
#H2020 Senior Center

MISSION : Social daycare for seniors, better quality of life for elders

FEATURES : For seniors of the community, halal food, transportation services, daycare

If you need more details or want updates, please fill out #H2020 Senior Center (SC) survey

Interest FREE loans for HIGHER education

Higher education is a way to accelerate the economic growth and development of an individual, their families, and the community at large.

We need to invest in educational growth performance for generation of skilled individuals who are keen on learning, yet don’t have the financial assistance to help them with their tuition fees.

Therefore, we must come together and meet their needs, support our own, which we know will have a lasting positive effect in their lives as well as our communities, for years to come.

For details on INTEREST FREE STUDENT LOANS please visit https://mailchi.mp/1ef62fb5a3c2/financial-aid

In order to know more about the community resources or contribute to the community resources, please email contact@houston2020.org


Welcome to Houston2020!

#H2020 is a volunteer organization working towards building the local community for generations to come. We hope to do it together - one project at a time.

If you want to participate and/or contribute in any way, please register in the "Registration" section or email us @ contact@houston2020.org.

Also, now is a good time to make your donations / contributions to our Houston community projects (which get thawaab-e-jaaree and, also, tax deductions). More info is available in the Projects” section.