
ME46085-23: Mechatronic Systems Design

Period: Q2

The course covers the following three main subjects: 

1: Dynamics of motion systems in the time and frequency domain, including analytical frequency transfer functions that are represented in Bode and Nyquist plots. 

2: Electromechanical actuators, mainly based on the electromagnetic Lorentz principle. Reluctance force and piezoelectric actuators will be shortly presented to complete the overview. 

3: Motion control in the frequency domain with PID and model-based feedforward control-principles that effectively deal with the mechanical dynamic anomalies (resonances and eigenmodes) of the plant.

For more information, see the study guide link.

DISC course: Nonlinear Control for Performance in Frequency domain

Period: Q3

Students who complete this graduate course will be able to analyze and design nonlinear control systems, in particular variable gains, reset control, and hybrid integrator gain systems. In the industry, linear (motion) control technology has succeeded largely because of its ability to be designed and analyzed using frequency-domain techniques with respect to the sensitivity to disturbances (such as external disturbances or measurement noise) as well as uncertainties for example in higher-order plant dynamics. In this context, one can think of the motion control of wafer scanners, printers, optical storage drives, robots, etc. For nonlinear control, however, most of the attention has been focused on simply ensuring stability. To develop high-performance nonlinear controllers, therefore, it is necessary to develop quantitative performance analysis methods for such nonlinear control systems. In this course, we will present several methods to design and analyze high-performance nonlinear control systems in the presence of disturbances using frequency-domain techniques. These techniques can be used to design nonlinear control systems that outperform linear control systems. Numerous industrial applications, such as the (variable-gain) motion control of stages in wafer scanners, objective lenses in optical storage and hard-disk drives, as well as precision positioning stages, illustrate the feasibility of this approach.

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