Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 5: Bonus reincarnator

{M: Just to be clear, “omake” means “bonus” or “extra.”}

<<Aihara-san… I am a "vessel of a nameless god">>

"God's vessel"-sama took my soul into both hands and started talking in a serious manner.

Well~, didn’t you mention that earlier?

<<Usually, when a god is created by the Creator, or when one becomes a god despite being a creature… he is given the name and authority of god. I don't have that. Because I am just "god's vessel", not a god.>>

Eh? So what’s that mean?

<<In order to understand that, we must first talk about the origin of this world, Ardist. ... When the Creator once created this world, he also created many gods. The god of fruit, the god of battle, the god of justice, or the god of evil… To grow Ardist into a richer and better world…>>

Uwa, suddenly the myth of creation came.

Behind "God's vessel"-sama, dust gathers into a black space, the world is formed from there, and the appearance of the gods being born is projected.

………There is an annotation in the lower right corner saying "*recorded footage" which I can’t help but focus on…

Anyway, is this alright? I'm not good at difficult stories…

<<Then, to put it simply, since it is too much work for the Creator to manage the world alone, he made a lot of minions and shoved all the work onto them.>>

It's strange how just by changing the wording, it becomes a mundane story at once!

<<The production of the world’s components by the Creator, including the gods, has progressed smoothly… However, just before the world is finally completed, a situation that the Creator did not anticipate occurred.>>

Wha, What happened!?

<<The material to create the world… had a little bit extra!>>

Like when you make a bookshelf and there’s one extra screw!?

<<No, well~, I think it must have been like that for the Creator. So, using the surplus material, I was somehow made as a bonus "god's vessel".>>

It's a sad birth story…

<<It seems that he was planning to give me a name and authority when a new god was needed, but… Again, creatures that become gods appeared unexpectedly… I became a child that wasn’t really needed…>>

"God's vessel"-sama holds her forehead, sighing.

<<And for me, who was just a "vessel"…… At one point, well~ various things happened, and my ego formed. From there, it's been boring days that go on forever. Since I am a "god's vessel", I have no life span, but since I’m not a "god", there is no work to be done. As a "god's vessel", I cannot descend from the divine world to the lower world, and without being a "god", I cannot even intervene through oracles… Well~, I won’t explain all of the rules around here, but anyway, watching the gods’ broadcasts of reincarnation in another world was my only form of entertainment.>>

I see… Basically, with so much free time there was nothing else to do.

<<And while watching the broadcast, I realized… I also want to try reincarnating in another world!!>>

The arm of "god's vessel"-sama that was holding me became more forceful.

I was gradually understanding this person's circumstances.

This person with nothing to do was miserable at a level that humans could not imagine…

At that point, if you say that the only fun you had was seeing the broadcast of reincarnation in another world, it’s only natural to want to try it yourself…

<<That was when, Aihara-san! I met your soul! This is surely fate! Aihara-san! Reincarnate with me on Ardist!>>

……Tte, huh?


Not you reincarnating me?

You’re going to reincarnate too!?

<<I am not a "god", so I have no authority to reincarnate you! However, it is possible to stick to you, ride the circle of reincarnation into Ardist, and be reborn! There was a spirit of great evil who did this before, and there was a lot of fuss in the divine world, so there is no doubt that it will succeed!>>

No, using the method that became a huge problem would be bad though!

<<Not bad! I'm not a spirit of great evil, so no problem! Please, Aihara-san! Please reincarnate with me! We will share one body, but you will be the sole owner of it! All I will do is live with you in your head and share your feelings! I can't give you blessings because I'm not a "god", but… how does as much advice as you want sound? Ardist is a so-called ‘world of swords and magic’! There are probably many things that your previous life's common sense doesn't work for! My advice as an isekai reincarnation broadcast enthusiast will surely help your life! That's why! That's why!! Please~!!! I'm sick of this kind of boredom~~!!!>>

"God's vessel"-sama is desperate. She’s already halfway hugging my soul.


"Please", huh.

Now that I think about it, looking back on my previous life, was there ever anyone who would go so far to ask something of me?

I was a nuisance wherever I went.

Even though I kept trying and trying so hard, everything I did was denied, and I continued to be hated.

It was to the point where I thought I must be cursed.

This person. This "god's vessel"-sama is.

This being, who rescued my soul that was hated even by the gods.

She needed me like this.

She was in need. Of me.

That alone made me so happy.


There is no reason to decline.

<<……Re, Really!?>>

"God's vessel" trembled, reading my thoughts.


To thank you for saving my soul.

Let's reincarnate in another world together.

<<U, uwa wa… Uwa wa wa~! Thank you so much~~!!! Let's have a good life together~~~!!!>>

"God's vessel"-sama finally started crying, hugged me with a runny nose, and started spinning around.

The tremendous joy of this person flowed into my soul. It was kind of warm and a little embarrassing.

<<Then, let’s hurry! Gate open!!>>

When "god's vessel"-sama snapped her fingers, a warm pink vortex appeared in front of me.

<<This vortex enters the flow of reincarnation in Ardist! If we jump in here, you and I will dwell in the body of a baby somewhere as its soul and start a new life!>>

When I noticed, the "god's vessel"-sama that was just hugging me had stopped being humanoid and became a sphere that completely covered my soul.

A new life, huh.

That’s sounding more and more exciting!

<<Then, a few things to take note of! I can't lay a hand on your soul! Therefore, it will be a reincarnation with the memory of the previous life and the ego left as is! Also, we cannot choose the body to reincarnate! Everything is up to the circle of reincarnation! It's like a lottery where we come out! Finally! Once I get down to the lower world, I can't use any of my power! Please remember that all I can do is give advice and talk to you! ……Any questions!?>>

Um, questions, questions…!

Ah, that's right.

What should I call you?


I mean, you’ll always be with me in our future life, right?

When we talk, wouldn’t it be a problem if I didn’t have a name to call you by?

I can't just keep calling you "god's vessel"-sama.

………After "god's vessel"-sama thinks for a bit, she happily bounces and gives her name.

<<…If so, please call me "Omake">>

E~e~? Is such a literal name fine!?

<<Ufufu, if you want to call me something, "Omake" would be fitting. I am a “bonus” god's vessel that was created but forgotten. You are a "bonus reincarnator" who will reincarnate with me! I look forward to being with you from now on!>>

E~e~~~! Somehow I’m also being treated as an extra!?

……E~ei, understood, Omake-sama!

I know it won’t be easy, but thank you for your continued support!

<<Then, towards a new life!>>

Toward an unknown new world, Ardist!

<<Dreaming of a bright future!>>

………Cutting off all the bad luck of the previous life!

<<Let's reincarnate~~~~!>>

Me and Omake-sama jumped into the whirlpool of reincarnation.

While being shaken by the gentle pink flow, we are drawn towards the destination body.

My previous life wasn't really good.

However, the future will surely be different.

I will, no, Omake-sama and I will.

Be loved by a lot of family members, make tons of friends.

Receive a lot of love and return a lot of love.

That’s the kind of blissful life we’ll lead!

Goodbye, previous life!

And hello, new life!!

We, towards a brilliant future, are now setting off!!