Recently whilst on holiday I got an email informing me of a Plex security breach and asking me to change the password and setup 2FA for the account. Part of the 2FA setup was scanning an on-screen QR code to configure the OTP.

In the end I had to AirDrop the screenshot of the QR code I made on my iPhone to my wife's iPhone, then scan it from her screen into 1Password on my iPhone. Rather cumbersome, and needed a second iPhone to do.

How To Download App By Scanning Qr Code In Iphone

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I was unable to find a way to bring in a code locally. Hopefully, we can improve on this in the future. I like the idea. It would fit with how we can bring in an Emergency Kit when adding an account. I'll let the team know you'd like to see this. Well, actually the both of us. ?

I know that iOS has no way of 'scanning' its own screen in the way that macOS can, but yeah, it would be great if you could click an icon to open the iOS media picker and choose a previously made screenshot from your Phone Library to be scanned for a QR code in 1Password.

Just found out (from 1PW Twitter Support), that you can scan QR codes from websites using the Safari extension. I never even thought to look in there, so maybe the iOS app needs a pointer to let people know that's an option:

After some searching I found recommendations to use another device type like: builtInDualWideCamera and other available types. I tried all of them and they either behave like the default (meaning I cannot scan the code unless I move the phone way out) or they always seem to use the 0.5 Ultra-Wide camera which looks weird and the scanning experience is not ideal.

You might be able to do it with a third-party QR code reader. I believe there as some that will read from a photo. You'd just need to take a screenshot and save it to photos if you can find one that does that.

Hi Folks. I have designs a form that requires various QR codes to be scanned. We will generate and print these codes on labels that will be used in the field to maintain a chain of connection between all sampling data. All of the people collecting the data out in the field have iPhones. I have only just discovered that when I want to scan a QR code from the deployed form, the camera only wants to find the human-readable or some text. If I try to focus on the QR code itself, I can only get parts of the whole code - I cannot capture the entire code. This means that there is effectively no point in generating a QR or barcode - I just need to generate a list of numbers that I can print on the labels. It seems that scanning QR codes works when using an Android - is this really not possible with iPhones? Please let me know if this is feasible or not.

I have a problem with my QR code. The data of the QR code is the text like this "Name: John Cena" (the text includes the colon). Most of the QR code scanner apps and Android camera can scan it but the iPhone camera can not do that.

But if you put strings that do not follow one of these well-established standards in your QR codes, the iOS camera will not pick them up (as it does not know what to do with the resulting string). But many third party apps will show you the contents of the QR payload, whether one of the established standards, or not.

For security reasons I'm not sharing the QR code, but I have a case where I'm trying to use the app with my Autodesk account and every time I scan the QR code the app crashes. Is this were I report a bug?

What is the iOS version running on the iPhone and what is iPhone version? Are you trying to add the Autodesk account with VIP access and that is when it crashes, do you have steps to generate the QR code for Autodesk account, we can try.

I just bought a new KP115 and during the setup process through the Kasa app it requires that I add it to Home, and I try to scan the code on the box and on the actual plug, though nothing ever happens. I do not really need to add it to my Home setup, I just want to use it through the Kasa app, though I can not until I get past this step. Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you for the feedback, if the phone failed to scan the QR code when set up HomeKit plug, you could try to adjust the direction of the phone, like use the phone horizontally or vertically to scan the QR code.

I have tried this with a new iPhone and a new iPad and when getting to the step where I am to scan the QR code, a rectangle appears that starts to outline the code and starts hopping around but never connects to anything. I also tried scanning the codes on the box. The two devices I bought are unusable until I get past this step. I also tried holding the phone close to where the code was and nothing worked. Is there any way around this step? Can you please show me an example of what one of these codes I am supposed to be scanning are? The only other possibility is that the devices I have do not have the correct type of codes on them?

Glad to hear from you, as far as I know the scanning QR code step is required by Apple and can not be avoided, unless you use an Android phone and go through the normal setup process. Can you use a phone to record a video and share the video here?

To scan a QR code on your iPhone, all you have to do is open the Camera app and point your phone at the QR code. Make sure the QR code is inside the box on your screen, and then tap the pop-up banner or the yellow QR code icon in the bottom-right corner.

You can also download the Google Lens app from the Google Play Store. Once you open the app, move the QR code to the center of the viewfinder and tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of your screen to scan it.

It's super easy to scan QR codes on your iPhone or iPad, but not everyone is aware of how to do it. If you're not familiar with QR codes and have never had the opportunity to scan one on your device before, rest assured, you've come to the right place.

QR codes have become more popular in the last two years with the pandemic increasing the need for contactless interactions. These two-dimensional barcodes are read by the camera on your device and are often used by shops, websites and locations as a way of communicating or storing information.

They're becoming more common in some restaurants and cafes as rather than printing out paper menus and having to dispose of them each time new customers come in, these eateries can simply get you to scan a QR code and bring the menu up on your device - pretty cool, huh?

If you have one of the best iPhones or best iPads, you'll find it easy to scan QR codes on these because Apple have build a QR code reader into the camera. But, as with all tech software it can take a few minutes to get to grips with this handy tool, which is why we've put together this simple guide on how to scan QR codes on your iPhone or iPad.

But, before we dive into that, we recommend you don't overlook the security risk posed by QR codes. Yes, they can be super handy and there are definitely benefits to using them, but cyber criminals have cottoned on to how powerful they can be and it's worth being aware of how they're seeking to target them.

For those of you who are happy to proceed, let's take a look at how you can scan QR codes on your iPhone or iPad. Oh, and if you're using a device other than one produced by Apple, check out our guide to how to scan QR codes on your Android - we've got you covered there too!

If you want to scan QR codes on your iPhone or iPad, the first step is to open up the camera app on your iPhone or iPad. This can usually be found on the home page, in the bottom right corner of the device, although on iPads it's on the first page and if you've moved it around it'll be somewhere else.

Now, hold the device's camera up to the QR code. No need to hit the shutter button, your iOS device will automatically recognize the QR code and provide you with an on-screen notification. (Make sure you have mobile signal or you're connected to Wi-Fi, otherwise this won't work.)

Tap the notification to be taken to the destination of the QR code. This could be a website, app, or feature of your phone. Remember, you can now change the default browser on your iPhone or iPad, thanks to a relaxation in recent versions of iOS, meaning you'll see a notification to go to Chrome or Safari when scanning.

From here, you can scan QR codes for coupons, boarding passes, tickets, and loyalty cards, but only for the specific things that Wallet considers "passes." If you try to scan any other QR code, you'll get an error message.

Hello Sophos User1175 ,

Thank you for reaching out to the community, in iPhone did you allow the 2FAS app to access the camera ?

Alternatively, did you enter the service key (code) manually if that helps ?

Figured it out! If you take the Arlo off the bracket, there is a tiny pin hole between the wires. Press a paper clip or something in there and hold for 10 seconds. It will REBOOT the Arlo Doorbell and miraculously it will allow you to scan the QR code. I wish this had been included in the documentation.

Were you able to get it to scan? 

I have been trying for 30 min. It will scan if I take a screen shot and then scan that, but then the app never finds the device after that. support says you can't take a screen shot. the issue is the qr code is to small, and no way to increase it's size in the app. silly how did it ever pass QA?

Try using Screen shot of the QR Code (Home and Power button at the same time). 

Talked to a different tech who said you can scan a screenshot (Home and Power at the same time on Iphone) of the QR code, which you can zoom in on...which obviously makes sense. It's just a QR code. This does work when QR code wont scan from the app because it's too SMALL! QA testing anyone? But seriously Arlo, just make the QR code in the app larger or enable pinch to zoom in the app on the QR code so we can adjust it's size for our phone screen size. It simply will not scan the QR code from the app on an iPhone SE. 

Sadly even when scanning the QR code from my screen shot, I do get the chime right away, but the video doorbell is never found. ff782bc1db

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