The increasing complexity of building regulations, construction products regulations and the Building Control (Amendment) regulations make it critical for all in the residential construction sector to have an in-depth understanding of the relevant legislation and practical compliance requirements. The 8th edition of the manual containing more than 1,000 drawings and charts, and colour photographs from foundation to completion, has been updated to reflect recent revisions to the building regulations, building control regulations, construction products regulations, European and Irish standards, and construction industry guidance, including changes and updates to Technical Guidance Documents A-M and, in particular, Part D Materials & Workmanship, Part B Fire Safety and Part L Conservation of Fuel & Energy and Mechanical & Electrical Services.

This author feels that this edition will inadvertently encourage non-compliant construction. It may also increase the risk of claims against Homebond insurance itself. If the manual is intended to be used by those seeking related insurance, and is promoted as up-to-date and reliable and yet is not, it surely becomes a risk to its authors.

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To ensure that the performance gap between required standards and the reality on Irish building sites that has been such a feature of the Boom starts narrowing, instead of widening further, we suggest this manual is either withdrawn and extensively revised, or the industry turns to new, more relevant, sources of guidance and training. e24fc04721

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