The term was coined by author Alissa Quart, who used the term in her review of the film Happy Endings (2005) for the film journal Film Comment in 2005.[2] Film critic Roger Ebert popularized the term when reviewing the film Syriana in 2005.[3] These films are not hypermedia and do not have actual hyperlinks, but are multilinear in a more metaphorical sense.

And as a little addition, toys being magic/alive link the Barbie and LEGO movies as well, forming a triangle of connection and proving that Buddy the Elf is both the CEO in Barbie and the father in the LEGO Movie.

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Currently, you can only use select partners to play shows and movies on Nest displays or TVs using speakers or displays. However, you can play YouTube videos on TVs using Google Nest or Home speakers or displays.

The study, which appears in the current online edition and the March 2010 print edition of the journal Pediatrics, shows that most of the "brand placements" for food, beverage, and food-retail establishments that movies frequently portray also promote energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods or product lines. The study also shows for the first time that product placements in movies may be a far more potent source of advertising to children in terms of food choices than previously understood.

"The current situation in the United States is very serious in terms of the health of our children," says lead author Lisa Sutherland, Ph.D., a research professor of pediatrics at DMS, "We have to look seriously at all of the factors that may be contributing to it, including the impact of product placements in movies."

"While the issue of food advertising and its effect on children has been well-documented in numerous studies," Sutherland says, "comparatively little is known about product placement in movies and how it affects the food and beverage preferences and choices of children and adolescents."

The study cites with particular concern the number of product-placements of food and beverages in the kinds of comedies, PG-rated, and PG-13-rated movies that studios gear specifically to older children and teenagers - at the age where they are gaining independence in choice of food. Although the impact of this type of advertising on children remains less than fully known, it provides a likely avenue by which to build brand loyalty and product preference as well as influence eating patterns.

In addition, the study's authors say that a number of studies to date that focused on other health-related behaviors, including alcohol and tobacco use, showed that movies contain frequent portrayals of these risk behaviors and often include brand appearances of the products. They say it is well established that children who view these risk behaviors in movies are more likely to engage in the behavior themselves.

"This is an area of study which clearly requires more research," says Sutherland, one of the team of advisors which, in 2006, helped to develop the Guiding Stars program that supermarkets use to help shoppers better identify the nutritional values of food products. "At a time in their development where children and adolescents are very susceptible to outside influences, we have to carefully examine the influence of all the factors that are combining to create what may end up being lifelong habits around food and lifestyle choices. Certainly, food-product placement in movies is one of many factors, but it is one that may be far more influential than previously realized and perhaps the least well understood."

The links below are for one of the leading 7th Grade Science Textbooks and one of the leading High School Chemistry Textbooks. The Total score is the sum of the Wow!factor for great actors, amazing dialog, etc. and Utility score for whether teachers thought they could use my explanations to teach these topic in their classroom. The clips below emerged from an analysis of about 50 movie clips and explanations that were rated for Wow! and Utility scores using 1 for low and 5 for high. Average scores for most movie clips and explanations are 2.8-3.2.

looked at your comment tried crew as TBH stopped using crew month ago Scrubs is the best addon IMO ,so as sais tried vikings in crew just to see no links whats so ever and when you do get one its always EPLAYVID which is a good stream but , ppl think that Vikings is from history channel ,which its not history took all the nude scenes out so the ppl is US can watch also cut every ep to 44 mins there is lots missing if watched from history channel it shaw production made Vikings sold some rights so for me i only use scrubs been doing so for long time now only addon i use best there is

The point of this theory is to have fun and exercise your imagination while simultaneously finding interesting connections between these fantastic movies. The trick is not take any of it too seriously. If you would like to experience a shorter version of this theory, check out the visualized Pixar Theory Timeline.

There are two progressions: the progression of the animals and the progression of artificial intelligence. The events of the following movies set up a power struggle between humans, animals, and machines.

[A lot of people have brought up how easter eggs are scattered throughout all the Pixar movies. I barely scratch the surface, but a great theory offered by some that I support is that these easter eggs are planted by Boo either intentionally or accidentally as she travels through time to find Sully. Some support for that is the fact that every easter egg in Brave lies in her workshop.]

In what follows, 22 movies are named; a complete list of over 70 films, sorted by type, can be downloaded with the link at the end of this piece. The embedded links lead to webpages with options for online streaming or ways to purchase titles on discs.

The third, biggest, and still ongoing wave of cli-fi movies began with the release of The Day After Tomorrow in 2004, three years after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its third assessment reports. In the 16 years since, filmmakers produced more than 60 films and experimented with another three genres.

Disaster movies, apocalypses, and dystopias make up half of all cli-fi movies. Whereas disaster movies mislead by suggesting that life can return to normal, apocalypses and dystopias mislead by returning life to the struggle against nature. Seemingly unable to imagine how humans might solve the human-caused problem of climate change, filmmakers resort to re-telling old stories they already know. But if done well, these can fill a night at home alone.

As we make the transition into the Halloween season, scary movies are all around us. New thrillers come to the movie theaters, and major television networks run horror films around the clock. While this may be a celebrated time of year for many, for those who live with anxiety, Halloween movies may not be a favorite pastime. So, can watching scary movies cause anxiety? Learn the answer below.

A 2019 report in Frontiers in Psychology explored decades of research on the topic of the psychological response to horror films. According to the report, a study in the late 1980s revealed that about half of women and a quarter of men had lasting fear after watching horror movies. Common anxiety symptoms included nervousness, sleep disturbances, and eating problems.

Many people enjoy scary movies without any lasting negative reactions. They may have symptoms of fear and anxiety during the movie, but people who enjoy horror films are seeking these very thrills. Watching scary films can be thrilling, because it results in physiological arousal, as evidenced by elevated heart rate readings and changes in pulse among people who watch these films.

MovieLens 25M movie ratings. Stable benchmark dataset. 25 million ratings and one million tag applications applied to 62,000 movies by 162,000 users. Includes tag genome data with 15 million relevance scores across 1,129 tags. Released 12/2019

10.5 million computed tag-movie relevance scores from a pool of 1,084 tags applied to 9,734 movies. Released 12/2021. This dataset also contains input necessary to generate the tag genome using both the original process (Vig et al. 2012) and a more recent improvement (Kotkov et al. 2021)

These datasets will change over time, and are not appropriate for reporting research results. We will keep the download links stable for automated downloads. We will not archive or make available previously released versions.

MovieLens 20M movie ratings. Stable benchmark dataset. 20 million ratings and 465,000 tag applications applied to 27,000 movies by 138,000 users. Includes tag genome data with 12 million relevance scores across 1,100 tags. Released 4/2015; updated 10/2016 to update links.csv and add tag genome data.

Now, eligible purchases made through MOVIES ANYWHERE count toward your Movie Buff Pass. Just buy eligible digital movies or enter your digital code found on disc inserts for 5 eligible movies through MOVIES ANYWHERE.

Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother. She lives with her husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found dominating the audio round at her local bar trivia night or tweeting about movies.

"How desperate?" you ask with delight. This movie doesn't take place in the Disney-owned Marvel Cinematic Universe, since Sony only owns movie rights to Spider-Man and characters who originated in Spidey comics (like Morbius and Venom). Disney has been allowed to use some of them in its MCU movies through a special deal with Sony that allows Tom Holland's Spider-Man to show up alongside the Avengers. e24fc04721

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