
A message from Mr. Riley:


I have been working hard with your students as we adjust to this whole new way of learning. Of course, it's not really new...just modified! I am still having the same conversations I would have with them every day, the same lessons are being assigned and taught, and we are currently meeting as a class twice a week. We are just doing it remotely, through emails and Zoom conferences. I am quite certain I have never spent this much time in front of a computer screen!! There is a real opportunity here; I am convinced of it. But this is also a new arrangement between you and your student's teachers.

As it relates to science, I am adjusting slightly downward the amount of assignments as we move forward; looking for a good balance between pace of learning, the material I am planning to cover, and your students adjustment time to this new reality. I intend to not sacrifice pace (too much!) and still hope to cover several more Topics. The assignments I am giving them are currently all from the Pearson Realize curriculum, can all be found on line, and average less than 1/2 hour for each. I would ask that you check with them frequently to see how they are keeping up. I asked the other day how they were doing. One 8th grader insisted that it seems like "we have a lot more homework, but of course that's because we are doing all our work at home!" I have been seeing your kids for 4 days a week since August. Now I am seeing them twice a week, but still talking to them everyday. I need your help! Gentle nudges, stern admonishments, or a system of rewards may all work in some form or fashion. I have begun placing graded work on Google Classroom so the kids can see their progress. I will let them know that all the assignments have a point at which they will become a zero. Please stay on them!!

I miss your kids! I am an emotional human being who connects quickly to people I meet. I have connected to your kids! I will continue to do the best I can to facilitate their learning. Together we can turn this into a positive! Please know that I am an email away; ready, willing and able to advance their love of science. We are in this together!!
