PART E (AV Material: Audio)

Folks/Guys/People: the links that follow take you to some of the spoken word audio played (or to be played) in support of some of the themes/issues explored in this class. If the links don't work please let me know. (I have no control over the sites to which these links take you.) Enjoy!

Back to School (The Importance of Non-Cognitive Skills. NOTE: access the podcast, or its transcript, by following the link at the top of the PDF page when it comes up).

The Problem We All Live With (Segregated Schooling)

Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect on the Brain

Amy Chua's new book on culture and success (Achieving the American Dream: Agency versus Structure)

Behind the Scenes of a Secret Interrogation Camp (NAZI prisoners of war camps in the U.S.)

Rodney King (and Police Brutality) (NOTE: This assignment also requires you to access this news item here.)

Right to Remain Silent (On police misconduct and the threat to public safety)

Food: the meat industry

The Clean Water Act

The Dangers of Excessive Inequality

Food stamps (The answer to poverty?)

Wage theft in the U.S.

Mass Incarceration and the New "Jim Crow"

Prisons for Profit

(a) The illegal drug trade

(b) The illegal drug trade: Guns: Operation Fast and Furious

Gun-related violence and class warfare.

The Civil War, African Americans, and U.S. history (NOTE: This assignment also requires you to access this news item here.)

Ireland's Great Hunger

Mohawks and Skywalking

Tax-breaks for Big Business

Christ in Context (the real Jesus)

Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II

House Rules (Residential Segregation; Where You Live Matters)

America in Black and White: Segregation

Nelson Mandela: NPR Audio History (1918-2013)

The Strange Case of a Black French Anti-Semite (A Black Racist in France)

Humor and Solace in Muslim-America with Maz Jobrani

College Fraternities (Race, Class, Gender, and College Fraternities)

Making Our Workplaces Work for Everyone (Note: in addition to listening to this audio on work/life balance and gender roles you must also read and digest reading no. G6 of online course materials.)

The Making of Asian America: A History: How Asian-Americans Have Redefined What It Means To Be American (Author Interview)

Can Rap Incite Crime? (Targeting the Chinese)

U.S. Exports Migrant Policy To Mexico (On Child Refugees from South America)

How the National Museum of African American History and Culture Became a Reality

The Supreme Court at Large in an Election Year

'Marshmallow test' updated by its inventor