My page content is wrapped in a parent Loading component that gets triggered every time a change is made to the page. I only want this Loading component to be triggered on the initial page load only. How do I go about doing that?

Another approach would be to create a dummy div somewhere on the page, with no contents, and set up your callback to to have an input from the children of that dummy div. Since the div will never have any children, the call back will only get triggered on page load and never again.

How Do I Download Only One Page Of A Pdf


Getting the flyout menu to work in Xamarin Forms the way I want it to has been a major pain. I'm trying to get a certain menu item (My Stats) to go to a certain page if the user is logged in, or to a different page if the user is not (The login page). I have attempted two different approaches with no success.

I could not get this to work. For whatever reason, only the first piece to get executed would take effect. For example, if I started the app while logged out, it would direct to the login page as expected but would not switch over once I log out. The reverse is true as well if I start the app while logged in, it navigates to the "My Stats" page as expected, but will continue to do so even after I log out.

You can set up a trick using the property FlyoutItemIsVisible, the ShellContent (thus the related page) will be registered in the Shell hierarchy but won't be visible in the flyout, also it will be loaded only when it is needed since we are using ContentTemplate.

Sorry that does not work:

F11 is dead, Shift+F11 shows a different dialog.

I think I must declare the area of the (first) page to be a separate paragraph, i.o.t. change its characteristics.

I found already that setting page format affects the entire document: I found no way to limit the effect

to only a single page.


Technically yes, but you would display the page for a brief moment until redirection, which would happen only once all the elemnts are loaded. You would do this in combination with having the elements is a group that is invisible by default.

This is driving me crazy. I have a document with multiple sections. When I insert page numbers it only puts a page number on the first page of each section. But I need page numbers to be on all the pages, specifically in the header. I can't figure out how to fix this. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make a document program that defaulted to only putting a number on the very first page?

edit: nevermind. you just have to insert page numbers in each section, individually. the real issue is that even if you select the whole document before inserting page numbers (which I did), it for some reason only inserts the page number on the first page of each section.

Hi guys! I have a Mac and have Microsoft Word in it, I am struggling to find out how I can add a watermark (picture) exclusively on 1 page. I saw some youtube videos but they all show how to do it in Windows.

I'm writing a multi-page resume and I have a long bulleted list that breaks in between page one and two. Since I have a lot of details about my time at one company I want to have the company's name followed by "(cont.)" as a header on page 2 but leave page 1 alone. That is to say, I don't want anything resembling a header on any page except page 2, so the top margin of page 1 should be unaffected. How do I do this?

Greetings! When I try to print notes containing web-clipped documents, Evernote only prints the first page of the document. Both times I have done this, the note is several pages long. I don't see a way to tweak Evernote to fix this problem, and I can't find any answers in their help or the users' help here. Any ideas are most welcome. My solution thus far is to copy the whole thing, paste it into a Google Docs document and then start the printing process from there - a process in which it downloads the document to your computer as a PDF so that you can then print! ?Tedious, at best! Help? Thanks in advance! [Technical bits: I'm using Evernote for work, on an HP Pavilion. Browser: Firefox.]

Hi. If you were printing from an installed Evernote app, you should have an option to include attachments in the print; which (I haven't tried it lately) should - I think - give you the whole attached document. For reasons of download speeds and browser functions, the web version doesn't work the same way and all you print is what you can currently see in the note window - which is either an icon or one page of any attachments.

But let me back up and try to grasp the whole situation, because I may be way off. Did you clip a Web page, or a PDF or other document on a Web page? I can't get Evernote to actually clip any part of a PDF using the "Save to Evernote" popup at the bottom of the screen. I have to save them and attach them to a note manually. But clipping a Web page works pretty well. I've never tried clipping a Web page that had documents embedded in or attached to it, though.

Ahh yes, that's it. I tried a note with a multi-page PDF attached, and the browser's print preview shows only the first page of the PDF. That's with the PDF viewed as "Page-Through Preview." If it is viewed only as an attachment, of course only the attachment icon will be printed. But if I select "Full Preview", then the first two pages are printed, while the following pages show only a frame, even though they are fully visible in the note. This is with Opera; other browsers may work differently.

I just tried in the web client using Safari on my Mac. The print option behind the 3dot-menu did not work at all. What worked without a problem was the "Print" option in the browsers standard menus. It created a printout of sample note on 6 pages, all of them correctly printed. Another note containing a web clip printed fine as well, using the same method.

Hi all..

I have a request from my customer to create a link to another apex application in the same workspace inside a display only item (NOT a button, why I don't fully know).

I have been experimenting with prepare_url but have run into issue of using the app alias versus the app id in coding.

I am building the link inside a select that builds values for page items, here is the portion of code I am trying to do:

As of June 15, 2018, any previously shared links to single pages of notes were automatically expired. Recipients of shared page links will no longer be able to view these pages, unless a recipient has been given access to the full notebook containing a previously shared page. 

Specific people creates a link that only the people that you specify can use to access the folder or document. If you click this option, enter the names or email addresses of the people to whom you want to give access to the folder or document. Use this to share with specific people only, who can be inside or outside your organization. The people you share with cannot forward this link to others.

We recently removed the ability to share a single page of notes from personal notebooks stored on OneDrive. Please read below for more information about this feature deprecation and the technical reasons behind it.

If your notebook was stored on your personal OneDrive account, you were previously able to share a single page of notes that others could view but not edit. To do this, OneNote created an anonymous, public link to a Web-based version of the selected page.

Notebook owners can restore access to any previously shared pages by newly sharing the full notebook with collaborators. Alternately, you can create a separate notebook that contains copies of only those pages that you want to share, and then invite others to that separate notebook.

As the title says, I am trying to change the font for the headers on ONE specific page to more closely match the project I'm trying to display (font is Bebas Neue just in case someone finds that relevant). I am using 7.1 and it seems that the only default option for changing header text changes all instances of that level of header throughout my entire site. Is there an alternative way that will allow me to only change the headers/fonts for one page?

You should be able to do this if you're using a custom font family. Using Custom CSS, wrap your elements inside the collection ID for each page that you want to change. You can find the collection ID by using the Squarespace Block Identifier extension available on Chrome or Mozilla, if you haven't installed this already. For the URL that you shared, here's what the final code could look like.

One of the main reasons I subscribed to Squarespace was so I could host my portfolio quickly without having to write in a bunch of code, so unfortunately I'm not 100% sure I understand what you mean by "Using Custom CSS, wrap your elements inside the collection ID for each page that you want to change." I downloaded that browser extension to be able to see the part of the code I need to edit, but it doesn't seem to work. 

When I go through Home >Design >Custom CSS I entered the code as such: 2351a5e196

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