@Mike Culnane my theory was correct. For some reason, and I cannot explain this, when you change your site homepage from the default, it will place the name of the newly anointed Home Space in between your Logo (which takes you to the new home page) and the Home option (which takes you to the default/old home page).

Hi, I am creating a website with multiple pages with a home/menu bar down the side. This menu bar is meant to be visible on every page. I have created the menu on my home page as a floating group so that it stays in place even when the user scrolls. I have previously made a repeating element and used this to add the menu bar to the other pages, however, I found that it did not stay in place when scrolling as it was no longer a floating group (on the pages I copied it to). It also did not update which is what I need it to do.

So, what I am trying to work out is how to make the menu bar get on all the pages with the workflow, and to update it automatically. For example, if I add a button to the menu bar on the home page, the button will be visible and have the workflow associated with it on all the other pages. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance for your help!

How To Download Software Updates From The Home Menu

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You just have to make sure that the type of element of the reusable element is a floating group and not a group. You can open the window to change the element type by clicking anywhere on the page.

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I have five rokus and three Roku TVs and I keep buying them because I love my feed. Pictures everything from my saved list that's available. It's the only reason I like the Roku better than the fire stick. You got rid of it and now it's not any better than the fire stick. I can't find any new episodes of anything that I watch or any movies that might be available without searching for them every time I want to watch tv. Please bring my feed back. Look at all these people asking for it back. I don't know who decided to get rid of it but the Roku sucks now. I don't even like watching TV anymore. I have to keep her handwritten list of the shows I watch and what app they're on and what day they're on when before they just showed up on my feed when they were available. PLEASE BRING IT BACK. NOBODY LIKES THE NEW MENU.

Please be aware that "My Feed" is changing to "Save List." Add any shows you find while searching and browsing Roku by pressing the star button on your remote and selecting "Add to Save List." Your Save List appears in "What to watch" on the Home screen menu.

it seems like once every week or two, some nonsense i don't want to see and never asked for shows up on my home screen. last week it was "Recommendation rows." i don't want this. today it was a "Spiderwick Chronicles" item in my menu. i don't want this. every holiday, and every big "streaming release" day, something else is added to my home screen. i don't want this. sometimes there's some random low-rent **bleep** on the bottom left of my home screen. i don't want this. stop doing this. stop giving me things i didn't ask for. stop force feeding me ads i don't want, for content i won't watch, then making it my job to disable it - when i'm even allowed.

i'm annoyed to the point where i'm considering throwing all of my roku gear in the e-cycling bin. and get this: i have a handful of rokus i use every day, like a lot of your customers. i'm so frustrated with this bs that i'm considering switching to a Chromecast with Google TV, since they support most of the channels i subscribe to, and i can cast anything they don't support much, much easier from my computer. in fact i already bought one of those Google things. it's pretty okay.

jesus christ. i don't know if this is the final straw or not, but i am frankly furious that roku is making roku advertisements for content i'm never going to watch my problem. and i'm tired. i want an opt-out option, and i want it yesterday. i pay for a number of subscription services; i'd pay a few bucks a month to not see your clumsy, ugly, intrusive, annoying ads and text and and and... on my home screen and in my menu. i bet a lot of people would. it's a win-win approach, and the fact that i can't turn this **bleep** off is asinine and a missed opportunity for your company. roku has become anti-consumer, but roku isn't the only game in town. i still think it's the best game in town, but i am personally very quickly approaching the sheer edge of the cliff you're pushing me towards.

give your customers a chance to give you some money instead of trying to get "all the money" from advertisers. the thing about that is at some point, you'll hit a critical mass of users defecting from your platform because of these minor annoyances piling up into major problems. what happens to your advertising dollars if your daily user counts diminish? i wonder! it's an unforced error, and it's death by a thousand cuts - except roku is ultimately cutting itself. if you lose someone who's been using your products for 15 years, someone who's used almost every generation of device you've ever produced, and someone who recommends to and purchases your products for other people, you've completely lost the thread. that someone is me by the way, in case it wasn't clear.

so: either knock it off or give me a reasonable option to purchase an ad-free premium service. i won't even get into the weeds of your company breaking muscle memory, which hurts user retention, which damages your brand, or how being constantly inundated with advertisements has exactly the opposite effect of what companies think, etc. but you guys are walking a very, very fine line here, and every single time i see one of these unwanted, obtrusive ads blasted into my eyes when i go to watch a youtube video, i'm adding another notch to the post. there's only enough room for a couple more notches, maybe.

Yep!!! I have literally about had it. Every TV in my house has a Roku (about 8 or 9) with a travel Roku and some older ones I've replaced. I bought into Roku YEARS ago, because I liked the simplicity of the remote, the layout of the UI, and the fact that everyone "intuitively" can work it.

But I will say, recently I've had the exact same feeling. Every day, whenever I turn on a TV, I spend 5 minutes going through and removing all the **bleep** Roku automatically turns back on or installs. It is absolutely absurd. No joke...

I am constantly hiding what to watch, recommendations, my offers, featured free, etc... on a bunch of devices. Only to wake up and find out I have to do it all over again. If it doesn't stop, I am literally throwing EVERY SINGLE ROKU DEVICE IN THE TRASH. Sorry for the allcaps but I thought a bot may pick it up.

I absolutetly agree. I just got on the Roku support chat to complain and the "person" I was chatting with told me to take a picture of the problem so they could identify it. IT IS THEIR OWN ADD FOR THEMSELVES. That is the problem. There is only one. I don't need to take a photo of it. I am talking about this NEW intrusive loud obnoxious ad for ROKU TV. Now if I pause YouTube, it shuts off and the ROKU TV ad comes on. And I have to get out of THAT and find the YouTube channel on the menu again, start it up, and find the video I was watching. Roku is shooting themselves not just in the foot but in the heart. I am about to give up. As if the nonsense of their pushing content wasn't enough. I have several ROKU devices including a new ROKU TV. I want to haul it all out to the dumpster after I go after it with a hammer. This is madness!

86% of their profits come from ad related sales and just 14% comes from sale of hardware. They are selling the screen that we bought and paid for to the highest bidder. Let's see if they delete, ban and block me here like they did on R#d#it.

Mi Home app has received bigger update during last few months. I noticed that GUI is a bit different and I can't find the Roborock S5 vacuum settings menu anymore from updated Mi Home app. I mean the menu where you could change language, do maintenance, check firmware update, etc.

I chatted with support and we found explanation for this. I had dark mode in use on my phone and therefore the 3 dots on right upper corner were not visible. Even they were not visible I could enter to settings menu by pressing there with my finger. Disabling the dark mode from Mi Home app so that it does not follow the phone's general settings made the 3 dots visible.

Apparently you are looking at a screen different from mine. There is no way to check for updates and since the State of Wisconsin is missing a schedule I, I am not able to file either my state or federal taxes. Why would anyone be blocked from filing a perfectly valid federal form?

I understand you tried to E-file and TT says check for updates, but software appears to be up-to-date when you make the check. Try signing all the way out and signing back in. Then check the online menu for updates. Be sure to monitor your screen during the process for any messages or instructions.

I have finished our 2019 Federal Taxes on TurboTax Home and Small Business but was unable to e-file and it said I needed to go to TurboTax menu and check for all the latest update and download and the try to file.

The CD request I go back to a previous addition. My taxes are ready to file and I am concerned that by doing so all my current entered data will be deleted of over wrote. I can't file find where to find the menu for 'Online'. Check for Updates

If you're on a PC, open TurboTax and select Check for Updates from the Online menu near the top. On a Mac, simply quit and reopen TurboTax. If there are any updates, you'll be prompted to download them. 152ee80cbc

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