(Miscellaneous Materials)

People: The links below take you to information that may or may not be directly relevant to this particular course. I am providing you these links with the hope that you may still end up learning something useful.

[[]] Links to external web sites with information that may be of relevance to course material covered in this class.

[[]] Study Guides and Strategies (effective study habits, taking notes, overcoming test anxiety, writing research papers, test-taking tips, etc.)

[[]] Khan Academy (free video tutorials on math, science, economics, finance, etc.)

[[]] Race/racism in the News

[[]] Understanding Financial Aid (and avoiding lifelong debt)

[[]] Articles on Health

[[]] Choosing safe consumer products

[[]] Sleep and Sleeplessness

[[]] WolframAlpha (fact-based knowledge engine)

[[]] Food and Nutrition Information Center

[[]] Occupational Outlook Handbook (critically important information compiled by the U.S. government on almost any job career you can ever think of).


Procedural democracy-related links

[[]] How laws are made in the U.S.

[[]] Path to the Supreme Court (Chart)

[[]] U.S. Supreme Court Procedures

[[]] U.S. Supreme Court: Web site

[[]] The U.S. Judicial Process: The Federal Court System.

[[]] Legislation of the U.S. Congress (The Library of Congress Thomas web site)

[[]] Justice

[[]] Famous trials in history


More Links

An image that should bring a smile to your face (especially if you like to yawn without covering your mouth)

Appreciating the privilege of being in school

Appreciating the history behind your presence here

Charities I Like

Caine Prize (Read winning fiction from African writers)

Baltic Dry Index (the true measure of where the economy is heading)

MarketWatch (how to survive financially in a capitalist economy)

Khan Academy (absolutely free expert help for those taking courses in biology, calculus, math, physics, and so on)

On Food and Health

Torture: The Return to Barbarity

My childhood

On Money and College

Preparing for the LSAT

Socially Responsible Capitalism

Time versus money

The Habits of the Bourgeoisie (versus those of the proletariat)

On Sexual Harassment and Assault on College Campuses