
In English:

A note about the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics, GURU

October 17, 2023

Occupations shape retirement across countries, VoxEU

June 30, 2023

Women’s liberation, household revolution, VoxEU

February 24, 2022

Women’s liberation as a financial innovation, VoxEU

March 23, 2019 

Careers Women and the Family - A New Perspective on the Role of Minimum Wage,Policy Brief, Free Network 

April 29, 2018

Careers and families of high skilled women in the age of high inequality, VoxEU 

January 13, 2018

Highly educated women no longer have fewer kids,  Policy Brief, Free Network 

March 17, 2016

Highly educated women no longer have fewer kids, VoxEU 

December 11, 2015

Retirement age across countries: The role of occupations, VoxEU 

November 19, 2011

In Arabic:

تحرر المرأة: ثورة اقتصادية 

March 8, 2018

 مقابلة خاصة بموضوع الاقتصاد والفقر 

May 20, 2016

In Russian:

Больше денег - больше детей. Почему образованные женщины в США стали чаще рожать? (An interview - BBC)

April 6, 2018

Экономика материнства: как связаны образование, карьера и семейная жизнь, Forbes Women 

June 5, 2017

Win-win: права женщин как финансовая инновация, Forbes Women 

March 22, 2017