Match and Fit

What are "match" and "fit"?

Match: A student's academic profile (GPA, test scores) and how that compares to a college's academic profile of accepted students

Fit: Other factors such as academic programs offered, cost, size, and location

Click here for a link to GPA and SAT averages for each school in the UNC System

Below you will find links to sites for college, major, and career exploration

College Search Sites

Naviance SuperMatch: Go to your NCEdCloud Account. Click on the Clever icon and then Click on the Naviance icon. Click the Colleges tab, Find Your Fit, and then SuperMatch.



Major/Career Exploration Sites

Check out these cool tools!

UNC Charlotte Career Center WCIDWAMI: Shows you careers related to a ton of different majors

Reality Check: Make budget choices and get a summary of state or county costs in 12 major expense categories. Link to occupations that pay salaries that match your life choices.

O*NET OnLine: “Welcome to your tool for career exploration and job analysis! O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!”