Program / Curricular development | How To Apply for Honorary DSc

Application Form for Award of Honorary D.Sc

1. Name of Program: Application for Honorary D.Sc (Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa) in ....... (mention subject/ expertization)

2. Name of Applicant: ?

3. Photograph: ?

4. Autobiography / CV (Resume) including your contributions, achievements and experience: ?

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This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

DSc (Honoris Causa)

Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa

Recipients of Honorary DSc are recognized as Resource person, Consultants & Advisors of international repute in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to produce Technologists of caliber by imparting quality Education to the students

Mission of Honorary DSc is to promote research and extension among Universities and other research organizations in all aspects of research, extension and training.

Mission of Honorary DSc is to undertake consultancies and studies in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to provide advisory services for Social Engineering

This is international selection based upon merit. Every year Honorary DSc is awarded to World's 100 Most Influential International Celebrities who have made significant contributions in the transformation of society.

Honorary DSc is awarded by International Agency for Standards and Ratings, it is valid international recognition, recognizing Vice Chancellor, Minister, Judge, Legislative Members, Policy Makers, Professors, Director, Principal, Head of Institutes, Company Owners, Chairman, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Patent owners, Editors, Scientists, Civil Servants and many more across all continents of world including America, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia. We are World's Largest Talent Pool with Rank 1.


* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Exclusive Interview

George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario’s Provost CORY PAUL ROSS Conferred With Honorary DSc in Anatomy


  • A senior executive director with over 30 years of teaching, administration, clinical, research, consulting, management and leadership skills. A strategic planner with expertise in educational systems and an expertise in developing curriculum and programming.

  • Developed a diverse range of strategic market planning, negotiation, communications, human resources, and budget administration skills. Planned, organized and presented numerous program initiatives to administrators, board of directors, national and regional government agencies, academic (University and College educational leaders), medical specialists, hospital staff and volunteer groups

  • Provided focused entrepreneurial leadership, innovation, conceptualization, and direction with clear and balanced approaches to overall corporate strategy. A skilled director, manager and communicator with proactive approaches to problem resolution, and a clear sensitivity to client, staff, student and organizational needs. Demonstrates highly fine- tuned customer service skills.


2019 Fellowship in Royal Society of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland

2014 Fellowship in the Royal Society of Public Health, London, United Kingdom

2007 Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland

* Master of Business Administration/Health Care Management

2000 University of Oxford, United Kingdom

* Diploma Strategic Management (Executive Development)

1999 Royal Institute of Public Health, United Kingdom

* Fellowship in Public Health

1998 Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

* Diplomate of Public Health (Complementary Care)

1994 Ryerson Polytechnical University

* Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

1989 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, Ontario

* Doctor of Chiropractic

1985 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

* Master of Science, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine

1981 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

*Bachelor of Arts, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts


2012 Harvard University School of Health and Public Policy

*Meta-Leadership Certificate (Medical Simulation)

2005 Ontario Long Term Association

* Long Term Care Administrator Certificate

2002 Canadian College of Health Service Executives

* Certified Health Executive

2002 Ontario Hospital Association

* Diploma in Health Care Administration

2001 The Ontario Hospital Association

* Certificate of Distinction in Management Education; Effective Health Care


2000 York University, Schulich School of Business

* Division of Executive Development; Certificate in Strategic Management

1998 University of Toronto, McGill University

* Executive Program Alliance Certificate


2022-present George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario


2017-2021 George Brown College, Toronto , Ontario

Vice President Academic

2007-2016 George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario

Executive Dean, Acting Vice President Academic 2016

Dean, Division of Community Services and Health Sciences (2012-2016)

Acting Dean, Division of Community Services & Health Sciences (Nov 2008-2012)

Associate-Dean -Academic (2007-2008), Division of Community Services & Health Sciences

2004-2007 Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario

Manager, Organizational Health and Wellness

(Reporting to Director of Organizational Development)

1994-2003 Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario

Executive Director, Institutional Development, 2002-2003

Acting President, 2001

Dean of Research and Clinical Affairs, 2000-2001

Vice-President Academic, 1995-2000

Professor Emeritus Anatomy 1995

Professor, Chair of Medical Sciences, 1991-1994

1984-1993 University of Manitoba, Ryerson Polytechnical University, Red River College, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Instruction in Anatomy, Histology, Pathophysiology, Pathology, Public Health


GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE, Aug 2007--present

● My overall role at GBC has involved strategic and functional planning, program/curricular development, financial management and budget development, recruitment and performance management, conflict resolution, external partnership development and research, policy development and implementation, managing and marketing clinical services, creating interprofessional and applied learning initiatives, business plan development, responding as a team to government mandates, staff development and evaluation, health promotion strategic planning and change management

Some of the highlights of my career at George Brown College are captured below:

Currently as Provost, I am responsible for the overall academic plan at the College. I assist in the International strategy for the College with a particular focus on China. I am responsible for the academic enterprise, Research, Work Integrated Learning , Teaching and Learning Exchange. Together, responsible for an overall budget of of revenue that is approximately 375 million dollars.

Interim Executive Dean Nov 2017-present

VPA hybrid role with 6 Deans as Direct Reports

§ Agreed upon a plan with each Dean to ensure financial viability in their respective Divisions

§ Assisted all the Deans with respect to their HR, Business plans and Financial position.

§ Served as a mentor to the interim Dean of CPLS / Provide additional coaching/direction to Interim CPLS Dean regarding Human Resource issues, structure in view of recent resignation of Chair and other key roles who have been granted PD in 17-18 – Senior Operations Manager, and 2 other support roles, ongoing support in the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) and other issues.

§ Have modeled a team based approach with EA in order to support my role and bring stability to the area.

§ Continued to carry on my role as Dean CSHS with a strong commitment to making sure the Division was financially viable and restoring its contribution. (exceeded target this year by 2.1%)

§ Dealt with over a dozen contentious student and Faculty issues with positive resolution.

§ Monthly meetings for each of the Deans and ongoing meetings with EA for VPA office work and oversight.

§ Facilitated numerous meetings and ongoing discussions with Executive Director International regarding improvement and clarity of the International Travel Plan. Able to streamline process for International travel.( Worked with the Exec Dir International in order to produce a travel template)

§ Collaborated with Advisor to the President with respect to the Portfolio analysis: supplying her with background information and acting as a bridge to the Deans

§ International – travel to China – November 2016— outcome for building on new partnerships/relationships. Have developed source contacts and interest for a new cohort model from China (PSW program) to be executed in an executive style manner at GBC

§ Have been in contact with some of our Chinese recruitment agents, and I am working on a few models of teaching abroad in China under the GBC banner.

Dean of Community Services and Health Sciences (CSHS), March 2012-present

Acting Dean (CSHS), Feb 2008- March 2012

  • Responsible for business cycle planning.

  • Maintenance of academic quality assurance policies and procedures.

  • Development of Professional Development Program.

  • Lead Inter-professional education group in designing curriculum and business plan.

  • Member of the College- wide committee on future space planning and development.

  • Designed a strategic planning platform for divisional needs and future expansion plans.

  • Created the 3 year business plan for Interprofessional Education (IPE) and implementation of simulated Practice opportunities in the Interprofessional Learning Clinic.

  • Part of leadership team /Co-Principal investigator $491,000 grant “ Learning To Care Together” with Revera formerly RRREIT).

  • Chair the Academic Forum of the Division of Community Services and Health Sciences

  • Responsible for the day to day operation of Early Childhood Education/Community Services and Health Sciences Division (>60 million dollar operation).

  • Involved in developing the strategic plan for the future.

  • Oversees the articulation agreements with other institutions and all accreditation proceedings.

  • Restructured the Division with regards to the Operations Manager role.

  • Represented Division at Senior Management committee and Academic Management Committee

  • Repositioned the Fitness program so that it has a Health Promotion focus. Undertook program review in a number of programs and guided Chairs in formulating business plans in order to address program review recommendations.

  • Published first Divisional Scholarly Activity report 2008-2010.

  • Developed a strategic research plan designated Principal investigator for CFI grant.(2,006,000.00)

  • Active member on a number of College Committees: (Faculty-Admin Union (2009-2012), College Council (2007-20010) Academic excellence sub- committee of College Council (current),

  • Co-Led United Way (with cobranded OTSS ) 2012 campaign. Together raised over $180,000.

  • Represented GBC at various industry events, symposiums and conferences.

  • Maintained academic quality assurance policies and procedures. Development of Professional Development Program.

  • Led Inter-professional education group in designing curriculum and business plan. Successfully secured over $ 600,000.00 in Infrastructure grant money from Ministry for IPE. (2007-2011).

  • Member of the College- wide committee on future space planning and development. Designed a strategic planning platform for divisional needs and future expansion plans.

  • Led and developed a Divisional plan in expanding the international strategy for not only ECE but also Community Services and Health Sciences.

  • Crafted an expanded Carribean strategy with the Director of Community Services.

Associate Dean-Academic Aug 2007- Feb 2008

Redesigned the Controlled Applied Learning Environments (CALE) in conjunction with the Clinical Manager. I held the overall responsibility for the Interprofessional Learning Clinic. Instrumental in making sure that the Interprofessional Learning Clinic (ILC) offers students from various health disciplines (e.g. dental assistant, dental hygiene, restorative dental hygiene, denturism, fitness and health promotion and hearing instrument specialist) a clinical practice opportunity to provide direct client services in a real, working environment and a chance to participate in community health promotion and education initiatives. Instrumental in rebranding the ILC into the WAVE Clinic at the Waterfront.

● Led the Office of Interprofessional Education (IPE) and the Community Learning Centre for Healthy Living (Health Promotion Hub) – part of the ILC. The ILC has active relationships with community agencies, hospitals, child care centres and long term care facilities.

Developed the Community Learning Centre for Health Living (Health Promotion Hub) to include students from ten different health care professions such as Medicine (in collaboration with the Fitzgerald Academy (St Michael’s Hospital), University of Toronto, Nursing (in collaboration with Ryerson University), dental hygiene, denturism, fitness and lifestyle management, hearing instrument specialist, social service worker, activation and gerontology, health information management and orthotics and prosthetics.

Developed and led the IPE division wide mandate and as such I was involved in program discussions with the entire Faculty of Community Services and Health Sciences. I also played a central role in functional planning and design for the Centre for Health Living and Interprofessional Care - CHLIC (part of the new health sciences complex at the waterfront in Toronto).

● My overall role at GBC involved strategic and functional planning, program/curricular development, financial management and budget development, recruitment and performance management, conflict resolution, external partnership development and research, policy development and implementation, managing and marketing clinical services, creating interprofessional and applied learning initiatives, business plan development, responding as a team to government mandates, staff development and evaluation, health promotion strategic planning and change management.


  • Liaison with Human Resources Department Re: Work Life Balance Programming, formulating new Wellness @ Work policy incorporating new working relationships. Revitalized and augmented the Wellness @ Work attendance Management Program, trained over 100 managers and 2000 employees leading to an Institution savings of 300,000/ quarter. Rebranded over 30 Wellness initiatives under the label of Wellness @ Work. Led the CAHO group of Hospitals in selecting a Health Risk Appraisal for the teaching hospitals of Ontario. Acted as trainer for the Employee/Physician Satisfaction Survey. Created the framework for the Competition of Top 50 Employer (Mount Sinai Hospital recognized Oct 06)

  • Implemented Performance Management System with the Director of Organizational Development. Monitored Performance evaluation project, assisted in the corporate rollout of a new performance management system and evaluation technique. Facilitated Hospital Accreditation Project-Human Resources Standard, Occupational Health and Safety, Organizational Development, Strategic Planning. Revised the new employee orientation program. Created a culture of learning, continuing professional development and a life long learning environment. Built a Reward and Recognition program. Disseminated the results of the staff satisfaction survey and have facilitated group plans for implementing action plans.

  • Created quarterly wellness fairs and the new Mental Health Awareness Forum, Formulated and expanded the newly integrated wellness strategy for the hospital. Named to the Advisory board of Hospital News and Wellness Options magazine. Instrumental in achieving PEP1 status from the National Quality Institute. Developed the Passport to Health – Destination Wellness Program. Nominated and won the OHA’s 2005 Healthy Hospital Innovators Award. Introduced complementary care services and alternative medicine to Hospital sector through Health Risk Assessment program.


  • Developed overall Basic Medical Science curriculum with Human Anatomy as a core subject. Coursework in Gross Anatomy. Histology, Neuroanatomy and Embryology developed. Cadaveric Human cadaveric dissection in conjunction with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College instituted.

  • Interprofessional approach for Human Anatomy to be discussed in all para allied health courses.

  • Simulated cases of Human Anatomy developed for all years including anatomical and radiological correlates for clinicians.

  • Created a repository for anatomy in the Library using journals, books, models and videos.

  • Acted as a key interface to senior-level college staff in diverse aspects of both existing and planned operations, program development and business procedures as the Executive Director, Institutional Development, and as the Acting President. Administered a $9.5 million annual operating budget. Wrote a strategic 5-year business plan, incorporating new business ventures and business plans expanding the revenue base.

  • Conceptualized and directed the development of a modern research department at the college; shaped a sustainable infrastructure involving continuing education. Created a division of general interest continuing education with over 70 course offerings. Secured $1+ million in private and public grants/pledges over a 2 year period that was used in building training programs and general interest coursework.

  • Led the college through the identification, negotiation, and purchase of an $8.5 million/177,000 square foot facility as the Vice-President Academic. Facilitated the relocation of the college and clinic without disruption of services. Directed the implementation of a $3 million renovation plan. Managed the purchase of capital for the new campus. Developed and managed a budget of $5.5 million.

  • Developed and implemented new S.O.P. manual for clinical practice and operation; directed sourcing, negotiation and procurement of medical equipment and supplies for the main clinic and its associate clinical placement sites. Instrumental in raising $3.5 million as the Chair of the College Family Campaign for Advancement. Managed the purchase of capital for the new campus.

  • Created scholarships for students in Human Anatomy furthering their education for higher learning.

  • Recognized for marketing creativity, ingenuity and communication skills; spearheaded clinic- business and revenue expansion by creating 9 external clinical sites and developed a spa facility on site, formulation of a number of articulation agreements with other colleges and a number of private sector businesses leading to new diversified streams of revenues to the College. Maintained a close working relationship with all new business partners, and continued the relationships by way of setting up community networks and setting up strategic audits.


  • Gained Occupational Health and Safety expertise as an Industrial Consultant encompassing Employee Assistance Programs; Workers’ Compensation Claims (WSIB); Disability Assessments; Ergonomic Workplace Design and Retraining; Environmental Safety Workshops; Industrial Safety Programs; Workplace Biomechanical Assessments.

  • Identified and resolved barriers to workers returning to work, including: workplace accommodations, availability of external resources and workplace modifications; determining suitable employment/business options for workers; identifying factors to consider in setting work trials; training on-the-job programs and incentives.

  • Served as advisory board member for the resdesign of the cadaveric dissection laboratory and Histlogy lab at CCNM.

  • Renegotiated a standing membership for the chiropractic and naturopathic students with respect to the Human Tissue Act for preservation of cadaveric dissection in their respective higher education institutions.


BMSI Bio Tech Company

• Created Biotechnology firm specializing in Teratogenic testing.

In Vitro harvest of embryos with exposure to various teratogens. Outcomes measured.

Pharmaceutical application of alcohol and caffeine as adjuvants in common drug preparations.


1. Mills EJ, Ross CP: Complementary Therapies Clinic for People Living with HIV/AIDS. ($245,000) 2001.

2. Ross CP (PI): The development of an integrated model for Lifesport Health and Fitness centers. 2002-2003 (Amount: $284,747).

3. Mills EJ, Gagnier J, Ross C, Carino J, Humphreys K, Wilson K. The affects of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) on Serum Glutathione in HIV+ individuals: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial. Submitted to the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) Priority Initiatives Program: HIV & Natural Health Products Clinical Trials, 2003, (Amount: $57,360).

4. Mills E, Ross C, Wilson K: Database monitoring of cancer patients. Essiac Canada International © July 2002-August 2003 (Industry grant $339,000).

5. Mills E, Ross CP, Wilson K: Randomized controlled trial of evidence delivery. Canadian Naturopathic Foundation. $7,000 (3 months) July 2002 (peer reviewed).

6. Ross CP (PI): A Pharmaco-economic Survey. Docap. Sept 2002-June 2003, (Amount: $767, 750).

7. Ross CP (PI): A Strategic and Implementable Operational Plan for the Creation of Integrated CAM services at the Sherbourne Health Centre. March 2003 (Amount: $20,000).

8. Ross CP and Gaudet J (Co-PI) “Learning To Care Together Project” A joint venture between George Brown College and Revera ,(Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities) , 2007-2010 (Amount :$491,000)

9. Dorian P, Allan K, Naik V, Bould D, Ross C, Chien V, Diniz D: Improving teaching of basic life support: A randomized pilot study of real-time feedback in CPR performance. 2009-2010

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario ( $120,000)

10. Gary Kapelus, Rahim Karim, Cory Ross, Taras Gula: Evaluation of health promotion activities as a vehicle for applied interprofessional education. REB Approval # 00055, 2009 (Amount: $7,500).

11. Ross CP: HealthForceOntario Infrastructure grant 2007-2010 (Amount: $450,000).

12. Ross CP: Principal Investigator: Canada Foundation for Innovation, George Brown College, Feb/ March 2013. ($2,006,000.00).

Board Affiliations:

Sim-One: 2012 Elected as Vice President and Secretary of Executive Board.

Director, SIM one Ontario Simulation Network, Toronto, Ontario, 2012-present

VHA: 2015-2017 Board Member Subcommittee Quality, Improvement and Risk Management

Journal of Interprofessional Care/ editorial board 2010-2018

Hospital News Advisory Board 2008- present


Ross C. Exploring Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality In Teaching Human Anatomy. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 8, Issue 7 July 2022.

Ross C, Ross J: College Education: The Winds of Change Are Blowing-The Future Is Now. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 8, Issue 6 June 2022.

Ross C: Building Academic Resilience: The Interplay Between Industry and Education. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 8, Issue 5 May 2022.

Ross C, Ross H: Field Placement: A Key Ingredient To Applied Learning And Education. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 7, Issue 10 October 2021.

Ross C, Eliadis M: Future Vision And Planning for the George Brown College Simulation Centre: Research And Development. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 7, Issue 9 September 2021.

Ross C, Eliadis M: The Evolution and Maturity of Simulation in Healthcare Through The Years: The Power of the Simulated Experience. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 7, Issue 8 August 2021.

Ross C, Li J, Ross H: Lessons Learnt From Health Science Education: Problem Based-Learning Augmented With Interprofessional Education: Giving Business Students A Powerful Glimpse Into A Real World Work Environment. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 7, Issue 7 July 2021.

Ross C, Li J, Ross H: The Art of War, Coronavirus and Ontario College Post Secondary Education: An Administrator, Instructor and Student Perspective. International Education and Research Journal: Volume 7, Issue 6 June 2021.

Ross C, Guescini D: Developing a Quality Assurance Framework that Addresses Experiential Learning and Work-Integrated Learning: Lessons Learnt form George Brown College: College Quarterly; Volume 22, Issue 2, 2019.

Ross CP. The Role of Simulation in Education, Shanghai Urban Construction University, Shanghai, China, Nov 2018.

Ross CP. A History of Manipulation Through the Ages, Chongching Medical University Press, Chongching, China, Dec 2017.

Ross CP. Modernizing Curriculum In An Age Of Advancing Technologies, Chengdu University Press, Chengdu, China, Dec 2017.

Ross CP. Building A Senior Care Agenda in China. Tianjin Medical College Press, Tianjin, China. Nov 2017.

Ross CP. The Role Of The Personal Support Worker And Their Relationship To The Nurse, Tianjin Medical College Press, Tianjin, China, Nov 2017.

Ross CP. Social Determinants of Health and the Importance of a Head Start for Young Children, Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park Centre Press, Suzhou, China. Nov 2017.

Ross C. Education Paradigm change: To Dissect, to Prosect or to Game (Simulation), that is the Question: College Quarterly; Winter 2016, Vol 18, Number 1.

Ross C, Alexander K , Gritsyuk R, Morrin A, Tan J: AN approach to Business Planning: College Quarterly; Spring 2011,Vol 14, Number 2.

Ross C, Kapelus G, Karim R. Interprofessional Education Through Curriculum Changes and the Collaborative Practice of Health Promotion, Hospital News, January 2010,Vol 23, Issue 1.

Ross C, Gaudet, J, Kapelus, R., Dybenko, L., Kapelus, G., Seaberg, R, Reeves, S., Brill, K., Dykeman, J., Collingwood, B., Wagner, F. Inter-agency interprofessional education in long term care and retirement living settings. GBC Press.Toronto, March 2009.

Ross C, Hollenberg E, Belanger B, Dudziak S, Grant L, Houston C, Kapelus G, Luke R, Patrick A, Reeves S, Seaberg R, Gaudet J. Inter-agency IPE programming: Early organizational challenges and lessons-learned in working together. George Brown Press, April 2009.

Gaudet J, Ross C, Hollenberg E, Seaberg R, Kapelus G, Houston C, Patrick A, Reeves S. Facilitator and Learner perspectives on Facilitation of Interprofessional Ethical Decision-Making Education: Different Lenses Explored. GBC Press, Toronto. January 2009.

Dorian P, Allan K, Naik V, Bould D, Ross C, Chien V, Diniz D. Improving teaching of basic life support: A randomized pilot study of real-time feedback in CPR performance. GBC Nursing Annals, Toronto September 2008.

Ross C, Karim R, Donovan H, Sanguiliano N. Electronic Health Record Application for the Interprofessional Learning Cinic. GBC Press, Toronto May 2008.

Ross C. Health Promotion Outreach at Community Learning Centre for Healthy Living: Health, GBC IPE Press. Toronto. October 2007.

Ross C, Alexander K , Gritsyuk R, Morrin A, Tan J: AN approach to Business Planning: College Quarterly; Spring 2011,Vol 14, Number 2.

Gaudet, J., Ross C., Hollenberg, E., Loones, M., Presutti, A., Seaberg, R., Kapelus, G., Houston, C., Patrick A., Reeves, S. Facilitator and Learner Perspectives on Facilitation of Interprofessional Ethical Decision-Making Education: Different Lenses Explored. GBC Nursing Annals , 2009 Toronto

Ross C, Kapelus G, Karim R. Interprofessional Education Through Curriculum Changes and the Collaborative Practice of Health Promotion, Hospital News, January 2010,Vol 23, Issue 1.

Kapelus G, Karim R, Pimento B, Ferrara G, Ross C. Interprofessional health promotion field placement: Applied learning through the collaborative practice of health promotion. Journal of Interprofessional Care, February 2009; 1-4.

Ross C, Karim R, Donovan H, Sanguiliano N. Electronic Health Record Application for the Interprofessional Learning Cinic. GBC Press, Toronto May 2008.

Ross C. Health Promotion Outreach at Community Learning Centre for Healthy Living: Health, GBC IPE Press. Toronto . October 2007.

Kapelus, G., Karim, R., & Ross, C. (August 2008). Embracing Interprofessional Education. FirstCanadianHealthcareConference.

Ross C, Karim R. Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Chiropractic. Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2008;52(2).

Ross C. Maverick Wellness@WorkProgram at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto Canada. Wellness Options. May 2006, Vol.11, No. 3:12-13.

Ross CP. A Business Case for Learning :Organizational Development Perspective Mount Sinai Hospital; MSH Press Institute, Jan 2005:1-6.

Mills E, Jadad AR, Ross C, Wilson K. Systematic review of qualitative studies exploring parental beliefs and attitudes toward childhood vaccination identifies common barriers to vaccination. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2005; 58: 1081-1088.

Mills EJ, Montori VM, Ross CP, Shea B, Wilson K, Guyatt GH. Systematically reviewing qualitative studies complements survey design: an exploratory study of barriers to paediatric immunisations. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2005; 58: 1101-1108.

Ross C. Mount Sinai Hospital Wellness Programs and Strategies in the Canadian Hospital. Hospital News, March 2005.

Mills EJ, Singh R, Ross CP, Ernst E, Wilson K. Impact of Federal Safety Advisories on Health Food Store Advice. Journal of General Internal Medicine, March, 2004.

Mills EJ, Ross CP, Jadad A, Wilson K. A systematic review of barriers regarding childhood vaccinations. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. February, 2004.

Mills EJ, Ernst E, Singh R, Ross CP, Wilson K. Health food store recommendations: Implications for breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Research 2003, 5:R170-174.

Mills EJ, Ross CP, Raskin G, Debona M, Lloyd I. Characteristics of patients attending a naturopathic teaching clinic. UTMJ 2003;80:16-19.

Mills EJ, Singh R, Ross CP, Ernst E, Ray JG. Sales of kava in health food stores. Canadian Medical Association Journal , 2003 169:1158-1159.

Wilson K, Mills EJ, Ross CP, Jadad A. MMR and Autism: a systematic review of the current evidence. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2003; 157:628-634.

Mills EJ, Hollyer T, Wilson K, Guyatt G, Ross CP, Saranchuk R, Iverson S, for the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Working Group. Teaching Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EBCAM): 1. A Learning Structure to Clinical Decision Changes. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine2002; 8: 207-214.

Wilson, K, Mills EJ, Ross C, Guyatt G. Teaching Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4. Appraising the Evidence for Papers on Therapy. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.2002 Vol. 8 No. 5: 673-679.

Ross C, Prousky J. Pain: A Naturopathic Medical Approach. Wellness Options. Dec 2001:24-25.

Ross CP. CCNM UDOLE Public Health Program at Oxford University, Oxford Press, 2000.

Ross CP, Logan A. Mitochondrial Support in the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Case Report Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 15 No. 1 2000: 15-17.

Gray R, Fitch M, Saunders P, Wilkinson A, Ross CP et al. Complementary Health Practitioner’s attitudes, practices and knowledge related to women’s cancers, Cancer Prevention and Control. Vol. 3(1), 1999: 77-82.

Ross C, Smith M. The Importance of an Expert Consultation: Complementary Health Guide to Echinacea. Canadian Chiropractor. Vol 4, No.2, April 1999:26-29.

Ross C, Smith F. Is Your Job Making You Sick ,Canadian Chiropractor. Vol 4, No. 1, Feb 1999:22-25.

Ross CP. The Establishment of Northern Canadian Complementary Care Health Units with a Focus Towards Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The Rights of the Unborn Child. 1998

Ross C Naturopathic Medicine: A Distinct Method of Primary Health Care. Canadian Chiropractor Journal, Vol. 3 No.3 June 1998:40-41.

Ross CP, Smith F. The Liver: Mechanisms of Toxic Injury and Therapeutic Prevention. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Vol. 13 No.4 1998:233-235.

Ross CP, Smith M. Lumbar Facet Syndrome: A Case Report. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Vol. 13, No. 1, 1998: 49-51.

Ross CP, Ross JS, Saunders PR. Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome: A Case Report. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Vol. 12 No.3. 1997:166-168.

Ross CP, Mahy C. What Mentoring is All About. College Quarterly Education Journal. Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology. Electronic Journal 1997.

Ross CP, Ross JS, Asseiro K. Sick Building Syndrome. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Vol 12, No. 1,1997: 23-28.

Ross CP, Saunders PR. The Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Vol. 11, No. 4, 1997:205-207.

Ross CP. Progress Report on the Candidacy Status of CCNM to the CNME (U.S. Department of Education) 1996

Ross CP et al, Self-study Report for Accreditation of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (Submission to the Council of Naturopathic Medical Education a branch division of the U.S. Department of Education. 1995. Volume and appendices 1,132 pages.

Ross CP, Morrow S. Q fever: An Issue in Occupational Health and Safety? An overview of the methods of control and effects of Coxiella burnetii on the human host. Journal of the Royal Society of Health . June 1994

Ross CP. Vitamin B6 and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-A report of a case. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Vol 9, No.1, 1994:49-50.

Ross CP, Persaud TVN. Craniofacial and limb development in early rat embryos following in utero exposure to alcohol land caffeine. Anatomischer Anzeiger Vol. 170, No. 1, 1990:9-14.

Ross CP, Persaud TVN. Neural tube defects in early rat embryos following maternal treatment with ethanol and Caffeine. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Vol.169, No. 4, 1989:247-252.

Ross CP, Persaud TVN. Cardiovascular primordium of the rat embryo following in utero exposure to alcohol and Caffeine. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Vol 2, No.3, 1986: 160-163.

Ross CP, Persaud TVN. Early embryonic development in the rat following in utero exposure to alcohol and caffeine. Histology and Histopathology. Vol.1, No.1, 1986: 13-17.

Ross CP, Persaud TVN. Early embryonic development in the rat following in utero exposure to alcohol and caffeine. The Anatomical Record. Vol .214, No. 3, 1986.


Canadian Health Food Association, Primer of Basic Health Sciences for its Operators, 1997-2000.

The Botanical Pharmacy, Heather Boon and Michael Smith, Quarry Press, 1997-1999.

Public Health for HIV in India. Ed Mills, Delhi, B. Jain Publishers, 2000

Herbs to Homeopathy. Michael Smith, Pearson Canada, 2000.

Canadian Health Food Association Manual of Basic Science, Homeopathy, Herbology, Chemistry and Ethics. Produced through CCNM Press. 2000.

Dissection of Vertebrates,


Mills EJ, Ross CP, Koren G. (Edited Volume) Risk Profiles of Herbal Medicines in Pregnancy and Lactation. Elsevier Publishers 2004.

Ross CP, Romaine D, Dewitt D. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Healing Back Pain for Canadians. Prentice –Hall,Pearson . Toronto, 2001.


Canadian College of Health Care Executives (CCHSE): Paper Awards Committee (2007-2011)

Hospital News, Canada’s Health-Care Newspaper: Editorial Advisory Board 2005-present

International editorial advisor to Wellness Options. 1999-2006.

Supervisor, Mr. Ed Mills, MSc thesis in Evidence –Based Health Care, Oxford University, 2002-2003

External Advisor to project of Cervical spine manipulation, Dr Alan Dolovich , University of Saskatchewan, 2002.


Fellowship in Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), Scotland 2019.

Bethune Medical Development Association of Canada, Member Laureate, 2018. Toronto, Canada

Fellowship in the Royal Society of Public Health, London, England. 2015.

Anatomical Science Medal, UK, 2014

Cambridge University biographical silver medal for service in Public Health, Cambridge, UK. 2001.

University of Oxford, Delegacy examination award, Strategic Management, Oxford, UK, 2000.

Dr. Earl Homewood Research Award, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, 1987.

Dr. Earl Homewood Research Award, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, 1986.

Anatomeisher Anzeiger Research Award, Germany, 1985.

Anatomical Research Scholars Award, Faculty of Human Anatomy, University of Manitoba, 1985.

Anatomical Research Scholars Award, Faculty of Human Anatomy, University of Manitoba, 1984.

James Stewart Scholarship, Faculty of Science, University of Manitoba, 1979

Bertha Plotkin Academic Achievement Scholarship, Faculty of Arts, University of Manitoba, 1978.


Ross CP. Eldercare Curriculum and Industry Sponsorship, Chanzhou Medical Hygiene College, Chanzhou, China, Dec 2018.

Ross CP. To Dissect, Prosect or to Game. Beijing 8th Military Hospital, Beijing, China Dec 2018.

Ross CP. Early Childhood Education seminar: The development of the Childs Brain, Suzhou, China, Dec 2018.

Ross CP. The Role of Simulation in Education, Shanghai Urban Construction University, Shanghai, China, Nov 2018.

Ross CP. Special Lecture: A History of Manipulation Through the Ages, Chongching Medical University, Chongching, China, Dec 2017.

Ross CP. Modernizing Curriculum in an age of advancing technologies, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China, Dec 2017.

Ross CP. Building A Senior Care Agenda in China. Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin, China. Nov 2017.

Ross CP. The Role of the Personal Support Worker and their relationship to the Nurse, Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin, China, Nov 2017.

Ross CP. Social Determinants of Health and the Importance of a Head Start for Young Children, Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park Centre, Suzhou, China. Nov 2017.

Ross CP. Modern Educational Models, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, Ontario, May, 2017.

Ross CP. Formulating Academic Partnerships and Articulation Agreements, Chinese Business Council Group, Toronto, Ontario, April 2017.

Ross CP. Developing Alternative Career Pathways in Health Sciences, Sigmund Samuel Library, University of Toronto, March 2017.

Ross CP. Education: The Future is Now, Society of Health Care Practitioners, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Chapter Group, Toronto, Ontario , January, 2017.

Ross CP. The Changing Demographic in China: The Rise of the Elderly, Garden Senior Home, Suzhou, China, December, 2016

Ross CP. Collaborating Across the Globe: Demand for Skilled Health Practitioners for Seniors, Xiamen, China, November 2016.

Ross CP. The Balance between Personal Support Worker and Nurse, Suzhou General Hospital, Suzhou, China, November, 2016.

Ross CP. George Brown College: The Division of Community Services and Health Sciences, Hanzhou, China, November, 2016.

Ross CP. Medical Terminology: What’s In A Name, Toronto Central Care Access Centre, Toronto, Ontario, November, 2016.

Ross CP. Educational Paradigm Lost, Paradigm Regained: Canadian College of Health Service Executives, Toronto Chapter, Toronto, Ontario, October,2016.

Ross CP. Health Human Resource Training, Li Ka Shing Institute, St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, January, 2016.

Ross CP. Building a Legacy Through an Articulation Agreement (ECE Lab School), Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park Lecture, Suzhou, China. November 2015.

Ross CP. Opportunities Between George Brown College and Suzhou Municipal Hospital, China November 2015.

Ross CP. Testing and Assessment. Deans Breakfast. George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. October, 2015.

Ross CP. NEAL (New Emerging Academic Leaders) educational conference , Topic: Leadership and Career Trajectory , Li Ka Shing Institute, St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, September 2015.

Ross CP. Retention Strategies for Post Secondary Education. Deans Breakfast. George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. March 2015.

Ross CP. Research and Scholarly Activity: Boyers Model for the Future, Divisional Meeting, George Brown College, January, 2015

Ross CP. A New Paradigm: Educational Colloquia. Deans Breakfast. George Brown College,Toronto, Ontario. November 2014.

Ross CP. Community Services and Health Sciences Divisional Meeting: focused Growth and Budgeting, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. May 2014.

Ross CP. Community Services and Health Sciences Divisional Meeting: Succession Planning, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. November 2013.

Ross CP. Community Services and Health Sciences Divisional Meeting: Building the Research Agenda, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. April, 2013.

Ross CP. Leadership Conference: A Paradigm Shift in Education:Ontario Hospital Association, Toronto, Ontario, January 2013.

Ross CP. Interprofessional Curriculum and Medical Terminology, Toronto Central CCAC, Toronto, Ontario, November 2012.

Ross CP. The Pathological Basis of Disease: Rheumatology primer, Grand Rounds Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2012.

Ross CP. Community Services and Health Sciences Divisional Meeting: Program Invest vs Divesture, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. May 2012.

Ross CP. Community Services and Health Sciences Divisional Meeting: What’s the Meaning of the Dual Professional, George Brown College, Toronto,Ontario. April, 2012.

Ross CP. Public Health and the Social Determinants of Health, Medical Student Association, University of Toronto, March 2011.

Ross CP. Community Services and Health Sciences Divisional Meeting: Strategic Partnerships, George Brown College,Toronto, Ontario. February 2011.

Ross CP. Senior Management Committee Meeting, CSHS Portfolio Analysis, George Brown College,Toronto, Ontario. October 2010.

Ross CP. Senior Management Committee Meeting, CSHS Portfolio Analysis, George Brown College,Toronto, Ontario. October 2010.

Ross CP. IPE and IPC: Bridging the Divide, University of Toronto Faculty Club, Toronto, Ontario, September 2010.

Ross CP, Davidson D. Innovation at George Brown College, Helix Conference on Innovation, Toronto, Ontario, August 2009.

Ross CP. Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillofacial Structures, Grand Rounds, Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 2000.

Ross CP, Karim R. Interprofessional health promotion field placement: Applied learning through the collaborative practice of health promotion. IPE national Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. May, 2009.

Ross CP. Paradigm lost/ Paradigm regained: Wellness Culture, Health Achieve CCHSE local chapter seminar, Toronto, Ontario, November 2009.

Ross CP. Wellness at Work, Senior Management committee, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, March 2008.

Ross CP. Basic Medical Sciences and its application to Clinical Medicine, CMCC Grand Rounds, Toronto, Ontario, January 2008.

Ross CP, Dimerman J. Scoliosis Screening and Prevention, Wightman-Berris Academy educational forum, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, September 2007.

Ross CP. Wellness Model for the Hospital System, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, September 2007.

Ross CP. Attendance Management Programming, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, June, 2007.

Ross CP. Registered Health Plan: its implications for the future, CIBC Managers Professional Series, Toronto, Ontario, June 2007.

Ross CP. Registered Health Plan: its implications for the future, CIBC Managers Professional Series, Toronto, Ontario, June 2007.

Ross CP. Pillars of Health: National Quality Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, May, 2007.

Ross CP. The Use of OSCE’s in Training Health Care Providers, Bastyr University, Bothell, Washington, May 2007.

Ross CP. Health Risk Assessment, Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, March 2007.

Ross CP. Chiropractic versus Osteopathy: Whats the Difference? National Health Congress, Baden- Baden, Germany, February 2006.

Ross CP. Developing a Culture of Research at a Naturopathic College. World Health Organization Conference. Brussels, Belgium. January 2006

Ross CP. Passport to Health-Destination Wellness, Senior Management, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, September 2006.

Ross CP. What Mentoring is All About, Senior Management, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, August, 2005.

Ross CP, Mills EJ. Clinical Trials in Complementary Medicine, Ontario Hospital Association, Toronto, Ontario, June 2005.

Ross CP. The Time has Come: Are You Ready Doctor? North York General Hospital, Grand Rounds, North York, Ontario, March 2005.

Ross CP. Saranchuk R. Measures of Quality in Healthcare Education, OISE conference, Toronto, Ontario, January 2005.

Ross CP. Health Education of the Future, Society of Public Health, London, England, August 2004.

Ross CP, Mills EJ. Research in Complementary Medicine, Natural Health Directorate, Ottawa, Canada. May 2004.

Wilson K, Mills EJ, Ross CP, Jadad A. MMR and Autism; a systematic review of the current evidence. Institute of Medicine, Washington DC. February 2004.

Mills EJ, Ross CP, Myers SP, Jadad A, Wilson K. A systematic review of the barriers and beliefs regarding childhood vaccinations. XI Cochrane Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain. October 2003.

Ross CP. The Pros and Cons of a Complementary Healthcare Delivery Service by way of the Internet. Grand Rounds, Dept of Internal Medicine, St. John’s Rehab Hospital, Toronto, 2003.

Ross CP. Spa Therapy and Golfing: A Powerful Combination: Golf Tee Up Systems International Inc. National Sales Convention, Toronto, Ontario 2003.

Mills EJ, Ross CP, Wilson K. MMR and Autism; The Evidence. 2nd National Scientific Conference. CANVAC. The Laurentians. March 2002

Ross CP. Naturopathic/Chiropractic /Allopathic Medicine; Health Management Systems. Keynote speaker, sponsored by Goldhart Investment Group Inc. Boca Raton, Florida. 2002.

Ross CP. The Creation of a Therapeutic Spa Facility at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah 2002.

Mills EJ, Ross CP, Raskin G. Characteristics of Patients Attending a Naturopathic Teaching Clinic. Presented at the 4th Joint National Conference on Quality in Health Care, The Canadian College of Health Service Executives, Toronto, February 14&15, 2002.

Ross CP. Neuroanatomical Structures and Clinical Implications. Elsevier lecture, Sunnybrook Hospital, Neurology Rounds, Toronto, Ontario, December 2001.

Ross CP. Opportunity Costs. Ontario Hospital Association, Division of Continuing Education. Toronto, 2001

Ross CP. The Role of the Herbal/Homeopathic/ Neutraceutical Internet Dispensary, The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference, Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. 2001.

Ross CP. The History of Spa Therapy and Alternative Medicine. Grand Rounds, Division of Continuing Education, Baycrest Hospital, Toronto, Sept 2001.

Ross CP. Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillofacial structures, Alpha Omega chapter lecture, Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 2000.

Ross CP. The Integrative Health Clinic. Dr. J. Dimerman Lecture Series on Integrative Medicine. May 2000.

Ross CP. The Role of Spa Therapy in the Rehabilitative Process, International Medicine Week, Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct 1999.

Ross CP. Spa Therapy in North America: a Historical Approach, National Convention of Complementary Care Therapists of Europe, Antwerp, Belgium 1999.

Ross CP, Saunders P. Complementary Medicine in the Mainstream. Insight info/Globe and Mail. Westin Harbour Castle. Toronto. Nov 1998.

Ross CP. Registered Health Savings Plan, Canadian Rehabilitation Associates. Toronto,

May 1997.

Ross CP. Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome: Report of a case. Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Grand Rounds Presentation. April 1997.

Ross CP. Sick Building Syndrome. Keynote speaker. Canadian Schizophrenic Association. Toronto, March 1997.

Ross CP. Ergonomics: The 21st Century. Department of Environmental Health Faculty Meeting. Ryerson Polytechnic University. Toronto, September 1996.

Ross CP. The Registered Health Plan. Ontario Family Physicians Coalition Conference. Toronto, April 1996.

Ross CP. Clinical Vignettes re: Osseous Manipulation. Bastyr University, Seattle Washington, January 1996.

Ross CP. The Art, Science and Philosophy of Spinal Manipulation Medicine. National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Grand Rounds. Portland, Oregon. December 1995.

Ross CP. Employment Health Screening Programs. Docap Industries, Etobicoke, Ontario. May 1995, Docap Industries, Etobicoke, Ontario.

Ross CP, Occupational Health Models. Docap Industries, Etobicoke, Ontario. April 1995.

Ross CP. Repetitive Strain Injuries. Grand Rounds. Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Toronto, January 1995

Ross CP. Spinal Pathology (Arthritides and Trauma). Canadian Council of Rehabilitation, Toronto, Ontario, Dec 1994

Ross CP. Lumbar Disc Pathology (A Radiological Approach). American Medical Writers’ Association Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1994.

Ross CP. Ergonomic Design “Design for the ’90’s”. The Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, August 1994.

Ross CP. Lumbar Spine Biomechanics “An uplifting experience”. Kit Kare Safety Associates, Toronto, Ontario, October 1993.

Ross CP. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Ergonomic Retraining). Docap Industries, Etobicoke, Ontario. December 1993.

Ross CP. Orthopedic and Neurological Primer. Canadian Rehabilitation Consultants, Toronto, Ontario, April 1993.

Ross CP. Ergonomic Retraining Design Program. Docap Industries, Etobicoke, Ontario, March 1992.

Ross CP. The Anatomical Basis of Low Back Pain. Physician Services, Toronto, Ontario, February 1991.

Ross CP. The Musculoskeletal System - Physiological Basics. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg November 1989.

Ross CP. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Internal Medicine Group, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 1989.

Ross, CP. The Neuropathology of Spinal Cord Injuries. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 1988.

Ross CP. Working Disability Due to Occupational Back Pain, Dept. of Health Science, Red River Community College. Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 1987.

Ross CP. Disc Herniations of the Cervical Spine. Dept. of Health Science, Red River Community College, Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 1987.

Ross CP. Early Embryonic Development in the Rat Following In Utero Exposure to Alcohol and Caffeine. 99th Annual Meeting, American Association of Anatomists, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. April 1986.

Ross CP. Clinical Anatomy of the Maxillofacial structures, Grand Rounds, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. March 1986.

Ross CP. LeFort Fractures of the Mid Face and Skull, Trauma Section, Winnipeg General Hospital,,Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 1986.

Ross CP. Clinical Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus, Neurosurgery Departmental Rounds, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. January 1986.

Ross CP. Embryology of the Face and Brain, Educational Seminar, Dept of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. June, September 1986.

Ross CP. Models of Teratogenicity. Dept. of Health Science, Red River Community College, Winnipeg, Manitoba. August 1985.

Ross CP. Teratological Basis of Disease. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 1985.

Ross CP. Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on Rat Embryogenesis. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. May 1985.

Ross CP. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba. December 1984.

Ross CP. Prenatal Ethanol Exposure in Rats and Teratogenic Effects. Dept. of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of North Dakota, USA, June 1984.

Ross CP. Periods of Organogenesis and Teratogenic Exposures. Dept. of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of North Dakota, USA, June 1984.

Ross CP. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - A Report of a Case. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 1984.

Ross CP. Openings of Cranial Base. Dept.of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 1984.

Ross CP. Structures of Deep Lateral Neck Triangle. Dept.of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 1984.

Ross CP. Subarachnoid Space and Ventricular System. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 1984.

Ross CP. Vessels and Nerves of Head and Neck. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, ,February 1984.

Ross CP. Sensory Innovation of the Face. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 1984.

Ross CP. Transverse Sections at Various Levels of the Spinal Cord. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 1984.

Ross CP. Nerves of Spinal Cord. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 1984.

Ross CP. Cranial Nerve Nuclei. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 1983.

Ross CP. Limbic System. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 1983.

Ross CP. Viscerocranium and Meninges. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 1983.

Ross CP. Intracranial Vessels/Cerebral Arterial Circle. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 1983.