With Etsy Payments, our easy-to-use and secure payment system, you may accept payments from a wide variety of payment methods including credit and debit cards, PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Etsy Gift Cards. Funds from your sales are deposited directly to your bank account in your currency, no matter how or from where the buyer pays. For sellers based in countries where Etsy Payments is available via Payoneer, funds from your sales will be deposited into your Payoneer account.

SCAM! Do not engage and do not click; Mark Message as Spam (so you don't get dinged for Star Seller).

I'm sorry you were targeted; it's happening to a lot of Sellers, new and seasoned ones. A Buyer will never need your email to make a purchase. These are thieves trying to steal from you. They are also impersonating Etsy Support.

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At the top of the Forum is an Announcement re: scams. Also, in your Seller Dashboard, there should be reference to an article from the Seller's Handbook, re: Scams. In this article, they show a photo of what TRUE Etsy Staff looks like.

Like OmasFabricStash, I get them from Customers, from Sellers I have purchased from (Thank You for your Order, for example). I also get Messages from other Sellers; more of a friendly type of Message.

Messages from etsy to your inbox will now appear in their own section of your message inbox. If you receive a message claiming to be from etsy and it isn't in that designated area, then it's 100% a scam. Mark it as spam and don't respond to these people. The option to mark a message as spam is only available from a web browser interface - not the etsy seller app. If you want to keep up with star seller messaging metrics, then it's important to mark it as spam within 24 hours.

If you receive an actual order, you will see it in your "Orders and Shipping" section and you will receive an email from Etsy notifying you that you have a sale, and there will be a notification in your dashboard as well.

I have reached out by submitting an email to Etsy's customer service 6 times now in the last week - I have gotten plenty of their "sale" emails and automated response emails about checking the help pages, but I have written additional emails to say nothing on the help pages are helping my problem, and restating the issue. I am a new seller and have closed down my shop due to this because I do not want to get any more sales if I can't fix this problem for my very first customer. I have even tried calling different numbers listed online trying to speak with someone at Etsy with no luck. Is there any other ways to get this issue of mine corrected from Etsy? This is by far the worst customer service i have ever dealt with, and I will not be opening back up my shop on Etsy and utilizing a different platform.

All I can think of is if this was your first sale, there can be delays in payment. Did you check your email for something from Etsy? Did they require additional information from you? Sometimes they require uploading of information from you before proceeding. Check your spam folder just in case there was an email.

Regarding your emails to Etsy: Someone above suggested you Reply to the Admin letter you get in response to your issue. That is the best approach - better than starting a new email. The other thing that seems to get a more thoughtful response from Etsy is to take screen shots if you are getting error messages or if things seem broken. Attach screen shots, each time you contact Etsy, to your original email to Etsy and to all subsequent replies.

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PS: The message in question did not come from Etsy, and we have already actioned the account attempting to impersonate admin.

Search the forums and you will see hundreds of scams like this. Some sellers are getting many every day. Mark them as span, do not respond. 

There is no way to block an account from seeing your shop and buying from you but Etsy is taking them down as fast as they can.

The best way to check if a message is actually from Etsy is to see if it is in the 'from Etsy' folder in the messages inbox. However I have been informed that this new folder is only available when using the website on a browser.

Two things may happen: 1) That email account will be flooded with spam. 2) You will receive a message at first glance looks like it's from Etsy asking you to click on a link. If you do that you may be asked to fill in your credit card number or other ID credentials. You will also be prompted to download an app like AnyDesk. If you do that they will have complete access and control of the device you are using. If you've done any of those - cancel your cards and don't log in to any accounts on that PC. They will install a range of malware including a keylogger so they know every password you type.

The extension mail.etsy.com does not seem right. I think it's just etsy.com, nothing else. I wouldn't trust the chat, sometimes you're talking to a bot, sometimes it's someone in another country that may not be understanding the issue. The asking for an email address is a scam, it's been posted in here many times. They tend to target new or no sales shops. If you're on a PC, run a malware/virus check asap and change your password. And definitely make sure your bank details haven't changed. Sorry you had to deal with this!

There's no way that email address came from Etsy unless you were on a "fake" Etsy site.

The last part of the "real" etsy support email is etsy.zendesk.com 

There's No payment update, 

The person that messaged you that were trying to buy "your product" was the 1st clue it was a scam. 

These scammers never state what product.

If you gave them your email address that was the 2nd clue it was a scam. So when they emailed you back it was from the scammers and NOT Etsy.

There's NO way the Etsy "system" will ask a buyer for "your email" address at the purchasing point, never ever.

I tried to log into my etsy sellers app and was notified my account was suspended. I logged in on the computer and sure enough it's true and no email from Etsy. No information on why or how to remedy the situation. I've spent so much money on etsy over the years, I've been such a loyal customer, and now I have funneled so much money into my shop over the last month and for what? A payment reserve and to be suspended all in the course of 24 hours with no explanation on either. I don't know if it's permanent or temporary. I don't know what I need to do to fix it. And when I tried to contact them they sent a form letter telling me they won't be contacting me. Etsy needs to be held responsible for what they're doing.

To clarify I was sending a PDF of the readings I was doing, ususally 2-4 pages long. And a picture of the readings to go along with it. I checked my bank account online and my card is fine so it's not that either. And I still haven't received any email from Etsy explaining anything this morning. I never even got an email saying I was banned, like I said, I didn't know until I tried to login on the app. So I don't know what email I would respond to. I guess my next step is to file an appeal. But all the questions on the appeal process (I have looked it over) are about what business practices you will do differently and since Etsy hasn't told me which ones I've done wrong I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss. I guess this is just an unwelcome place for people like me.

This exact same thing happened to me. I hoped a new shop, selling t-shirts and they suspended me after a few days without an email to say why. It's been 7 days now and I haven't heard anything from them after I contacted them.

Regardless of the cause I agree with her- ETSY needs to respond with a reason for the actions and possible solutions. This type of heartless abandon from a company who tells its sellers to improve customer service is not acceptable. We sellers are not churn.

Originally we pinned most of our Etsy store items direct from within Etsy. When an item sold and wasn't replaced in our Etsy shop, the pin still continued to "live" on Pinterest (with an uneditable link) and when a person clicked on the pin, it took you to a landing page from Etsy stating that item is no longer available and suggested many competing items instead.

This is VERY useful. I have always pinned my Etsy store items directly to Pinterest and noticed that when I removed an item from inventory, a note stating that it was no longer available appeared. I need to work on how to create a pin from outside of Etsy. Thanks!!!

Love this tip! All of my pins forward to my Etsy listings and I was only pinning directly from Etsy. I was afraid pinterest would see my account as being spam if all my new pins had the same web address (my etsy store home page)

This is a great tip. This is actually the way I prefer to pin from Etsy. I like how Pinterest gathers all the data for you, making it really easy to transfer over the data. I'm actually building an Etsy account to compliment my Pinterest now. What other advice would you recommend for someone wanting to drive traffic from Pinterest to Etsy? 2351a5e196

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