What is satellite TV?

Satellite TV is a huge, steady, solid, and reliable satellite network that provides TV services using satellite to customers regardless their geographical position.

Why You Should Switch to Satellite?

Something huge is coming. Regarding technology advancements 4K technology is ready to redefine the landscape, demolishing everything you think you know about great TV picture quality (HD if you know what we are talking about). With four times the number of pixels of full HD, it promises definition and clarity like you’ve never seen before – which means a viewing experience so immersive, you’ll feel like you’re front row at a music concert (bonus: no annoying crowds) or on field with your favorite sports stars (bonus: you won’t get in their way).

Your key to all this 4K fantastic-ness is ensuring you have a satellite connection to Foxtel from your 4K-compatible TV. Don’t worry, you won’t be left scratching your head as you fumble with cables and settings, trying to bring Foxtel’s 4K to your screen – we’ve made it simple to reap the benefits of this amazing next wave in television with Foxtel’s iQ4.

Sounds amazing, right? If you want to know more about satellite, read on.

What company is servicing Satellite TV service?

In Australia, Foxtel is our friend! Foxtel is investing time and money creating new and exciting improvements for us to be delighted of having the latest and the most reliable TV technology at home! So, Foxtel basically is the only one who will be there, next to you to offer and cover all your requests in order to bring you to the present, and get you ready for the future in terms of TV technologies.

Where is Home Sweet Comms in the SAT TV equation?

We in Home Sweet Comms are completely trained, experienced, and willing to solve any question or issue in regards to Foxtel cabling. We can help you out to run cables for you to have your house ready for Foxtel (if no one has been able to do it)!