Hey guys I made a new webcomic on webtoon and I realized that there are webcomics that do well and get lots of subscribers when others that just never make it.

when I first started I thought that on webtoon you can get lots of subscribes in short time but it didn't happen.

I am not expecting my comic to get featured because I realized that it's almost impossible for a beginner but my real question is how do some comics make it on the recommended section on canvas?

do they recommend them based on their popularity or based on their popularity? 

if you wanna check my new webcomic it's called Harmonica it's on webtoon

 webtoons.com HarmonicaThe story of a trainee student in idol school who is under contract of dating ban , the school is for idols and traineesthis series includes:romance,dramabromance,and comedy

I suppose they just...find you out one day 

I think the possibility to be found is better when the comic is new and already has all that good points they look for when they search for the comics to put in recommended (like, good art and all these). Because after a while you got buried under the piles of other comics. I don't know if it happens that audience first finds your comic, you got a ton of subs and then they find you because of how popular you are, but I guess it is possible too.

Overall, they just find you, and (if they like the comic? I don't think they will put on front page anything they don't like), they put it in recommended. No, they won't write and/or ask you in advance

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the canvas team is pretty active on twitter, and often put out calls for you to tweet them your comic, or have hashtag events (just yesterday they had a celebrate canvas hashtag day). they retweet comics that tag their updates with #webtooncanvas too! their handle is @webtooncanvas. lies within has been featured a couple of times on canvas and i feel like it's a combination of being visible and being lucky.

So I know it is hard, but try to be patient (

And if we think about it from webtoon's perspective as a business, they are right to recommend comics that meet the requirements I showed above

After all, so many people post 1-2 chapters and disappears, so people wouldn't want to read those comics and webtoon wouldn't want to recommend them since they want us to come back

Like others said above, they find you. 

A few days ago I found out from a friend that one of my webtoons was on the front page among the Canvas Specials. I literally hadn't noticed for days, because I've been focusing on my main comic and haven't updated this one in a month, and I didn't even check the sub count constantly because it didn't seem to grow at all in-between updates.

This exposure got me more than 3,600 subs and 40,000 views in just a few days... on my main comic I could hardly gather 2,000 in two years.

My updating schedule for both is all over the place because I don't have time because of uni... But I suppose anime-style, coloured scrolling-format with a simple to understand plot is really what they were looking for when they chose Switch: absolute... (If it is hand-picked and not based on algorythm of course) In contrast, my other one (Prince of the Underworld) is black and white and is in manga format.

So just keep updating, eventually you will find your audience. They might come slowly, one-by-one, but it's a great journey seeing as your comic grows over time! ^^

My experience contradicts a bit of what other people have said- the first time I was put on the front page was not soon after I started but rather after 9 months of weekly updates. Also, at that time, I only had about 200 subscribers. And I'm page format, not scroll format, and did not promote my webtoons site at all.

(as an actual answer to your question, most comics get recommended after consistent uploads for a month or so with positive reception - because obv they don't want to recommend comics that barely upload lol the rest is just luck which you can't hold yourself accountable for so try not to hyperfixate on it!)

lol I am chill , I just wanted to ask because I am new to the world of comics (and beginner as artist as well so I am not expecting much) 

as an observer I wondered how some manage to get recommended and some don't

my webtoon has been featured on the 'special' part of the website/app (that's the panel at the bottom of the website which suggests you to check Canvas) and at the time I barely had 300 subs, it lasted for 2 weeks and really helped me to get more exposure but as soon as they changed the section it stopped.

Be as consistent as possible, webtoon audience is actually pretty involved once they like a comic and if you keep posting each week, your readers will come back, jump on your notifications and interact with your content!

Promote: as somebody said above, the canvas team is very active on twitter and usually reposts tweets where they're mentioned or that uses the #webtooncanvas hashtag. Most of their editors also have a twitter/IG account so if you keep promoting your work you'll have bigger chances to get noticed by them.

For those of you who are familiarised with the platform, do you think it's worth it adding webtoon to the list of other platforms such as instagram? What are the main benefits of publishing on webtoon? Are there any "obligations" or any negative aspects that I should consider?

If you draw your webtoon comics traditionally with paper and pencil you can still make that into a webtoon comic, the way I do it is I use my camera on my iPad or smartphone and upload it into apps like ibispaint to reformat the pages~

In traditional comics and manga, the shape of the panels, the placement of characters, and dialog are arranged according to the page size. Webtoon-style comics, on the other hand, make use of the long page format and arrange these elements to go vertically.

The internet is an ever-changing place. While webcomics started out imitating regular comic pages or newspaper strips, with the rise of mobile phones there came a new way to experience comics: the vertical scroll format of webtoons!

For the first chapter, I just drew normal comic pages, without ever intending to make it into a webtoon. But when Webtoon Canvas announced a contest, I decided to reformat the comic and enter it. Because it was my first time doing so, I struggled quite a bit with the process!

For the second chapter, I thought it would be smart and help me have updates ready sooner if I finished my comic as a webtoon first, and only then reformatted it into comic pages. This was a mistake, because reformatting a webtoon to comic pages is even more challenging than the other way around!

These kinds of fluid compositions would be very difficult to achieve if you work on a Webtoon first and then rearrange it to a page. Most webtoons only display one or two panels at once. On one page, you often have between 5 and 10 panels visible at once!

This WAS one of the cases where I adapted the page sketch for the webtoon format before finalizing the artwork. I already knew that I would need to change the text layouts and even rearrange the position of Dodger and Sammy!

WEBTOON is the world's largest comics publisher and #1 comics app, with 89+ million monthly active readers. We created a whole new way to tell stories and opened it up to anyone with a story to tell!

WEBTOON Originals is home to thousands of diverse webcomic series from storytellers of all backgrounds. Through Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, we form partnerships with industry leaders to adapt WEBTOON Originals comics as animation, tv/film, game and streamed series. This includes partnerships with Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Crunchyroll, Hulu, the Jim Henson Company and more. WEBTOON Originals are published as graphic novels through WEBTOON Unscrolled.

WEBTOON Originals Series get their start on WEBTOON CANVAS, our self-publishing platform. Anyone can tell their story with WEBTOON CANVAS, where Creators can access resources, reach our global readers and monetize their comics to build their career on their series.

Now roughly the golden rule is like a mathematical formula used to help balance out composition. This is what I use to help me figure out where to place my comic panels or webtoon panels, and is helpful for those of us who might not have the artistic eye to see the balance in pictures as readily as others may.

While webtoons were mostly unknown outside of Korea during their inception, there has been a surge in popularity internationally thanks in great part to the rise in popularity of manhwa and that most manhwa are released as webtoons.[1]In the country, as digital manhwa have emerged as a popular medium, print publication of manhwa has decreased.[citation needed] The amount of material published in webtoon form has now[when?] reached an equal amount as that published offline.[2]

Webtoons usually feature a few of common traits: each episode is published on one long, vertical strip (making use of an infinite canvas rather than multiple pages so that it is easier to read on a smartphone or computer); some feature music and animations that play during each chapter; and unlike the majority of East Asian comics, they are usually in color instead of black-and-white since they are published digitally on a website or app rather than physically in a magazine. In the case of South Korea, there are also different censorship laws for materials published online than in print which has led to more manhwa that is erotic and sexually explicit being produced and published as webtoons.[3]

Like other online publications, there are a variety of payment models used for webtoons. Some offer a limited set of chapters for free and charge for the rest. Others allow only a certain number of chapters to be read per day without payment.[citation needed]

Creators of webtoons can earn money from ads displayed on their series. Until 2019, amateur creators could earn money from the credit that was given by their fans. The money that the pro and amateur creators receive depends on the page view.[4] ff782bc1db

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