If none of the matrix elements are given, return the transformationmatrix as a tuple of 4 elements.Otherwise set the given elements and transform the turtleshapeaccording to the matrix consisting of first row t11, t12 andsecond row t21, t22. The determinant t11 * t22 - t12 * t21 must not bezero, otherwise an error is raised.Modify stretchfactor, shearfactor and tiltangle according to thegiven matrix.

Set or disable undobuffer. If size is an integer, an empty undobuffer ofgiven size is installed. size gives the maximum number of turtle actionsthat can be undone by the undo() method/function. If size isNone, the undobuffer is disabled.

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If no arguments are given, return current (canvaswidth, canvasheight). Elseresize the canvas the turtles are drawing on. Do not alter the drawingwindow. To observe hidden parts of the canvas, use the scrollbars. With thismethod, one can make visible those parts of a drawing which were outside thecanvas before.

Turn turtle animation on/off and set delay for update drawings. Ifn is given, only each n-th regular screen update is reallyperformed. (Can be used to accelerate the drawing of complexgraphics.) When called without arguments, returns the currentlystored value of n. Second argument sets delay value (seedelay()).

The functional interface for turtle graphics uses the various methods ofTurtle and TurtleScreen/Screen. Behind the scenes, a screenobject is automatically created whenever a function derived from a Screenmethod is called. Similarly, a turtle object is automatically createdwhenever any of the functions derived from a Turtle method is called.

Create and write docstring-dictionary to a Python script with the givenfilename. This function has to be called explicitly (it is not used by theturtle graphics classes). The docstring dictionary will be written to thePython script filename.py. It is intended to serve as a templatefor translation of the docstrings into different languages.

If you want to use a different configuration which better reflects the featuresof this module or which better fits to your needs, e.g. for use in a classroom,you can prepare a configuration file turtle.cfg which will be read at importtime and modify the configuration according to its settings.

The entries exampleturtle and examplescreen define the names of theseobjects as they occur in the docstrings. The transformation ofmethod-docstrings to function-docstrings will delete these names from thedocstrings.

The Turtle methods shearfactor(), shapetransform() andget_shapepoly() have been added. Thus the full range ofregular linear transforms is now available for transforming turtle shapes.tiltangle() has been enhanced in functionality: it now canbe used to get or set the tilt angle. settiltangle() has beendeprecated.

turtle is a pre-installed Python library that enables users to create pictures and shapes by providing them with a virtual canvas. The onscreen pen that you use for drawing is called the turtle and this is what gives the library its name. In short, the Python turtle library helps new programmers get a feel for what programming with Python is like in a fun and interactive way.

Cool, right? This is just one of many different drawings you can make using the Python turtle library. Most developers use turtle to draw shapes, create designs, and make images. Others use turtle to create mini-games and animations, just like the one you saw above.

You now have your screen and your turtle. The screen acts as a canvas, while the turtle acts like a pen. You can program the turtle to move around the screen. The turtle has certain changeable characteristics, like size, color, and speed. It always points in a specific direction, and will move in that direction unless you tell it otherwise:

When you run these commands, the turtle will turn right by ninety degrees, go forward by a hundred units, turn left by ninety degrees, and move backward by a hundred units. You can see how this looks in the image below:

The screen is divided into four quadrants. The point where the turtle is initially positioned at the beginning of your program is (0,0). This is called Home. To move the turtle to any other area on the screen, you use .goto() and enter the coordinates like this:

You can increase or decrease the size of the onscreen turtle to make it bigger or smaller. This changes only the size of the shape without affecting the output of the pen as it draws on the screen. Try typing in the following commands:

You can change these according to your preference. In the example given above, you can see a visible difference in the appearance of the turtle. For more information on how you can change the size of the turtle, check out the Python turtle library documentation.

Now, just imagine if you had ten different turtles. Changing all of their characteristics would be extremely tiresome for you to do! The good news is that you can reduce your workload by altering the parameters in just a single line of code, like this:

Sometimes, you may want to move your turtle to another point on the screen without drawing anything on the screen itself. To do this, you use .penup(). Then, when you want to start drawing again, you use .pendown(). Give it a shot using the code that you used previously to draw a square. Try typing the following code:

This will clean up your screen so that you can continue drawing. Note here that your variables will not change, and the turtle will remain in the same position. If you have other turtles on your screen other than the original turtle, then their drawings will not be cleared out unless you specifically call them out in your code.

You now have to create the two turtles that will represent the players. Each turtle will be a different color, corresponding to the different players. Here, player one is green and player two is blue:

To try it yourself, follow the PyCharm installation instructions, then typesome turtle graphics code, as in the example above. Finally, from the Run menu,choose Start Live Turtle. You should see a preview of your turtle graphics. Youcan also watch my demo video.

Still, I sometimes like to run the regular turtle graphics code to see theanimation of how the turtle moves along its path. The same turtle code will runin live coding mode as in the regular turtle window.

That gave me the idea to see how it would dealwith a spiral, so I made the turtle go around the star five times, and made thesides longer and longer. That was cool, a striped star! Then I made it goaround 50 times, and it filled the screen.

Visit pythonturtle.org to get a taste of Turtle without having python pre-installed. The shell in PythonTurtle is a full Python shell, and you can do with it almost anything you can with a standard Python shell. You can make loops, define functions, create classes, etc. 

You can access these codes for wonderful turtle programs here 

Concretely, we'll write a program that moves a turtle object horizontally until it reaches our calculated finish line. Then we will create seven unique replicas of this turtle object using a for loop along with different colors and random moving speeds.

Finally, we will prompt the user to enter their bet (turtle color) so that if a user's bet color matches our winner turtle's color, we will display Winner! on the screen. Otherwise, we'll display You Lost! on the screen.

So let's import Turtle and Screen from the turtle module. Call this Screen in a new variable called screen. Then, call the screen.exitonclick() function to stop the program when we click on the screen.

Here you can see that the turtle has moved to our desired location. So, we can take the y position in a global variable and add different types of values for positioning our turtles on their respective roads.

So for index in range(0, 7) and then move our existing turtle instance in this loop. And of course, we have to change y to our global y positions variable and get their indexes in order.

So as you can see, we have seven turtle instances created equally with different y locations. Let's add some random colors by using a global colors variable as we did for the y positions. Then use the color(colors[index]) method with their indexes.

So, we can take a global variable called all_turtle and set it to an empty list. Now, in the for loop, after creating seven new turtle instances, we can append our new born turtle to this global all_turtle list. This way we can access them in other code blocks.

Now we have all our turtles. So, while our is_on variable in true, we can say all_turtle.forward(10). Also, here we need to use a for loop again to get each turtle from this all_turle global variable and then move them forward by 10 pixels.

To let the user enter their bet, we can write screen.textinput and with a placeholder 'Enter your bet'. We'll also prompt the user "which turtle color" and store it in a global variable user_bet.

Then we take a variable winner. We check if winner == user_bet which will come from the user's input color. We print You Won, Otherwise, You lost with the turtle winner's color. That's why we have to use an f-string to pass the variable in the print method.

Now, we'll use them when we want to show the user the racing results. So when the winner turtle color is equal to the user_bet color, we have to show the text in the canvas instead of printing it in the terminal.

To do this, we write turtle.write() and past the print statement along with font=FONT and align=ALIGN. Else, we need to show the text "You lost" with the same variable FONT and ALIGN. See, this is the benefit of using global variables. e24fc04721

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