

1st grade

Week 6: May 11-13

Essentials Bingo Board - COVID edition

Hope you enjoyed some Music time this week!

Miss you guys so much!! Have a fabulous summer!!

Love, Mrs. Hooten

Week 5: May 4-8

What's up, Marvelous Musicians?!?

This week is all about melody! The melody of a song is when you hear the sound go up, down or stay the same.

We will practice this in different ways this week. You might want to find something that can act like a scarf: shirt, towel, or ribbon. You'll also need a piece of yarn, string or ribbon, if you have some.

But first, let's take a look at our May Song of the Month: Fifty Nifty. It's new & a challenge for you, PreK & Kdg, but review for 1st grade.

Watch the 'Intro to Melody' video and choose 1 or more from the 5 videos that follow. There are many ways to practice a musical melody! Enjoy!

Intro to Melody

Our new step bells!

Slide Whistle

the 'Let's Play' book

Pipe Cleaner


Melody with yarn

Hope you enjoyed some Music time today!

Miss you guys so much!!

Love, Mrs. Hooten

Week 4: April 27-May 1

Hello, Marvelous Musicians!!

I hope you have found some time to have music class at home!

I miss making music with you!

This week...

  1. Sing through our Song of the Month, Take Me Out To The Ballgame, for the last time this year.

  2. Watch the video of Mrs. Hooten below. Be ready to get up and move! :)

  3. Check out the Let's Move page - Do the Sight Word Dance Song for your grade level.

  4. Have fun!

Hope you enjoyed some Music time today!

Miss you guys so much!!

Love, Mrs. Hooten

Week 3: April 20-24

Hello, Prairie View!

I hope you are happy & healthy!

Still missing your smiles, singing voices and hugs!!

For week 3...I'd love it if you tried writing your own song!

Don't freak out!

It's easy and SO FUN! If you'd like to share your song composition with me, I'd LOVE to hear it! Have an adult email it to me!

  1. Watch the tutorial video below

  2. Click over to the Instrument Fun page

  3. Find and click on the Chrome Music Lab button

  4. Have fun!

Song Maker

Try writing your own song this week! Watch the tutorial and then go for it!

Hope you enjoyed some Music time today!

Miss you guys so much!!

Love, Mrs. Hooten

Week 2: April 13-17

Prairie View students...I Miss You!!

This week we'll...

  1. Sing our Song of the Month - Take Me Out To The Ballgame

  2. Practice Steady Beat (Feel free to grab your kitchen instrument from last week to play on!) *VIDEO BELOW*

  3. Practice and Sing - TEMPO (the speed of the beat) *VIDEO BELOW*

  4. Feel free to look around my website! It's for you! There are lots of fun games & videos to check out!!

Steady Beat practice

Did you see the special guest?

TEMPO time!

Did you hear McKinley say hello?

Hope you enjoyed some Music time today!

Miss you guys so much!!

Love, Mrs. Hooten

Week 1: April 6-10

Hey there!


  1. Watch the video below.

  2. What are they using as instruments? Have you seen some of these things around your house?

  3. Find something you could use as a drum and a shaker. Find something made of wood and something made of metal that you could use as an instrument.

  4. How could you make sound with your items? Hit them together? Strike them on another object? Use your hand to hit your object?

  5. Watch the video again and this time, play when they do!

**There are some videos you'll be asked to play along with in the coming weeks, so you'll want to find these "found sound items" from your house another time!

Time for Music

Kitchen episode "hint hint"


Use those found items to play-along with 'Deteggtive Anderson - Level 1'.

Click here

Scroll down to find video, Deteggtive Anderson - Level 1.

Have fun!


Sing through our April Song of the Month - Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Although all baseball is currently canceled, we can still learn/review our song. Maybe this is a good time to get outside and throw a ball around! :)

Hope you enjoyed some Music time today!

Miss you guys so much!!

Love, Mrs. Hooten