aerial antennas

What is an aerial antenna?

An aerial antenna is used in every single home around the world to have access to local channels. Here in Adelaide an aerial (as well known as Free-to-air antenna or FTA) is installed on the roofs to supply access to local TV channels.

Who can install an Aerial or FTA antenna in Adelaide?

Installing an aerial antenna is simple to be honest and it could be done by anyone! However, we recommend always to contact technicians who have the correct equipment and more importantly , expertise and confidence doing it. We need to scope different procedures such as where to install a wall plate, how to run cables to service your TVs, how to install a mount properly, how to installing and point the antenna adequately, and a few things more. That's why here we are for you! We own special equipment and tools to complete a task like this one in a professional and timely manner.

What type of aerial antenna should you use?

Sometimes it could be overwhelming when trying to pick up which antenna to use in your place. There are different brands, technologies, sizes and colors to pick up from, and Adelaide is an immense land that will tangle you up when picking an antenna from a shelve. We do know which aerial antenna you need: an antenna that works! There is no need to make situations harder, let's do it easy, leave it to us and relax!

What type of aerial antenna mount do we use?

There are different options available in the market. These mounts are used differently depending on the material your roof is made of. Colorbond, clip lock, or tile roofs are completely workable for us! There are different masts that cover our needs in order to have an aerial antenna properly installed and tuned up!

What type of cable does a FTA antenna use?

Coaxial cable is the one we use to service your TVs with terrestrial FTA signal. This coaxial cable is reliable, strong and safe! It doesn't matter if it's winter or summer, at day or night, this triple shield RG6 cable is reliable enough for you to have the confidence your service will not stop working at all because of a cable issue.

How can I get more television points around the house?

If you need to have different outlets ready for you to set up your TVs to watch terrestrial channels, we need to run new cabling for each point, put a new wall plate on the wall, connect the a cable to your TV, and finally perform a FTA channels scan! Easy peasy!

Get to know some of our work!

A bit of this job: A customer had a request to add a FTA wall plate to one of her rooms. After running safely and properly the cable, a splitter was found in the next conditions:


Aerial splitter.

4-way splitter - improper termination, causing loss of signal due to internal cable short circuits.


4-way + 2-way splitter.

Termination was done properly with new and good quality connectors, placing the devices in a safe and visible area, as well as tightening as per the normative requests.

F Connector before!

F Connectors after!

aerial antenna before!

aerial antenna after!