Minifirma Heroes of Tomorrow
Tere! Oleme meeskond Heroes of Tomorrow ja tegeleme robootikaga. Sel aastal lõime projekti "HOTTRUCK", mis pakub lahendusi moe ja eneseväljenduse valdkonnas. Idee arendamine inspireeris meid järk-järgult looma mini-firmat.
Meie firma idee on järgmine: päästame need rõivad massimoe poodidest, mis kohe peavad saatuma prügilatese, sest sellele rõivadele on väga suur allahindlus. Seejärel anname neile uue stiilse disaini ja müüme neid.
Lisaks pakume järgmist teenust: inimene loob enda disaini rõivastele ja me trükime selle peale. Prindime kasutades spetsiaalset tehnoloogiat. Lõikame kleepsu välja Cricut masinal ja seejärel triigitame selle spetsiaalse Cricut triikrauaga. Meil on selles kogemus ning oleme valmistanud T-särke veel neljale teisele robotikameeskonnale.
Hello! We are the Heroes of Tomorrow team, and we specialize in robotics. This year, we created the project "HOTTRUCK," which offers solutions to problems in the field of hobby fashion and self-expression. The development of the idea gradually inspired us to create a mini-company.
The idea of our company is as follows: we rescue clothing from mass fashion stores, as they end up in landfills. Then, we give them a new stylish design and sell them.
Additionally, we offer the following service: a person creates their own design for clothing, and we print it on the garment. We make prints using special technology. We cut out the sticker on a Cricut machine and then press it with a special Cricut iron. We have experience in this and have made T-shirts for 4 other robotics teams.
Omaenda trüki loomise hinnakiri
Custom Print Pricing Table