Anyone happen to know of a calculator that is similar to the PhotoMath app for iPhones and I think Android too that allows you to input just about any equation or expression and it not only tells you the answer but also gives the steps that are taken to solve? I find that just looking at the steps with a visual is more beneficial most of the time than listening to the teacher teaching it. That way I don't have to rely solely on my phone. Thanks in advance

I need a software that will enable me to solve any equation (that is imputable into the ti84 calculator). For example, if I wanted to solve x+5=0 solve for X, I'd just plug that equation into some field and have it spit out x=-5.

How To Download Photomath On Calculator

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I think the TI-84 does have functions to do that for simpler equations, but once you get into using polynomials and whatnot, the calculator can't handle that. So is there some sort of all-in-one equation solver software for the TI-84 PLUS CE PYTHON EDITION?

Back in 5th grade I, like a lot of kids, was pretty fascinated with calculators. While I was growing up my dad had an older one with LED numbers that gave me lots of nerdy enjoyment while I multiplied and divided random numbers together. Later, as my math skills progressed, I asked my parents for fancier scientific calculators so I could do trigonometric functions, calculate logarithms, and do things like arbitrarily raise numbers to the 5th power. By the time I was in 7th grade there was rumors that we would be required to buy graphing calculators for that year's math classes. Sadly, it never happened (and I never did get a graphing calculator).

However, there are tons of great calculator apps out there that do amazing, out of the box things. I've actually tried very few of them (after all, how many calculators does someone need?). I've liked CalcBot as a small step up from the built in calculator, and PC Calc seems to be widely regarded as one of the best full featured calculator on the app store. Soulver is kind of a cross between a spreadsheet and a calculator that I find really useful for certain tasks. MyScript Calculator has the amazing ability to interpret mathematical symbols and numbers that you write on the screen with your finger and then solves the problem.

From the white box at the bottom it appeared to be scanning the formula correctly, but the answer it was giving was different than the answer in the book (the yellow arrows in the picture above illustrate this). At first I was puzzled, but then I realized I've run into similar problems when writing optics calculator programs. Programming languages usually accept radians for trigonometric functions, and this textbook problem was using degrees. Sure enough, when I converted the degrees to radians the answer agreed with the textbook. So, lesson learned: Computers are great tools, but you can't blindly trust them. Programs take an input, process it, and return an output accurately, but sometimes they process things differently than you expect them to!

Math Solver is dedicated to help students solve maths equation in simple manner and teach them how solve math problems step-by-step. Our goal is to cover as many equation solver apps and calculators to raise awareness among students.

Just like a calculator makes multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction faster, the Photomath app makes different algebraic equations easier. This will help in multi-step equations, by cutting down the amount of little mistakes that could be made. This way one little mistake will not ruin the entire problem.

Photomath is a mobile app described as a "calculator camera"[1] that uses the phone's camera to recognize math equations and display a step-by-step solution on the screen. The app was released in October 2014. In 2016, the app began recognizing handwriting in addition to printed text.[2]

This is an incredible app and one that really has to be seen to be believed. In fact, after having used it for a few months I am still amazed at how well it works. PhotoMath is the world's first camera calculator. All you have to do is point the camera on your tablet or smartphone towards a mathematical expression, and within seconds PhotoMath will display the correct result. Not only that but it will also detail the steps necessary for arriving at this solution and does so in a clear and very easy to follow format. 


 PhotoMath could obviously be used by students to cheat in exams and class tests but it is also a wonderful way to check your answers. Just as many students will tap a sum into a calculator after working on long a multiplication problem, they can now use PhotoMath to ensure they have completed equations correctly. If they have made an error, students can press the steps button to reveal the full step-by-step solution. In this way they can quickly see where it was they went wrong. Brilliant!


 The app is not able to read handwriting but copes very well with most forms of text. The only difficulty I have encountered is if two or three equations are close together on a page. It can then be difficult to get the camera close enough to have just the equation you want in the scan box. Where this has been an issue I have simply keyed the equation I want to check into my computer and then scanned it from the screen. This works perfectly.

PhotoMath Camera Calculator Today ads on educational apps are popping up every now and then. The current scenario of education is changing its face too. So an app that could address the problem of mathematics would be something which everybody would be waiting for. For me, mathematics is a subject for which I need help from every corner I could get. To avoid the embarrassment of asking people the simple calculations, I was searching for an automatic solution from the Play Store. A list of apps got listed out of which the name "Photomath" grabbed my attention and I just gave it a try simply for the heck of it. I wanted to see if it is going to be of any help to my little one with his math homework with a step by step guide to solve mathematical problems. The app says that it is specifically crafted to help students with their home assignments in maths from the smartphone. It will give step by step instruction towards a mathematical solution teaching them how to do it. More than letting the student get the help, I wanted it for myself to check whether what he is doing is correct and needs to be done the same way. Looking at the app what appeared to me at a glance was that, the app has an interesting appearance with all its functionality at place. But when I started using it, I felt it could be more complete and recommendable if it includes some more features and trim off some flaws that are still lingering.

How it WorksPhotoMath is primarily a program where there is a camera which is used for solving equations. To start with, the students need to point the device at an equation and then after waiting for a few seconds the equation would start getting scanned. It's then, when the solution would automatically appear on the screen. Here one can tap on a button to have a look at the steps which are to be taken to solve the problem. There would be several icons on the main screen like the icon that lists all recently scanned equations and their solutions, the information icon and the brightness icon. 

Features at a Glance

There is a highly responsive camera calculator.

The math keyboard does a good job

They provide you Step-by-step solution to major mathematical kinds of problems.


Photomath includes:


Decimal numbers




Linear equations and more.

Problems of algebra, trigonometry, integrals, and derivatives are also included but currently one has to work without much detailed step by step solutions but they announced that they would be coming in near future.

Can It be Used by TeachersIf we have to go ahead with the teaching methodology, then any app like PhotoMath ca be one such bigger step towards it. It is more like an instructional tool that can be used on a big screen for the entire class. Now the older methods of hand written calculations on heavy exercise books can be smoothly replaced by this hand held app where the communication between the students and the teacher can be recorded at every step and all the steps of mathematical calculations can be repeated as many number of times without making the students feel embarrassed about it.

The GoodPhotoMath is an app that is based on simplicity and it has got an intuitive design that goes perfectly well with its responsive interface. The UI is non-messy with a prominent focus on its functionality which I liked the most. The idea of taking snaps of a math problem is simply unique and loading down the solution with a step by step instruction is just magical. The app does not even ask you to take the snaps in that sense. It is only that a math problem has to be fed in the given field, and the app will automatically scan it to come up with the steps of the solution. 

What Could be Still BetterA number of times, I found that the PhotoMath App is struggling to identify a few elements. It does not support hand-written stuff but only printed ones.

Sometimes I found the app giving simply wrong solutions to the problem, as it could be the case that it could not detect the elements of the problem itself and is holding them to be something else. So that is the primary bug that the app is currently facing, and once this gets addressed, the rest could be automatically corrected. The other thing that crossed my mind that kids can misuse the app and look for a quicker solution to the math problems without actually learning the steps and understanding the methodology. But then there has to be a human monitoring where such things doesn't take place.

The app still needs the following to become a regular teaching aid and come handy at all levels.

The app needs to detect the problems at a single attempt.

It needs to include more kinds of mathematical problems.

It should have options to even create more exercises for each type of mathematical equations.

There should be a feature like "try it yourself".

There should be an option to show the corrections, where the students are going wrong, something like "auto correct" feature we get to see in Word.

The VerdictTo give a frank opinion, th PhotoMath App as of with the current scenario is a giant step towards changing the teaching methodology and reducing the fear-factor of Maths with a fun-learning attitude. But it has to walk a long way to be recommended as a regular teaching aid for the schools, teachers or even at home. The detection process needs to be flawless to make the app dependable enough. But above all, it has to be understood that no app can replace the value of a teacher who teaches the students understanding the human mind and its tendencies. But as far as technology is concerned, it has always gone ahead adding up better solutions to the problems that the earlier methodologies had to face. From that point of view PhotoMath is undoubtedly a smart solution to the mathematical problems solved with the help of a smartphone.


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