Probiotic Sodas

Sourdough fermentation is a subset of "lacto fermentations" which led me to discover a whole world of fermented foods. One of these that I make regularly is probiotic sodas. Kombucha is currently the fashionable fermented drink but probiotic sodas are much broader than this drink and are the forgotten ancestors of the unhealthy modern "soda pops" we know of today. I'm a fan of "ginger bug" derived sodas since they are the easiest to make and accesible to everyone as the culture is based on ginger root and sugar.

The options for making a broad range of fermented probiotic sodas are endless and in time I will add to this page but for now I will include a basic fermented fruit juice recipe for easy reference

Probiotic Fruit Juice

Ginger Bug

Like a sourdough starter, to make a probiotic soda, one first needs to build a starter culture. To do this it's a simple matter of buying ginger root from the grocery store together with granulated sugar (white or brown) and completing the following steps:

The liquid should have a pleasant, yeasty smell and bubbles should be visible. At this point the starter culture is both in the liquid and on the grated ginger and can be used immediately or refrigerated. To use, pour liquid off and retain ginger in the jar. Repeat steps 2-6 above to regenerate the culture (fermentation should take 2-3 days now.

Probiotic Fruit Soda

The reason I make fruit soda is that it requires none of the "infusion extraction" steps that other sodas (like ginger beer, fermented iced teas etc.) require and therefore is an easy, healthy drink to make regularly. All it requires is a preservative free fruit juice (like Ceres or Liqui-Fruit in South Africa).