Start out by searching our issue tracker for open tickets or get to know us in our group chat on We are also looking for translators. Transifex provides a very easy to use GUI. You just need to create an account and request to join a language team.

If your instructor enabled class conversations for some individual content items, you can discuss the content with your instructor and classmates. You can ask for help, share sources, or answer questions others have. As the conversation develops, it appears only with the relevant content. Conversations don't appear on the discussions page.

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You can also use Collaborate Ultra to meet virtually with your group if your course uses Collaborate and your instructor enabled conversations. To open the group's Collaborate room, select the Open Collaborate room icon.

The Conversations API includes features like states and timers to better manage conversations, orchestration logic to intelligently route and group conversations across channels, and participant controls to add or remove individuals.

If you enable class conversations for individual content items, students can discuss the content with you and their classmates. They can ask for help, share sources, or answer questions others have. As the conversation develops, it appears only with the relevant content. Conversations don't appear on the discussions page.

You can also use Collaborate Ultra to meet virtually with groups if your course uses Collaborate and you enabled conversations. To open the group's Collaborate room, select the Open Collaborate room icon.

A conversation breaks off into a new conversation if the subject line changes or the conversation gets to more than 100 emails. You can customize conversations for your account or for individual IMAP/POP accounts per device.

In the new model, just use conversations to access anything channel-like. For example, the conversation.list method returns information on public, private, and direct message channels, when accessed with the appropriate permission scopes.

When looking up MPIMs using the conversations.list, you are likely to get far fewer results than requested number with a next_cursor value, although next_cursor will continue to indicate when more results await. For example, when requesting 100 MPIMs, it may return only 5.

There are a few circumstances where channel IDs might change within a workspace. You can use conversations.list regularly to monitor change for known #channel names if ID stability is important to you.

"We started as strangers. We slowly built connections and now have become a family. Cultural Conversations gives you the space to have open and honest conversations. That's what's remarkable about Cultural Conversations. You meet so many wonderful people and hear their inspiring stories. And it's where I am really comfortable. That's why I never miss a meeting."

-- Nickhath Sheriff

Blending Initiative Motivational Interviewing CME/CE and Patient Simulation (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

Training that offers practical guidance for physicians and other clinicians in effective Motivational Interviewing techniques that will facilitate conversations with patients to address Health Risk Behaviors. Includes and course and a patient simulation.

With HubSpot's shared inbox, you'll get free tools to integrate communications from live chat, Facebook Messenger, chatbots, team email, and more. It's a universal inbox where sales, marketing, and customer service teams can view, manage, and reply to all conversations.

Conversations follow rules of etiquette because conversations are social interactions, and therefore depend on social convention. Specific rules for conversation arise from the cooperative principle. Failure to adhere to these rules causes the conversation to deteriorate or eventually to end. Contributions to a conversation are responses to what has previously been said.

The proportional distribution of any given conversation between the categories can offer useful psychological insights into the mind set of the participants. Practically, however, few conversations fall exclusively into one category. This is the reason that the majority of conversations are difficult to categorize.

Derber observed that the social support system in America is relatively weak, and this leads people to compete mightily for attention. In social situations, they tend to steer the conversation away from others and toward themselves. "Conversational narcissism is the key manifestation of the dominant attention-getting psychology in America", he wrote. "It occurs in informal conversations among friends, family and coworkers. The profusion of popular literature about listening and the etiquette of managing those who talk constantly about themselves suggests its pervasiveness in everyday life".[11]

As part of the Iowa HHS Hope and Opportunities in Many Environments (HOME) project, we're inviting folks in Iowa to join our HOMEtown Conversations. This October and November, Iowa HHS leaders will be having conversations with Iowans in various communities.

These conversations can be included as part of ongoing 1:1 conversations between managers and employees, and are a valuable way for managers and employees to discuss new or shifted career aspirations and provide employees with an opportunity to discuss areas of importance to them.

These conversations are intended to be conversations between managers and employees. If you are a unit leader or an HR practitioner, you also have an opportunity to offer the UC Experience Conversations tool aligned with your location processes, practices and culture.

While these are 1:1 conversations between employees and managers, leaders are absolutely encouraged to work with managers to explore conversation themes, trends, concerns and opportunities at the organizational level, in addition to doing their best to support managers follow through on key actions with employees.

Discretion rests with leaders and managers. The intent is to offer the conversations to everyone so we facilitate opportunities to enhance employee experience. And, if there are factors that would prevent a productive dialogue, it is recommended to offer the conversation at a different time when conditions are better.

These conversations are not just for high potentials, successor candidates or flight risks. UC Experience Conversations should be offered to everyone on a team if the conditions for a successful conversation are in place.

I am looking to link an existing row conversation to a dashboard. My team uses rows on a sheet to log every project, and conversations to keep a kind of thread going for that specific project's progress. Each row has its own dashboard to display metrics etc. We want the conversation to show up on the dashboard so we can see whats going on at a high level. How can I accomplish this?

Everyone shared to the sheet can follow along, view, or reply to comments within the context of their work. With everyone referencing the same information, conversations stay productive, and teams stay aligned.

Our research process involves talking with nonprofit representatives, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders to learn more about potentially promising programs and funding opportunities. In the past, we often published notes summarizing the main points from these conversations to be transparent about our work.

What we learn from our conversations informs our research and will continue to be cited on our grant pages and program reviews. However, as of October 2023, we plan to reduce the frequency with which we publish full notes from those conversations. When we do publish notes, we will continue to add them to the database below.

The conversations inbox is a central location in your HubSpot account where messages from all of your connected channels will appear. You can view ongoing conversations, reply to messages, and create tickets to track customers' issues.

When you first create a HubSpot account, HubSpot will automatically create a conversations inbox and provision a fallback email address. You can edit the fallback email address, or connect additional channels to start receiving messages in the inbox. You can also edit which users and teams have access to the conversations inbox.

A fallback email is an email that HubSpot provisions that allows you to use certain HubSpot tools, such as ticket automation, if you haven't connected a team email address yet. The fallback email is also used if your team email address is suddenly disconnected from the conversations inbox.

Users in a Professional or Enterprise account can create multiple conversations inboxes. This is useful if you have multiple teams that need access to the conversations tool, but you want to keep your messages segmented and organized. For example, you can create a sales inbox to manage inquiries about pricing and packaging and a customer support inbox for your support team to manage incoming requests.

If a channel is turned off, you will no longer be able to send messages from the channel in HubSpot. Furthermore, any incoming messages to the channel will not appear in the conversations tool, and will not be logged to the CRM.

You can create a skill that uses Alexa Conversations to manage the entire skill experience, or you can extend an existing skill with Alexa Conversations. For example, your skill can use your existing code to handle simple interactions. Then, your skill can delegate dialog management to Alexa Conversations for tasks that involve many two-way conversations with the user.

Alexa Conversations helps users experience natural conversations with Alexa. Alexa Conversations uses artificial intelligence (AI) to bridge the gap between experiences you can build manually and the vast range of possible conversations. You provide sample dialogs that show your expected interactions and you provide templates for the APIs you need called, and Alexa's AI extrapolates the spectrum of phrasing variations and dialog paths. Instead of identifying and coding every possible way users might engage your skill, Alexa's AI creates the permutations and handles dialog state management, context carry-over, and corrections for you. 17dc91bb1f

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