APA Format

"Since APA style format is used often in science fields, the belief is "less is more." Make sure you’re able to get your points across in a clear and brief way. Be direct, clear, and professional. Try not to add fluff and unnecessary details into your paper or writing" (easybib.com).

Tone: Even though your writing will not have the same fluff and detail as other forms of writing, it should not be boring or dull to read. Think about who will be the main reader of your work and to write in a way that educates them (easybib.com).

APA Format Resources

EasyBib (for APA citations, EasyBib will ask for a 3-Day free trial)

OWL - Purdue Online Writing Lap

American Psychological Association

You MUST (reference, cite, etc.) all quotations, paraphrases, ideas and images from other's work.


When to use an in-text citation:

Quotation: using an author’s exact words and enclosing the words in quotes

Paraphrase: using an author’s idea but restating in your own words

Summary: using a larger section of an author’s work and putting the main ideas into your own words


The reproductive cycle is expensive for females; depending on the species, recovering time can take several days (Emlen, 2014).

According to Emlen, egg production is expensive for the female of a species as they are time consuming to produce (2014).

“Large, nutrient-rich eggs are expensive, and they take time to produce” (Emlen, 2014, p. 58).

Emlen (2014) stated, “Large, nutrient-rich eggs are expensive, and they take time to produce” (p. 58).

Sample APA Paper

retrieved from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Sample APA Paper.pdf

Setting up your Word document for APA Format

  1. Start with a NEW document (this will be your Title Page document)
  2. Font: Times New Roman size 12
  3. Line Spacing 2.0
  4. Margins to 1"
  5. Insert Page Number
    1. Insert Tab - insert page number - Top Right
  6. Edit Page number and place cursor to the left of the page number and type your shortened Running Head plus a shortened Title of your essay in ALL CAPS. (sample: Running Head: SAMPLE TITLE) Add spaces between the Title and Page number until your title is left justified.
  7. Change the margin for your Header to 1 inch from the top
  8. Exit Header and complete the remainder of your title page.

  1. Start a New document (This will be your Essay Document)
  2. Font: Times New Roman size 12
  3. Line Spacing 2.0
  4. Margins to 1"
  5. Insert Page Number
    1. Insert Tab - insert page number - Top Right
  6. Edit Page number and place cursor to the left of the page number and type your shortened Title of your essay in ALL CAPS (Do not include Running Head in this document)
    1. Format Page Number: change the Start At to 2
  7. Add spaces between the Title and Page number until your title is left justified
  8. Change the margin to your Header to 1 inch from the top
  9. Exit header and type your essay!

General Formatting Guidelines

8 1/2 X 11 Paper

Title Page (title of the paper, running head, the author’s name, school)


Reference Page

Double spaced

Indent each new paragraph