Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 7: Let's hunt a nasty rat in the forest!


While sighing, I proceed through the forest next to Fenoben Village, Naso Forest, my base.

The time would probably be around 2:00 pm if this were my previous life.

It's been a long time since early summer, but I can't really tell.

I have to secure fresh meat tonight as soon as possible.

<<You started out so excited introducing yourself, but now you’re sighing and depressed… you’re all over the place today, aren’t you Emmy?>>

My roommate in this body, Omake-sama, talks with a laugh.

Aah, un, I thought I'd try to sort out the current situation once in a while…

But, after organizing it, I got mental damage due to its harshness.

Sorry for being so sudden with that.

Getting all excited out of nowhere, it was unpleasant, right?

<<It's perfectly okay! I'm used to Emmy's eccentricity!>>

Omake-sama-sama who replied brightly.

This person has been with me for a long time, and she’s very easy going but hard to read.

And insensitive too, sometimes. ‘Eccentricity’.

<<Leaving that aside, look over there.. The leaves in front are quite worm-eaten. I'm sure there are a lot of polyworms. Please be careful>>

It's okay, I'm still using [body strengthening].

Yes, I will explain various things here.

First of all, the Naso Forest is a bright forest where large trees grow sparsely, and in early spring it is a beautiful place.

However, its brightness causes great trouble over the summer.

That is the overgrowth of a plant called naso.

Because so many of them grow here, this forest is called Naso Forest.

Naso is a plant with thick stems and round, large leaves that resembles knotweed in the previous life. It thrives in bright places, and in early summer it is a huge bush that can get taller than an adult.

Well, anyway, it's a tall plant, and there are few leaves at the base, so it's easy for a short statured 5 year old like me to walk through…

The trouble is that this naso is a favorite of poisonous caterpillars called polyworms.

Touching it won’t kill you, but it gets really itchy when their hairs get stuck into your skin.

That’s why I always maintain [body strengthening] to increase the defense power of my skin and prevent hair from sticking in.

Rather, the clothes I'm wearing are Cody’s old shirts and trousers cut off at my elbows and knees, so they don’t block anything.

Furthermore, since I don't have shoes, I walk around with bare feet, so I can't stop [body strengthening] to avoid injury.

Ah, [body strengthening] is a technique that uses magical power to reinforce the body.

This world, a "world of swords and magic" as Omake-sama called it before our reincarnation, contains magic… more specifically magical power that is the source of magic.

[Body strengthening] is a very popular magical power operation technique, and most people use it unconsciously to some degree.

In my case, my mother went bye-bye (euphemism) once I could eat solids, so I had to strengthen my body in order to survive the childcare abandonment (direct expression).

That was where, Omake-sama taught me how to use [body strengthening], saying, <<I saw it in the isekai reincarnation broadcast of the Combat God>>!

Thanks to this, my body became stronger, my injuries became easier to heal, and even if I ate bugs, I didn't get stomach aches!

Furthermore, according to the information that Omake-sama <<saw in the reincarnation broadcast of the Magic God in another world>>, the total amount of magical power tends to increase if you keep using magical power from an early childhood. Apparently this is what Omake-sama calls a “template setting”. So, as a bonus to using [body strengthening], my magical power is constantly rising.

I'm not sure how I compare to a 5 year old here, but… definitely, I'm overwhelmingly stronger than any 5 year old in my previous life.

Strong enough to live alone in the forest, at least.

I don't know if it's because of the magical power, but it’s been helpful that my new body has quite high specs.

On the contrary, why was I never any good at studying or exercising in my previous life?

Alright, let’s get back on track.

As pointed out by Omake-sama, polyworms were tightly latched onto the back of the leaves in front of me.

They’re plump black caterpillars, each of which is about the size of an adult's thumb, and if you aren’t familiar with them, they look disgusting.

I remember searching for them after hearing Rand Oji-san’s wife making a fuss about them being on the leafy vegetables in their field.

I grabbed one casually, plucked the hair properly, and then threw it into my mouth.

Sour with a messy texture. There are other more delicious caterpillars, but, well, it’s not a bad snack when you're hungry.

However, these guys alone cannot be the main dish tonight.

After all, isn’t real meat best for in the evening?

Not bugs, animal meat.

I've been a carnivorous girl since my previous life, you know~!

<<! Emmy, look!>>

…… Aah, nice job, Omake-sama.

It's round, their dung.

……Still warm.

They’re nearby.

<<Let's erase our presence.>>

Even if you don’t say it…

Stop moving and concentrate.

Become one with the forest.

With such an image in mind, my presence thinned and disappeared…….

What we are doing now is a technique called [presence concealment].

Omake-sama, who <<saw it in the isekai reincarnation broadcast of the Hunting God>>, says it’s an essential skill of any hunter (this guy’s really an isekai reincarnation broadcast enthusiast, isn't she?).

I take care not to make a sound and completely stop the magical power that normally leaks from the body.

Wait for a while just like that.

I am a stone.

I am a stone that is harmless to all…

There. Three minutes later, my prey crawls up from a burrow at the base of a tree, its nose sniffing around.

It's a rat.

The official name is naked nasty rat.

It’s a hairless rat, something like the naked mole rat of my previous life turned green.

Its body is large, about 20 cm.

In this world, regardless of their strength, beings that do harm to humans are called "monsters".

It's a very human-oriented and vague classification, isn't it?

These guys are weak, but the ones that live near the village can eat crops, so they’re just barely monsters.

Either way, they’re bad.

The taste is, at least.

There’s a reason it’s the naked "nasty" rat.

The meat is odorous, tough and bitter.

Even in Fenoben Village, traps are set up to exterminate them regularly, in order to protect the crops, but nobody eats them.

They just kill as many as they can, then dig a hole and bury them all.

…But no matter how bad it is, meat is meat, isn't it?

Naked nasty rat meat is odorous, tough and bitter, but there’s no poison.

In other words, it's edible meat! (Well~, I'm eating the caterpillars even if they’re poisonous, though.)

Aah, the people in Fenoben Village are so wasteful!

If I wasn't treated as a cursed child, I would take all the exterminated rat meat and eat it!

<<Emmy! Please concentrate…>>

Oops, I’m sorry, Omake-sama.

I take some pebbles out from my pocket and hold them.

The naked nasty rat sniffs the ground with its twitching nose.

They are omnivores.

It’s probably looking for insects in the fallen leaves and dirt.

But, too bad.

You won’t eat dinner tonight.

Because… I’ll be eating you!!


Momentarily concentrate [body strengthening] on my arm, and throw the pebbles.

I throw pebbles every day for hunting.

My [stone throwing] ability is quite high.

Amateurs like Rand Oji-san can’t compare.

The pebbles that flew from my right hand hit the rat’s head as if being sucked in!

He (or she?) lost consciousness and stopped moving.

Approaching quickly, I twist its neck to be sure.

My beloved sharp, pointed pebble slices the belly and clears out all the organs that stink.

The butchering process here is also a technique that Omake-sama <<saw in the Hunting God's isekai reincarnation broadcast>>.

Well, it seems that the rat wasn't eaten in that broadcast though.

Anyway, I was able to secure the main dish for tonight.

After that, let's collect delicious vegetables along the way and make a salad!

No matter how much of a carnivorous girl I am, I have to eat vegetables for beauty!

<<Emmy, that isn’t a vegetable. It's grass.>>

Come on! Omake-sama, don’t worry about small details like that.

If you can eat it, it's a vegetable, at least for me it is.

In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that all edible plants in this world are vegetables too.

Insects, grass, mice.

This world is abundant in food.

What a wonderful, isekai that is easy to survive!



Damn itttttttttt~!!!

Living alone in the forest without relying on my parents since infancy!? Eating poisonous caterpillars and rats!!?

What the hell is this~!!!

<<Emmy, aren’t you too emotionally unstable today? Are you alright?>>

……Un, I might be a little tired.

When we get back to the base tonight, let's eat dinner and sleep right away…