Almost everything you do on a computer relies on having sufficient memory. This includes moving your mouse cursor, which uses a minimal amount of RAM, and multitasking across multiple apps, which uses more RAM. There are many processes constantly running in the background, such as system updates and security software, that also consume RAM.

That is not to say that RAM is the only source of memory storage; solid state drives (SSD) or hard drives (HD) are also used for memory storage. While RAM is used for short-term storage, such as undoing a previous action, SSDs or HDs are used for long-term storage, such as saving a document.

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To put it simply, the more things you do on your computer, the more GB of RAM you need. As time goes on you will likely need to increase your computer memory as newer programs demand more memory bandwidth.

Generally, we recommend 8GB of RAM for casual computer usage and internet browsing, 16GB for spreadsheets and other office programs, and at least 32GB for gamers and multimedia creators. How you use your computer influences how much RAM you need, so use this as a guideline.

4GB of RAM is the bare minimum memory needed to run a base computer model. That said, the bare minimum may not provide a productive use of your time as your system will likely slow down every time you run two or more programs like internet browsing, email and some word processing simultaneously. So, unless you are running a legacy system, we generally recommend running your system with 8GB of RAM.

16GB of RAM is the amount of memory we recommend for intermediate users looking for extra speed and smooth functioning. This may be especially beneficial if you tend to have several programs open and running, simultaneously. This is also a good level of RAM for casual gamers and standard business professionals.

Also, new software often requires more memory than its predecessors, particularly productivity applications, such as photo editing software, video editing programs, and games. Similarly, new hardware components like video cards, storage, and even the processor require sufficient memory to deliver their promised level of performance.

When it comes to adding system memory requirements, the general rule of thumb is the more, the better. On average, doubling the amount of memory in your system will give you sample "space" to work and will make an obvious difference in overall speed. This is especially true with today's memory-hungry applications such as office programs, multimedia editing packages, and graphics-intensive games for which more RAM is needed. More memory allows you to run more programs at once, and our favorite programs will be easier to use. But how much memory (RAM) does your computer actually need?

When deciding how much memory you need, consider what you use your computer for, the operating system needs, and any software you use that is particularly memory-hungry. Installing the right amount of RAM will enable you to multi-task with ease.

In RESCRIPt tutorial, it is mentioned that evaluate-fit-classifier and fit-classifier-naive-bayes are almost the same, but seems like they require different amounts of memory and time. Why does this happen? Could you explain it in simple terms, please?

I'm in the process of choosing an Android tablet so I can use Square to run credit card payments. I'm planning on using a wifi tablet (with no data plan). How many GB of RAM/memory are needed on a tablet to run Square well and not too slow?

We can see there are certainly two groups of programs.Go and Rust programs, compiled statically to native binaries, need very little memory.The other programs running on managed platforms or through interpreters consume more memory, although Python fares really well in this case.There is about an order of magnitude difference in memory consumption between those two groups.

Another surprise here is Go. Goroutines are supposed to be very lightweight, but theyactually consumed more than 50% of RAM required by Rust threads. Honestly, I was expectingmuch bigger difference in favor of Go. Hence, I conclude that at 10k concurrent tasks, threads are still quite a competitive alternative. Linux kernel definitely does something right here.

The distance between Go and others increased. Now Go loses over 12x to the winner. It alsoloses over 2x to Java, which contradicts the general perception of JVMbeing a memory hog and Go being lightweight.

As we have observed, a high number of concurrent tasks can consume a significant amount of memory, even if they do not perform complex operations. Different language runtimes have varying trade-offs, with some being lightweight and efficient for a small number of tasks but scaling poorly with hundreds of thousands of tasks. Conversely, other runtimes with high initial overhead can handle high workloads effortlessly. It is important to note that not all runtimes were even capable of handling a very large number of concurrent tasks with default settings.

This comparison focused solely on memory consumption, while other factors such as task launch time and communication speed are equally important. Notably, at 1 million tasks, I observed that the overhead of launching tasks became evident, and most programs required more than 12 seconds to complete. Stay tuned for upcoming benchmarks, where I will explore additional aspects in depth.

Hi, I wanted to play with the LLaMA 7B model recently released. With the command below I got OOM error on a T4 16GB GPU.

How much GPU do I need to run the 7B model? In the Meta FAIR version of the model, we can adjust the max batch size to make it work on a single T4. What should be done here to make it work on a single T4 GPU? Thanks!

13*4 = 52 - this is the memory requirement for the inference. For the training, usually, you need more memory (depending on tensor Parallelism/ Pipeline parallelism/ Optimizer/ ZeRo offloading parameters/ framework and others). Contact me:

in full precision (float32), every parameter of the model is stored in 32 bits or 4 bytes. Hence 4 bytes / parameter * 7 billion parameters = 28 billion bytes = 28 GB of GPU memory required, for inference only. In half precision, each parameter would be stored in 16 bits, or 2 bytes. Hence you would need 14 GB for inference. There are now also 8 bit and 4 bit algorithms, so with 4 bits (or half a byte) per parameter you would need 3.5 GB of memory for inference.

In case you use regular AdamW, then you need 8 bytes per parameter (as it not only stores the parameters, but also their gradients and second order gradients). Hence, for a 7B model you would need 8 bytes per parameter * 7 billion parameters = 56 GB of GPU memory. If you use AdaFactor, then you need 4 bytes per parameter, or 28 GB of GPU memory. With the optimizers of bitsandbytes (like 8 bit AdamW), you would need 2 bytes per parameter, or 14 GB of GPU memory.

Figure 1. Reported virtual memory (blue) and physical memory (orange) needed versus problem size, in terms of millions of DOFs, for a model involving heat transfer in solids. A computer with 32 GB RAM was used.

The aforementioned problem could be solved with either iterative or direct solvers. Iterative solvers will use significantly less memory than direct solvers, especially as the problem size grows. Direct solvers are warranted only for certain problem types, such as when the system matrix is nearly ill-conditioned due to high contrasts in material properties, for example, but still scales superlinearly.

The default element type for a three-dimensional problem is the tetrahedral element, but another element type could also be used, such as a triangular prismatic or hexahedral. These elements have greater connectivity per element and will increase memory usage. On the other hand, switching element types can be strongly motivated for certain geometries and problem types, since they can lead to much coarser meshes for the same geometry, especially when combined with geometry partitioning and swept meshing.

Finally, not only can you include these various different physics in your model, but that you can include them in combination to build up a true multiphysics model. When you do so, you also have to consider the possible solution approaches since such models can be solved using either a fully coupled or segregated approach and either direct or iterative solvers, all of which affect memory requirements. The table below gives a rough idea of the memory requirements for some typical physics interfaces, for typical problems in these areas.

This is important in the region where the virtual memory used is significantly greater than physical RAM. The computer used to generate the curve shown earlier has an SSD, which is common in most newer computers. A hard disk drive (HDD) with a spinning platter and a moving read or write head, rather than solid-state memory, would lead to slower solution times in comparison. When solving models that require less memory than RAM, this choice has significantly less effect. It can also be reasonable to have a large-capacity HDD in addition to an SSD, where the HDD is primarily used for saving simulation data.

Since upgrading to more cores while holding all other factors constant is difficult, determining the effects of more cores is not easy to do. In most cases, when solving a single model, there is not much advantage to using more than eight cores per job. If the solution time is dominated by the direct linear solver, then more cores will have greater benefit. On the other hand, very small models may solve faster on a single core, even when more cores are available. That is, there is a computational cost to parallelization that can be significant for smaller models.

CPUs that support dual-socket operation have either six or eight memory channels per CPU, for a total of 12 or 16 channels, thus such systems will have 96 GB RAM at a minimum, so these systems are primarily for solving very large models or for many models in parallel.

This is a very narrow category and should only be considered for models needing very large amounts of RAM memory (at least 768 GB). Before considering such a system, contact our Support team for personalized guidance. 006ab0faaa

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