Sony's PlayStation 5 and Microsoft's Xbox Series X/S. Thankfully, Walmart just announced that it will have more units available on Tuesday.

Luckily, gamers will have a chance at securing their very own consoles shortly, even after Best Buy sold out of its allotments almost immediately earlier today. We don't know how many units will be available via Walmart, but we always recommend following Wario64 on Twitter for up-to-the-minute updates on the situation.

Of course, the site may be flooded with customers, but you can try your best to get in and place your order for one of these Sony next-gen consoles. If you're wondering what the difference is between the PS5 and the PS5 Digital, the digital system doesn't have a disc drive and can only play digital games.

Gamers may have an easier chance getting this console than the PS5, since it's been out for a couple of days longer. But you'll still want to know the difference between the Series X and the Series S.

The Series X is the more expensive and the more powerful system. It's also the console that has a disc drive. The Series S does not have a disc drive, so players will need to purchase games digitally for this system.

Another factor to consider is using a device that you trust. While laptops and computers are usually safe, if too many tabs are open or something is running in the background that takes up a lot of memory, it may force your computer to refresh and lose your progress. Many people say that using a phone has been the best way to grab consoles like these, so consider that for your next attempt. 152ee80cbc

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