and of course i am freaking out because i cant afford a new laptop. i have 60 steam games, that i use steam link app on a shield and tablet to play those games on TV. i think i can still play the games locally on the potato laptop, but without the steam client, no cloud saves, patches / game updates, and most importantly no steam link, since it needs the steam client open to work. laptop is too old to upgrade to windows 10 or 11.

Once you have installed wine, you can download the Windows version of steam and install it. Then you run this version of steam through wine and download your windows games. I have had mixed success with this approach, but in many cases it's better than dual booting.

How To Download Steam On Windows 10


I have been having this issue where team fortress 2 native refuses to launch with the following output. As you can see from the output, it's trying to launch hl2.exe. Every time I start steam, team fortress 2 "updates" and replaces the linux native files with the windows files even though proton is not checked. The way I fix it is by force checking proton, then unchecking it immediately after which it performs an update and the linux native files are back.

While this method "works", it is quite annoying and inconvenient to do this every time I launch steam. I am wondering if there is any way to fix this and would appreciate any help with this issue. Thank you

First thing I would do is check if the option "Keep games saves in the Steam Cloud for " is checked. If you still have game saves from a time when you played on windows (friends house, vm etc.), it may still be trying to use the windows saves and then messing up the files. Also, a messy-er solution if you don't play any other games would be to uncheck proton in steam settings, as it may make it stop (just a guess idk).

One thing I'm curious about, maybe try updating the game through SteamCMD (I've never done it but I assume you can), and see if it gives some sort of weird output

Hope this helps!

Uninstall TF2, delete anything left over in its directory, and also in the pfx compat data (in .steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata in your home directory by default, ) delete or rename the 440 directory.

Well if you did it in 5 hours that is not so bad. Where I am I need at least 20 hours. (Dominican Republic)

So I see several people have problems. It must be windows 11 issue. I installed 11 because I have a 13th gen cpu that should work better than W10.

But maybe i stick with w10. W11 seems unstable.

Wait to see if others post a miracle solution.

Looking to see how progress on using windows has been going? Is it fully functional yet or are there still lots of bugs? I have not been able to find much info on this that's more than 6 months to a year old. Just got my deck today and would much rather use windows.

I wanted to know if there is a way to check if a steam game is running or not programatically, knowing its steamid, on Windows.I know about the fact that each game has its registry key in which there is a Running value.However, this value doesn't seem to work for all games. For example, it works for me for Undertale : it updates instantly both on opening and closure. The issue is Rocket League running value doesn't change at opening. I don't know if this issue happens for other games, or if it's only happening with Rocket League, but the solution doesn't seem to be good enough in this case.

For people who are wondering, I found a solution.At HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam there is a RunningAppID value which will take the currently running game steamid as value. This one has been 100% reliable until now for me so I believe it's the solution I was seeking for.Hopefully it helps you too.

We've completely overhauled the in-game overlay (accessible via Shift+Tab while in-game). It's got a brand-new user interface, adding new utility and allowing for more customizability. There is a new toolbar, giving you access to anything you may need in the middle of a game - friends chat, achievements progress, guides, discussions, a browser, and more. We've picked a few overlay windows to show by default, and you can pick and personalize the pieces of content you'd like to see in your own overlay - settings are saved between games.

We've also added the ability to pin windows from the overlay, so that they can appear on top of the game - while in-game. The opacity level of these windows is adjustable, and only the contents of the window will be pinned, excluding the title bar and other extraneous UI. This new functionality is available for Notes, Guides, Discussions, Achievements, and the web browser. This feature is perfect for keeping track of progress or guides while in-game, or for multi-tasking maniacs who love to have a movie on in the background while they game.

And that's not all! The overlay now includes a Game Overview panel: your one-stop shop to see what's going on with the game since you last played it. It shows what achievements you have in progress, which friends are also playing, top guides, news, and more. In addition, the browser, achievements, and screenshot manager windows have been updated (both in the overlay and in the desktop client). ff782bc1db

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