Hitoshi TSUGAWA Ph.D.

東海大学医学部 基礎医学系 生体防御学領域

Transkingdom Signaling Research Unit


 Tsugawa Lab

Welcome to Transkingdom Signaling Research



Gas6 ameliorates intestinal mucosal immunosenescence to prevent the translocation of a gut pathobiont, Klebsiella pneumoniae, to the liver

(PLoS Pathogens. 19(6): e1011139., 2023)

Short-chain fatty acids bind to apoptosisassociated speck-like protein to activate inflammasome complex to prevent Salmonella infection

(PLoS Biology. 18(9): e3000813, 2020)

Cancer stem-cell Marker CD44v9-positive cells arise from Helicobater pylori-infected CAPZA1-Overexpressing  cells

(Cell. Mol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 8(3): 319-334, 2019)

CAPZA1 determines the risk of gastric carcinogenesis by inhibiting Helicobacter pylori CagA-degraded autophagy

(Autophagy, 15(2): 242-258, 2019)

Reactive oxygen species-induced autophagic degradation of Helicobacter pylori CagA is specifically suppressed in cancer stem-like cells

( Cell Host Microbe, 12(6):764-777, 2012)