Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 6: Nice to meet you, I'm Emmy!

Hi everyone, good to see you~!

My name is Emmy! I’m a 5 year old girl!

In my previous life, I was an ordinary high school girl called Aihara Runa, but after a whole lot happened, I was reincarnated into an isekai called Ardist along with the “god’s vessel” Omake-sama!

In this world, I live in a cold village (straight ball) called Fenoben Village ... Un, I’m living here, as a normal (I want to believe) village girl!

Black hair and black eyes, even though I’m just a village girl, my skin was clear, and although I’m the one saying it, I’m quite a pretty girl! Ehehe!

Ah! It’s my neighbor, Rand Oji-san!


"…Chi~! Hey brat! Get away from our field~!"

Rand Oji-san picked up a pebble at his feet, pulled it way back and…… threw it!

Quickly jump sideways and dodge it.

Come on, that’s dangerous~!

Is Rand Oji-san in a bad mood?

Throwing a rock at a normal 5 year old cute girl~?

Of course, such a strange stone throwing won’t work though!

Try to provoke him with repeated side jumps in good condition.

"This damn brat~!"

Ah crap, Rand Oji-san is seriously mad!

Here he comes with a sickle! Evacuate, evacuate!


"Wa~ahha~a~……! Damn it… that cursed child, where’d you run off to~!?"

Yup, in the tree above your head.

Following Omake-sama’s advice, I’m training quite a bit, y’know? Covert actions included!

This guy who recently started to worry about middle-aged fatness can’t compete!

Leave already! ……He’s gone.

I climb down from the tree and start heading to my destination.

Jeez, Rand Oji-san was a lot of trouble, right?

That person will certify me as a potato thief without permission!? I didn’t steal potatoes!

No matter how hungry I get, there’s always grassroots and plenty else in the forest.

Or rather, since I’m the poorest in Fenoben Village, isn't it fine to give up one or two potatoes?

Aah, ‘cursed child’ means me.

It's rare to have black hair and black eyes around here (Even my parents don’t have black hair or black eyes. Is it from my past life?), and I look dirty since I only have rags to wear……

Also, it seems that my facial muscles are dead in this world, so I'm always expressionless… I'm not used to interacting with people either, so I'm mostly quiet.

When I felt like talking, I could just talk with Omake-sama in my head, so maybe that habit was a little bad!

Well~, anyway, all of that’s why the village adults think I’m really creepy!

As a result, I get called the unusual derogatory term ‘cursed child’!

See, look over there!

The children in the village are playing, right?

Even though I got reincarnated, and I was thinking of making a lot of friends in this world ...

Adults who hate me keep me away from other children!

Adults seem to infuse their children with slander about me, "Don't get close or else you’ll be cursed"!

So rude!

On the contrary, there is always an adult by where the children are playing, watching to make sure no dangerous things get close to the children…

I seem to be categorized as one of those "dangerous things", so I can't even get near because I’m physically blocked!

For example, a red-haired boy playing at the center of everyone over there… Torch-kun I think. He's the same age as me but doesn’t even know I exist!


Anyway, I think you can understand it from the flow of the story so far, but in fact, I’m rather poor.

Next, I’ll introduce my family to everyone!

Look! You can see it well from here, the broken down house on the outskirts of the village over there, looking like it’s about to collapse… In this world, that’s my family’s house! Kinda.

Hide my presence, quietly peek in through the gap in the wall…… There he is.

"Ga…… Gga……”

The man over there who drank until he started snoring in the middle of the day is my father, Cody!

As you can see from the stubble-covered face and the messy, trash filled room, he is a terribly sloppy adult!

Way back, when he was an"adventurer", he used to get rid of monsters for money!

He retired due to a slight injury to his leg, but he can still fight better than the average person, so he is (or is supposed to be) a guard for this Fenoben village!

It’s peaceful so I've never seen him work though!

The villagers call him "Parasite"!

Poor thing!

Eh? My mom?

I heard she was an adventurer too, and she was really beautiful!

She came to this village with my father after they retired, but right when I stopped needing baby food, she left the village with a handsome merchant!


…Oops, that’s no good.

The unfocused murderous intent overflowed!

Gotta hide it, gotta hide it!

Fortunately, I managed to survive with Omake-sama’s advice on what I could eat!

Actually, in this world, nutritious insects can be found pretty much anywhere!

Because nobody knows about it, I can have all-you-can-eat insects in the village and neighboring forests!

Thanks to that, even without any money, I'm confident that my nutritional status is quite good!

Right, Omake-sama?

Ah, maybe the reason why Rand Oji-san thinks I'm a potato thief is because I was seen eating earthworms (isekai version) in his field.

Now then.

That’s not important right now.

Should I get what I came for while Cody is sleeping?

Stealthily, stealthily……

Avoid the dust scattered in the house, and making no noise, proceed to the kitchen where flies (isekai version) are swarming.

……There! Salt discovered!

This kind of seasoning is not available in the woods.

Cody can't cook for himself anyway, so let's take it.

Enough that he won’t find out.

Iya~, I'm actually not living in this house right now but in a forest close by!

Cody can’t really raise a child in such a state, he would hit me when our eyes met, and the villagers would treat me as an ominous existence, so staying in the village isn’t an option either…

Basically, I hunt and gather in the forest and lead a self-sufficient life.

Such a 5-year-old child (straight face).

Ah, I can only do this with the advice of Omake-sama, a personality that has matured to some extent and knowledge from my previous life, so a normal 5-year-old child should never imitate it!

Even I came close to death many times.

Normally you’d die.

……Well then, that’s all I had planned for today.

There’s still time until it gets dark, so I should head back to the forest and hunt!

That’s about all my life in Ardist is!

Although there are many difficult things, I am living with all my strength!

Every day is fulfilling!

From here on as well, I will do my best to survive safely~~~!


Hey what is this survival childhood?!

It’s worse than my previous life, isn’t it?!

I cried a lot in my heart.

But as usual, my facial muscles are dead.