Maintaining your details on the electoral roll will ensure you are not removed from the roll. If you have moved, you are eligible to enrol at your new address if you have lived there for at least one month. Other personal details may be updated at any time.

Information about this online session will be stored with your application, including the IP address of your device. This information may be used by the AEC for analytical purposes including the detection of fraud.

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(9) Where a new parish is created by a pastoral scheme by the union of two or more former parishes, the roll of the new parish is in the first instance to consist of the rolls of the former parishes combined to form a single roll.

(13) A copy of the roll of a parish must be made available for inspection, on a reasonable request being made to the PCC; and the copy made available for inspection must include every name entered on the roll but no other personal data.

(a) every addition to the roll since the previous revision (or, if there has not yet been a revision of the roll, since the formation of the roll) must be reviewed and any further additions must be made as necessary, and

(4) At every service held on each of the two Sundays in the period of 14 days beginning with the date on which the notice is displayed under paragraph (1), the person conducting the service must inform the congregation of the preparation of the new roll.

(5) In the case of a church in which no service is held on either of the two Sundays in that period, at every service held on the first Sunday after the date on which the notice is displayed under paragraph (1), the person conducting the service must inform the congregation of the preparation of the new roll.

(2) The duty under paragraph (1) does not apply in the case of a person whose name would be removed under Rule 4 if the roll were being revised; but before deciding that a person comes within the fourth, fifth or sixth case under that Rule, the PCC must take reasonable steps to establish the relevant facts.

(4) A person whose name is already on the roll is not disqualified from having his or her name on the new roll merely because he or she has not complied with the condition in Rule 1(4)(c) or (5)(c) (habitual attendance at public worship), if the person was prevented from doing so by illness or other sufficient cause.

If you have recently completed an enrolment form please allow a few days for the AEC to receive your form, process it and update the electoral roll. If you recently enrolled or changed your address online you can check the progress of your enrolment by using the receipt number you were provided with.

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) maintains the electoral roll for South Australia. You can check your current electoral enrolment by entering your details on the AEC's website via the following link:

An electoral roll (variously called an electoral register, voters rolltag_hash_107__Voters listtag_hash_108__ poll book or other description) is a compilation that lists persons who are entitled to vote for particular elections in a particular jurisdiction. The list is usually broken down by electoral districts, and is primarily prepared to assist election officials at polling places. Most jurisdictions maintain permanent electoral rolls, which are updated continuously or periodically (such as France which updates them annually), while some jurisdictions compile new electoral rolls before each election. Electoral rolls are the result of a process of voter registration. In most jurisdictions, voter registration (and being listed on an electoral roll) is a prerequisite for voting at an election. Some jurisdictions do not require voter registration, and do not use electoral rolls, such as the state of North Dakota in the United States. In those jurisdictions a voter must provide identification and proof of entitlement to vote before being permitted to vote.

Electoral rolls and voter registration serve a number of functions, especially to streamline voting on election day. Voter registration can be used to detect electoral fraud by enabling authorities to verify an applicant's identity and entitlement to a vote, and to ensure a person doesn't vote multiple times. In jurisdictions where voting is compulsory, the electoral roll is used to indicate who has failed to vote. In some jurisdictions, people to be selected for jury or other civil duties are chosen from an electoral roll.

Most jurisdictions close updating of electoral rolls some period, commonly 14 or 28 days, before an election, but some jurisdictions may allow registration at the same time as attending a polling station to vote; Australia closes its rolls seven days after an election is called, rather than with reference to the election day.

Traditionally, electoral rolls were maintained in paper form, either as loose-leaf folders or in printed pages, but nowadays electronic electoral rolls are increasingly being adopted. Similarly, the number of countries adopting biometric voter registration has steadily increased. As of 2016[update], half of the countries in Africa and Latin America use biometric technology for their electoral rolls.[1]

Australia maintains a permanent electoral roll, which is used for federal elections, by-elections and referendums. It also forms the basis of state (except in Western Australia, which compiles its own) and local electoral rolls.[2]

Enrolment is compulsory for all Australian citizens over the age of 18 years (with the exception of Norfolk Island, where enrolment is voluntary). Residents in Australia who had been enrolled as British subjects in 1984, though not Australian citizens, can continue to be enrolled. (These comprise about 9% of the electoral roll.) Normally, enrolment and change of details requires the lodgement of a form; but since 2009, New South Wales automatically updates enrolment details onto the state roll, but not the federal roll, from various government departmental sources.[3] State civil registrars are required to supply information, for example relating to death of a person, to enable names of deceased persons to be removed from electoral rolls.

When an election is called, a date for the "close of roll" is also announced, on which date processing of enrolments and changes of details to the roll is suspended.[4] Enrolment or change of details can be done online or by completing a form and sending it using regular mail, which must arrive by the deadline.

Currently, the electoral roll records just the name and address of the voter, although in previous years occupation was also recorded. Since 21 July 2004 the Commonwealth electoral roll cannot be sold in any format. It has not been produced in printed format since 1985, when it changed to publication on microfiche. Today, it is only produced in an electronic format, and can only be viewed at an Australian Electoral Commission or state electoral commission offices, each of which holds a copy of the electoral roll for the entire country. These arrangements try to strike a balance between privacy of the voters and the publication of the roll, which is integral to the conduct of free and fair elections, enabling participants to verify the openness and accountability of the electoral process and object to the enrolment of any elector. The elector information is provided to political parties, members of Parliament and candidates.[4]

Foreign nationals may apply to be registered on the voters' list for municipal elections, and nationals of the European Union may register for elections for the European Parliament. Approval as a voter remains valid for subsequent elections (unless waived in writing) and in the event of a change of residence in Belgium.[5]

Each municipality maintains a permanent electoral list which is updated annually. Only registered voters can vote. A complementary list is prepared for nationals of a Member State of the European Union for French ballots open to them, namely for European and municipal elections. Each voter has an obligation to be registered on only one electoral list, but there is no penalty, other than being prevented from voting.[6]

The electoral roll in Hong Kong is maintained by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO). The final register is available every year on 25 July, except for years in which elections for the territory's district councils are held, when the final register is available on 15 September. All permanent residents of the territory, a status which required seven years of continuous residence, are eligible to be registered voters regardless of nationality or citizenship.[8]

In India, publishing and updating of the electoral roll is the responsibility of the Election Commission of India, each state's chief electoral officers, and each state's election commission. These government bodies update and publish the electoral roll every year, making it available for download from official government websites.

The electoral register in Ireland is maintained by the local authorities and all residents that have reached 18 years of age in the state may register at the address in which they are 'ordinarily resident'. Each November a draft register is published after house-to-house enquiries. The register then comes into force the following February after time for appeals and additions. A supplementary register is published which allows voters to make alterations (usually change of address or becoming 18 years of age) prior to voting day. Postal votes are restricted to certain occupations, students and the disabled or elderly resident away from their home. There is also provision for special voters that are usually physically disabled.

While all residents can be registered voting in Ireland depends on citizenship. All residents are entitled to vote in local authority elections. Irish and EU citizens may vote in European parliament elections. Irish citizens and such other persons as are defined by law may vote in elections to Dil ireann,(any person entitled to vote for members of Dail Eireann i.e. entitled to vote for the president) for the President and in constitutional referendums. 152ee80cbc

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