Welcome to

Home Malting

The idea of our project is to create a device to take raw barley and turn it into a dried and ready to use base malt. While brainstorming the idea we knew that we only had a $500 budget, had to have food safe parts, and had to be able to fit the project on a table top in order to malt ten pounds of barley. When creating the malting machine we used food safe plastic for the barrels. We had filters on our hose pumps and also only used clean water for each cycle in the barrel. Any metal that had the possibility of touching the seeds were stainless steel so that there was no corrosion. Once set up the barley will be soaked in the water for several cycles to begin germination. Then the water is drained and hot hair is pumped through a duct to dry the seeds, leaving the finished product.

Team Members

Robin Swoveland

Nick Wideman

David Cline

Kimberly Stehno



Special Thanks

Dr. Sue Nokes

Dr. Mick Peterson

Dr. Jennifer Lovely

University of Kentucky

Dr. Czarena Crofcheck

Dr. Joseph Dvorak