Cooling Center: HCA is offering a "Cooling Space" this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (July 5, 6 and 7th) from noon to 7 p.m. at the Hornbrook Hall - located at 15439 Hornbrook Road. 

Hornbrook residents in need of relief from the heat PLEASE consider coming down to the Hall for some relief and friendly conversation.

Virginia wins quilt!

Virgina McMaster (right) won a quilt made by Jeanne Welch (left) this Friday morning at the weekly pancake breakfast. The beautiful handmade quilt had giant yellow sunflowers with a blue background. 

Congratulations again Virginia!

They're Delicious!

This morning (October 13th) when Mary walked across the street for Friday coffee at the Hall, she was carrying two huge bags of apples ....and one beautiful jar of APPLE BUTTER to share with the pancake group! 

So we all had apple butter for our pancakes today!

"What kind of apples are they?" We asked her.

"I'm not sure, but I have LOTS of them!" 

Mary explained that she has a large mature tree in her yard that produced tons of apples this year.

The coffee crew tried the apples and decided they were DELICIOUS and red, so probably "Red Delicious" apples is our scientific deduction.

Thank-you Mary!

Some Gifts Continue to Give!

Things Grow and People Share

Matthew has a way with heirloom tomatoes.

And when he grows an abundance - he does something really extraordinary. He shares them!

This morning (September 29th) he brought some by the community center after the Friday coffee social.

Only a few doors down from the Hornbrook Hall, he tends a large garden. Occaisionally he leaves vegetables near a 'free 'sign at the front of the Hall.

We suspect the ground behind the community building must be good for gardening, if Matthew has had such success nearby.

In this photo Diana holds up one of the larger tomatoes. She says they taste good too!

Bett saved some of Matthews seeds and hopes to plant them in Hornbrook's community garden someday. 

Thank-you Matthew!

From Peaches to Jam

Last Friday morning (September 22) after coffee, Lisa (far right) from R-Ranch brought over at least five jars of peach jam for us to share with the community at the next pancake breakfast. Brian and Pat were happy to accept such a thoughtful gift.

This generous gift from Lisa illustrates a spirit of giving that is contagious; the Peaches that were gifted to Hornbrook (via the HCA) were gifted frist from the Gleaning Network in Oregon, then shared with the community last week. Lisa took what was left over - so there was no waste.

Not only was there no waste, but now we still have peach jam to go with our Friday pancakes as we move into the colder months, where there will be no fresh fruit to share.

Thank-you Lisa!

Conversations at Friday Coffee Lead to Possible Community Garden

Hamming it up at Friday coffee: Steve Fisher laughs as Brenda prepares to shovel in a scoop of pancakes, blackberries and whip cream! Kristie and Steve paused from eating for a moment to pose for photo.

Along with our coffee and pancakes this morning (August 4th), coffee folks watched some July 4th Parade video from this year and discussed current events - like dam removal.

And YES! Those big juicy blackberries were picked from HCA's back yard by HCA president Doreen Bellach! 

The possibility of a Community Garden behind the Hornbrook Hall is still being discussed since Joe Luiz's visit to the coffee group a couple weeks ago.

Joe took measurements of HCA's back lot and is willing to help volunteers put up a deer proof fence for a garden - if we are able to obtain fencing supplies.

Bett has been in communication with home and garden suppliers in the Medford area to discuss the possibility donation of some fence supplies.

What's next?

We've come a long way Hornbrook Friends! 

What else is possible for Hornbrook folks working together?

The future belongs to those who show up!

Hornbrook Community Association (HCA) aquired "The Hall" building via a Community Development Block Grant from the State of California. The County of Siskiyou facilitated the grant after HCA's old building at 221 Main Street was destroyed in the Klamathon Fire on July 5, 2018. HCA took ownership of new the building at 15439 Hornbrook Road on March 4, 2021. HCA is a 501c3 non-profit (EIN # 90-1229744) organized to benefit and improve the unincorporated community of Hornbrook, California. HCA is not affiliated with any other Hornbrook non-profits.

HCA's Board of Directors for 2023

In front of the "Hornbrook Hall" building from right to left are; Helene Blazier, Belle Sloan, Doreen Bellach, Brian Engen (back), Pat Miller and Bett Peterson. 

This year, with the help of several generous volunteers and donor funds, the board has put a lot of elbow grease into getting the Hall's kitchen in order. 

On May 11 at 5 p.m. HCA invited Hornbrook residents to a Community Meeting at the Hornbrook Hall, located at 15439 Hornbrook Road. 

We can all celebrate a more funtional Hall building and brainstorm together about what to do with our back building. We were using the back building for storage, but we could make the building a more useful space for the community.

Are you willing to work toward something new with us?


Using a few clues from Roy Jones' book "Land of Remember," Bett Peterson presented a historical talk at the Hornbrook Hall.  

In addiiton to using photos from Jones' book, Bett reproduced an old map of Cottonwood and showed archive photos from the Siskiyou County Historical Museum.

The rugged landscape around either side of Interstate 5, still has signs from the previous town and people.

The town of Cottonwood, changed its name to Henley in 1856 after Senator Thomas Jefferson Henley, because there was already another larger town named Cottonwood in California, so this caused problems for the post office.

After serving as Senator, Henley went on to become California's first Superintendant of Indian Affairs from 1855 to 1858, leaving a bit of controversey in his wake.

Bett is reviewing Henley's letters from the National Archives via the LA County Library's digitization project. 

Bett was hoping for a simple story about how Henley got it's name, but the museum archives are like a Pandora's Box!


Key to historic map: Blue squares indicate photos of the building exist, pink circles indicate there are photos of people and green triangles indicate stories associated with this map have been found.

Building Maintainence & Upgrades

Tree Service trimmed the walnut tree  branches over HCA's back building to reduce the risk of damage to our roof last fall. 

HCA also upgraded the electric box in the main building to a safer model thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of the North State - which also pays for the ADA bathroom upgrade.


Community Service

HCA voluteers unload and sort food from The Gleaners of Central Point. Hornbrook has been fortunatel that the Gleaners donate food to Hornbrook whenever possible. We are also very grateful that fuel expenses and material support was paid for in part by a one time grant from the Community Foundation of the North State. HCA is also working with Siskiyou Community Food Bank to provide a food box to seniors every other month.

ADA Bathroom Nears Completion

Doreen Ballach and Pat Miller have been supportive of the effort to get the ADA bathroom complete. Here they are putting the finishing touches on the paint before tile and plumbing can be installed. These improvements are possible beause of generous donations including grants from Pacific Power and the McConnell Foundation through the Community Foundation of the North State. 

The Hornbrook Community Association is a non-profit dedicated to supporting & encouraging the improvement & development of Hornbrook, California


Community Members gathered at the old church for a "Celebration of Life" memorial service for Hornbrook Community Association founder Carole Eastman, who passed away in June, 2019.

A "Celebration of Life" memorial service for Carole Eastman, former secretary for the Hornbrook Community Association and past owner of the "First and Last Chance Saloon," took place at 3 p.m. Saturday, February 8th at St. John's Catholic Church in Hornbrook.

Doors opened at 2 p.m. and program began at 3 p.m.

The Hornbrook Community Association hosted the event which included shared memories of Carole, live music, cake, punch and remembrances of Hornbrook's past. 

Local musicians George Bryson and "Mama Hope" (aka Brandy Hammond) featured a selection songs, some of Carole's favorites - including "Blue Bayou" by Linda Rondsadt, and a few original songs by George - prepared especially for this community event. 

St. John's is a decommisioned Catholic Church located at 831 Third Street in Hornbrook. The historic church, built in 1910, is privately owned, but was open to the public for this event. 

HCA wishes to thank Elaine Mellon and Richard Schwindt for allowing the community of Hornbrook to return to this landmark building for Carole's special memorial service. 

Carole Eastman will be missed!

Old Hornbrook Railroad Days

This Shasta Division Archive photo of Hornbrook's railroad pictures a "20th Century Vaudeville" show car. 

The advertisement on the show car says that it featured "Trained Goats and Educated Dogs." 

Nancy Harmon from the Sisson Museum in Mount Shasta shared this photo with HCA President Pat Miller and Communications Director, Amy Evangelista when they visited the museum in Mount Shasta this October. Nancy also shared old Horn family photos and two history books that featured Hornbrook in them. Thank-you Nancy! 

We love Hornbrook history, so if you have historic photos of Hornbrook, we would love to see them!

From the archives:

The Hornbrook Community Association & the Healing Hornbook Committee Project have been hard work to bring the residents of Hornbrook together. We hosted a series of listening events with the community to try to better understand the concerns and dreams of our little town. 

From these listening sessions with business leaders, local agencies & local residents we identified three main overlapping goals for the community. We want to see:

With these three goals in mind we came up with our goals for the summer. 

The first event of this series is a Community Clean Up Day at the Kay Bryan Memorial Park on the corner of Hornbrook Rd & Henley Hornbrook Rd on Saturday, JUNE 29th @10am. 

We will also be at the 4th of July Parade. 

And finally, the First Annual Kalamathon Homecoming Celebration, where we celebrate coming home to Hornbrook after the Kalamathon fire of 2018. 

Please join us for all the festivities!